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Volume 86, Issue 5 / 2011
English Article   Japanese Article
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Kenji MATSUMOTO1, Tomomi TATSUMI1, Kazuyo ARIMA1, Shinichi KODA1, Hideki YOSHIDA1, Noriko KAMIYA2, Akira SHIMOUCHI3
Kekkaku 86(5): 487-491, 2011.

Japanese Article EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF PATIENTS WITH EXTRA-PULMONARY TB - A Study of 10,082 Patients with Tuberculosis -
Takeo INOUE1, Haruki KOYASU2, Satoru HATTORI3
Kekkaku 86(5): 493-498, 2011.

Yoshiaki YAMAMOTO1, Yoichi HASEGAWA2, Kenji OGAWA1
Kekkaku 86(5): 499-507, 2011.

Harutaka OMURA1, Akira KAJIKI1, Nobuhiko NAGATA2, Yoshinari KITAHARA1, Kentarou WAKAMATSU1, Takahiro MINAMI1, Kazuhito TAGUCHI1, Katsuyuki KATAHIRA3
Kekkaku 86(5): 509-514, 2011.

Shiomi YOSHIDA1, Hajime SAITO3, Katsuhiro SUZUKI2
Kekkaku 86(5): 515-521, 2011.

Japanese Article Proposal about the medical care of drug-resistant tuberculosis
Kekkaku 86(5): 523-528, 2011.

Japanese Article About "a specific infection prevention guideline about tuberculosis"
渡辺彰, 坂谷光則
Kekkaku 86(5): 529-545, 2011.

Kozo MORIMOTO1, Kazuro IWAI2, Masako OHMORI2, Masao OKUMURA1, Takashi YOSHIYAMA1, Kouzou YOSHIMORI1, Hideo OGATA1, Atsuyuki KURASHIMA1, Shoji KUDOH1
Kekkaku 86(5): 547-552, 2011.

Japanese Article TUBERCULOSIS ANNUAL REPORT 2009 - Series 3. Childhood TB -
Tuberculosis Surveillance Center, RIT, JATA
Kekkaku 86(5): 553-556, 2011.

Japanese Article 1. One case of the pleura tuberculoma which developed during pulmonary tuberculosis treatment relief
岡本裕子, 望月吉郎, 中原保治, 河村哲治, 佐々木信, 守本明枝, 水守康之, 塚本宏壮, 真弓哲一郎, 宮川倫子, 田畑寿子, 渡部悦子, 横山俊秀, 三村一行, 勝田倫子, 鏡亮吾, 大西康貴
Kekkaku 86(5): 557-557, 2011.

Japanese Article 2. One case of the Leber hereditary optic neuropathy that occurred after the pulmonary tuberculosis treatment
張孝徳, 瀬戸瑠里子, 小林裕介, 酒井茂樹, 中村敬哉, 江村正仁*, 金光禎寛**
Kekkaku 86(5): 557-557, 2011.

Japanese Article 3. One case of the cervical spine Caries complicated for tuberculosis of cervical lymph node
金田俊彦*,1), 木田陽子1), 金子正博1), 藤井宏1), 冨岡洋海1), 西口滋*
Kekkaku 86(5): 557-557, 2011.

Japanese Article 4. Two cases of the bronchial tuberculosis in our hospital
白石訓, 高木彩佳, 洲鎌芳美, 川口俊
Kekkaku 86(5): 557-557, 2011.

Japanese Article 5. The Crohn's disease case that developed tuberculosis of cervical lymph node in the infliximab administration in spite of latent tuberculosis treatment by the INH
池上達義, 多木誠人, 村瀬博紀, 古家聖子, 杉尾裕美, 中川淳, 古田健二郎, 森田恭平, 杉田孝和, 堀川禎夫, 西山秀樹*, 谷口洋平**
Kekkaku 86(5): 557-557, 2011.

Japanese Article 6. The current situation of the examination for QFT in the contacts medical examination in Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi
藤山理世1),*, 水尻節子*, 白井千香*, 樋口純子*, 河上靖登*, 岩本朋忠2)
Kekkaku 86(5): 557-557, 2011.

Japanese Article 7. Two cases of the pulmonary tuberculosis that presented isolated multiple nodular shadow of both lung field
立川良, 松本健, 門田和也, 竹下純平, 田中広祐, 永田一真, 南條成輝, 大塚今日子, 大塚浩二郎, 林三千雄, 富井啓介
Kekkaku 86(5): 557-557, 2011.

Japanese Article 8. Differentiation with Mycobacterium abscessus and closely related bacteria Mycobacterium massiliense and Mycobacterium bolletti
吉田志緒美, 露口一成, 岡田全司*, 鈴木克洋, 林清二**, 冨田元久***, 斎藤肇****
Kekkaku 86(5): 557-558, 2011.

Japanese Article 9. One case of the chronicity TB empyema with a history of the artificial pneumothorax treatment that was relieved with an antiphthisic drug once, but developed an empyema-related lymphoma
松永仁綜, 池田宗一郎, 玉舎学, 吉田修平, 坂東園子, 藤田一彦, 高須太三郎, 後藤功, 花房俊昭*, 米谷昇**
Kekkaku 86(5): 558-558, 2011.

Japanese Article 1. Efforts about the shift to an examination of interferon gamma measurement for the third generation tubercle bacillus infection diagnosis in Tokyo
向川純, 三宅啓文, 貞升健志, 中西好子
Kekkaku 86(5): 559-559, 2011.

Japanese Article 2. One case of the tuberculous pleurisy with the idiopathic CD4-positive T lymphocytes reducing symptom diagnosed by tuberculin test negative
柏田建, 時田心悟, 臼杵二郎
Kekkaku 86(5): 559-559, 2011.

Japanese Article 3. One case of the pulmonary tuberculosis that was negative in positive, PCR by expectoration Mycobacterium smear cultivate
齊藤均, 神宮亜希子, 楢戸律子, 松本亜紀, 榎本達治, 野村浩一郎*, 渋谷泰寛**
Kekkaku 86(5): 559-559, 2011.

Japanese Article 4. One case of the pulmonary tuberculosis who had AL amyloidosis
高柳晋, 水野里子, 永吉優, 藤川文子, 佐々木結花, 山岸文雄*, 北村博司**
Kekkaku 86(5): 559-559, 2011.

Japanese Article 5. Pulmonary M. which presented with diffuse shadow, and suffered from treatment One case of the kansasii symptom
藤原高智, 能美夫彌子, 大部幸, 小高ふみ, 越智淳一, 花田仁子, 田中理子, 市岡正彦
Kekkaku 86(5): 559-560, 2011.

Japanese Article 6. Early non-small cell lung cancer and M. One case that was complicated with kansasii infection, and combined surgical excision with treatment with antiphthisic drug, and was treated
瀬戸貴之1), 檜田直也1), 三角祐生1), 佐藤亮1), 岡本浩明1),*, 石井真理*, 加志崎史大*, 神谷一徳2), 吉津晃2)
Kekkaku 86(5): 560-560, 2011.

Japanese Article 7. One case of the infectious bleb due to Mycobacterium avium
倉田季代子, 貫井義久, 島田裕之, 斎藤弘明, 井上幸久, 岡安香, 小林亜紀子, 山崎啓一, 神靖人, 吉村信行
Kekkaku 86(5): 560-560, 2011.

Japanese Article 1. One patient whom phthisis pulmonum developed in in with a history of treatment of the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
逢坂理恵*, 南木伸基, 山地康文, 大塚寛昭**, 中村哲也***, 宮谷克也****
Kekkaku 86(5): 561-561, 2011.

Japanese Article 2. One case of the infection pulmonary tuberculosis in the family who had the onset for QFT negative three months later
玉置明彦, 西井研治, 三宅俊嗣, 柴山卓夫, 小谷剛士
Kekkaku 86(5): 561-562, 2011.

Japanese Article 3. Examination of the tuberculosis case detected after the hospitalization in the municipal hospital
丸川将臣, 米花有香, 久本晃子, 高田一郎
Kekkaku 86(5): 562-562, 2011.

Japanese Article 4. One patient who showed initial aggravation after the INH administration for the latent tuberculosis infection
小林賀奈子, 矢野修一, 門脇徹, 若林規良, 木村雅広, 石川成範, 池田敏和
Kekkaku 86(5): 562-562, 2011.

Japanese Article 5. One case of the miliary tuberculosis tubercle bacillus-positive by blood culture
町田久典, 篠原勉, 畠山暢生, 岡野義夫, 稲山真美, 細川恵美子, 阿部秀一, 大串文隆
Kekkaku 86(5): 562-562, 2011.

Japanese Article 6. One case that was regarded as disseminated BCG infection by the infusion in the BCG bladder
柏原宏美, 谷本安, 田端雅弘, 越智宣昭, 早稲田公一, 瀧川奈義夫, 木浦勝行, 谷本光音*, 三宅俊嗣, 西井研治**
Kekkaku 86(5): 562-563, 2011.

Japanese Article 7. One case of the miliary tuberculosis that a definitive diagnosis was obtained by liver biopsy
伊藤明広, 橋本徹, 福田泰, 渡邊直樹, 興梠陽平, 坪内和哉, 石田直
Kekkaku 86(5): 563-563, 2011.

Japanese Article 8. Clinical examination of the miliary tuberculosis case in our hospital
大月鷹彦, 秋田慎, 西野亮平, 中尾涼子, 山野上直樹, 宮崎こずえ, 山岡直樹, 倉岡敏彦
Kekkaku 86(5): 563-563, 2011.

Japanese Article 9. Simultaneous merger case of lung cancer and the active pulmonary tuberculosis
渊本康子, 園延尚子, 橘さやか, 藤井詩子, 塩尻正明, 井上考司, 中西徳彦, 森高智典
Kekkaku 86(5): 563-563, 2011.

Japanese Article 10. One case of drug-related pneumonia with Esanbtol
山本晃義, 林章人, 六車博昭
Kekkaku 86(5): 563-564, 2011.

Japanese Article 11. One case of the acini-related pulmonary tuberculosis who had the tuberculous pleurisy
山中隆夫, 石賀充典, 金澤聰, 高橋秀治, 濱田昇, 平野淳, 河田典子, 木村五郎, 多田敦彦, 宗田良
Kekkaku 86(5): 564-564, 2011.

Japanese Article 12. One case of the pulmonary tuberculosis that presented atypical image views against a backdrop of an emphysematous change
門脇徹, 矢野修一, 若林規良, 木村雅広, 小林賀奈子, 石川成範, 池田敏和
Kekkaku 86(5): 564-564, 2011.

Japanese Article 13. Mycobacterium shinjukuense sp. nov. Saito, Iwamoto, Ohkusu, et al. 2010 bacteriological properties
斎藤肇, 岩本朋忠, 大楠清文
Kekkaku 86(5): 564-564, 2011.

Japanese Article 14. Comparison of the antimicrobial activity of the kinds quinolone medicine for the experimental MAC infection
佐野千晶, 多田納豊, 冨岡治明*, 佐藤勝昌**, 清水利朗***
Kekkaku 86(5): 564-565, 2011.

Japanese Article 15. Examination about the chemosensitivity of isolates derived from patients with pulmonary MAC symptom
多田納豊, 佐野千晶, 安元剛, 冨岡治明*1, 清水利朗*2, 佐藤勝昌*3, 矢野修一*4, 竹山博泰*5, 西森敬*6, 松本智成*7
Kekkaku 86(5): 565-565, 2011.

Japanese Article 16. One case of the pulmonary Mycobacterium abscessus infection that combination therapy of Clarithromycin, Amikacin, Imipenem/cilastatin, Moxifloxacin was effective
仁木昌徳*, 西條敦郎, 後東久嗣, 木下勝弘, 東桃代, 多田浩也, 吾妻雅彦, 西岡安彦, 曽根三郎**, 本浄晃史***
Kekkaku 86(5): 565-565, 2011.

Japanese Article 17. One case of the pulmonary nontuberculous acidophilic bacterium symptom that the condition of a patient was controlled in lobectomy
濱田千鶴, 梶原浩太郎, 山子泰斗, 兼松貴則
Kekkaku 86(5): 565-565, 2011.

Japanese Article 18. One case of the disseminated nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease without the lung field lesion with suspected revival six years after after complete resection
植田聖也, 三好愛, 佐藤千賀, 渡邉彰, 市木拓, 阿部聖裕, 西村一孝
Kekkaku 86(5): 565-566, 2011.

Japanese Article 19. Pulmonary M. in our hospital Clinical examination of the kansasii symptom
阿部聖裕, 三好愛, 佐藤千賀, 渡邉彰, 植田聖也, 市木拓, 西村一孝
Kekkaku 86(5): 566-566, 2011.

Japanese Article 20. M. which was found in the young man who had congenital heart disease for an underlying disease One case of the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease (NTM symptom) that gordonae was regarded as a primary causative organism
福田泰, 橋本徹, 興梠陽平, 坪内和哉, 伊藤明広, 石田直
Kekkaku 86(5): 566-566, 2011.

Japanese Article 21. Develop in an elderly immune normal person, one of the dissemination type MAC symptom who had the hypersensitivity pneumonitis
多田光宏, 柳川崇, 酒井浩光*, 長崎真琴**
Kekkaku 86(5): 566-566, 2011.

Japanese Article 22. One case of the adrenal gland tuberculosis found for hyponatremia, disturbance of consciousness during a close inspection of the purulent spondylitis
永田拓也, 平生敦子, 大澤昌宏, 北村賢一, 荒木雅史, 多田慎也
Kekkaku 86(5): 566-566, 2011.

Japanese Article 23. A case of tuberculous bursitis diagnosed about 3 years after the onset of pulmonary tuberculosis
龍河敏行, 小西龍也, 高見大樹*, 倉井淳, 清水英治**
Kekkaku 86(5): 567-567, 2011.

Japanese Article 24. One case of the mediastinum lymph node tuberculosis that racked its brains about a diagnosis
東條加奈, 粟屋浩一, 河内礼子, 新田朋子, 池上靖彦, 山崎正弘, 有田健一*, 小副川敦, 石田照佳**
Kekkaku 86(5): 567-567, 2011.

Japanese Article 25. One case with suspected cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis complicated with thyroid cancer, cervical lymph node metastasis
伊東亮治, 豊澤亮, 加藤亜希, 三好誠吾, 濱口直彦, 片山均, 入船和典, 檜垣實男
Kekkaku 86(5): 567-567, 2011.

Japanese Article 26. 4 cases of tuberculosis that occurred during haemodialysis
藤井詩子, 中西徳彦, 森高智典, 井上考司, 塩尻正明, 渊本康子, 橘さやか, 園延尚子
Kekkaku 86(5): 567-567, 2011.

Japanese Article 27. One case of the lymph node tuberculosis dialyzing that we presented with intractable high blood pressure after RFP administration, and depression was obtained after the change in Rifabutin
土屋恭子, 山本恭通, 小阪真二
Kekkaku 86(5): 567-568, 2011.

Japanese Article 28. One case of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis that took 2 years before a definitive diagnosis
若林規良, 矢野修一, 小林賀奈子, 門脇徹, 木村雅広, 石川成範, 池田敏弘
Kekkaku 86(5): 568-568, 2011.

Japanese Article 1. 1 case of the miliary tuberculosis that presented ARDS-like lung field shadow
片桐佑, 橘知睦, 林克敏, 須田祐司, 進藤百合子, 飯島秀弥
Kekkaku 86(5): 569-569, 2011.

Japanese Article 2. One patient who complicated Pott's disease, an iliopsoas muscle abscess and a total iliac artery aneurysm during miliary tuberculosis treatment
矢満田慎介, 松村隆志, 佐藤ひかり, 花釜正和, 小林誠一, 矢内勝
Kekkaku 86(5): 569-569, 2011.

Japanese Article 3. Two cases of the tuberculosis of the larynx that needed tracheotomy
二階堂雄文, 大島謙吾, 峯村浩之, 福原敦朗, 佐藤俊, 横内浩, 金沢賢也, 谷野功典, 石田卓, 棟方充*, 野本幸男, 小林徹郎**, 鹿野真人***
Kekkaku 86(5): 569-569, 2011.

Japanese Article 4. M. where was treated Examination of the abscessus chest infection 3 case
平間紀行, 寺下京子
Kekkaku 86(5): 569-570, 2011.

Japanese Article 5. One case of the pulmonary tuberculosis that took 4 months or more until alleviation of fever though we provided standard chemotherapy (four-drug)
鈴木俊郎, 駒木裕一, 大内譲, 勝又宇一郎, 松本登
Kekkaku 86(5): 570-570, 2011.

Japanese Article 6. One case of the pulmonary tuberculosis merger alumina pneumoconiosis which we aggravated six years later though it was relieved at one time
滝口寛人, 松浦圭文, 原靖果, 天久康絢, 沼倉忠久, 堀江孝至, 太田保世*, 小田島肇**, 郡司真理子***, 森山寛史****
Kekkaku 86(5): 570-570, 2011.

Japanese Article 7. One case that became the miliary tuberculosis during the treatment of the malignant lymphoma
松村隆志, 花釜正和, 小林誠一, 佐藤ひかり, 矢満田慎介, 矢内勝*, 高川真徳**
Kekkaku 86(5): 570-570, 2011.

Japanese Article 8. One case of the pulmonary tuberculosis that presented an image of lobar pneumonia
三浦肇, 佐藤一洋, 中野真理子, 守田亮, 小高英達, 小坂俊光, 佐野正明, 渡邊博之, 伊藤宏*, 塩谷隆信**
Kekkaku 86(5): 570-571, 2011.

Japanese Article 9. One case that Mycobacterium avium complex was detected during internal use treatment of the phthisis pulmonum newly
伊藤亘, 竹田正秀, 糸賀正道, 茆原真実, 守時由起, 萱場広之, 茆原順一*, 鈴木直志, 佐々木英人**
Kekkaku 86(5): 571-571, 2011.