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Volume 90, Issue 2 / 2015
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Diversity of immune response and T-helper cells found in tuberculosis
Kekkaku 90(2): 105-105, 2015.

Japanese Article Why is tuberculosis of Japan not gone?
Kekkaku 90(2): 109-109, 2015.

Japanese Article ... which thinks about the future of tuberculosis medical care system - tuberculosis practice hospital toward the low spread state
Kekkaku 90(2): 110-110, 2015.

Japanese Article Surgical therapy of the Mycobacterium infection
Kekkaku 90(2): 111-111, 2015.

Japanese Article How should we confront the NTM symptom which continues increasing?
Kekkaku 90(2): 112-112, 2015.

Japanese Article A Mycobacterium infection and chronic pulmonary aspergillosis
Kekkaku 90(2): 115-115, 2015.

Japanese Article Look back on tuberculosis association 90 years; and ... past trace and fine-view ... to the future
Kekkaku 90(2): 119-119, 2015.

Japanese Article Of the infection tuberculosis measures in medical facilities, actually
Kekkaku 90(2): 123-123, 2015.

Japanese Article Mycobacterium treatment and paradoxical response
Kekkaku 90(2): 124-124, 2015.

Japanese Article Efforts ... in importance - Nishinari-ku, Osaka-shi of the health medical care in the tuberculosis control
Kekkaku 90(2): 125-125, 2015.

Japanese Article Can you overcome multidrug-resistant tuberculosis?
Kekkaku 90(2): 126-126, 2015.

Japanese Article Application to a summary and the clinical practice of the NTM practice manual
Kekkaku 90(2): 127-127, 2015.

Japanese Article How do you cope with the allergic side effect of antiphthisic drug?
Kekkaku 90(2): 128-128, 2015.

Japanese Article A Mycobacterium infection and chronic pulmonary aspergillosis
Kekkaku 90(2): 129-129, 2015.

Japanese Article A diagnosis and treatment of the Mycobacterium infection in the immune depression host
Kekkaku 90(2): 131-131, 2015.

Japanese Article The latest knowledge of nontuberculous Mycobacterium infection fundamental researches and future directionality
Kekkaku 90(2): 135-135, 2015.

Japanese Article SY1-1. Genetic examination - in MAC bacteria isolated from home bathroom of patients with examination - lungs MAC symptom and the patient of the infection route using the VNTR typing analytical method
多賀収1), 小川賢二2,3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 136-136, 2015.

Japanese Article SY1-2. Clinical application of the VNTR typing analytical method
Kekkaku 90(2): 137-137, 2015.

Japanese Article SY1-3. The genome analysis of the strain derived from patients with pulmonary MAC symptom and examination of the etiologic factor
Kekkaku 90(2): 138-138, 2015.

Japanese Article SY1-4. Examination of the host factor using animal models
石井幸雄, 松山政史
Kekkaku 90(2): 139-139, 2015.

Japanese Article SY1-5. Examination of the host factor about pulmonary MAC symptom using the human genetic analysis
土方美奈子, 松下育美, 慶長直人
Kekkaku 90(2): 140-140, 2015.

Japanese Article Clinical - clinical evidence - that it is demanded on the site of the nontuberculous Mycobacterium infection
Kekkaku 90(2): 141-141, 2015.

Japanese Article SY2-1. Epidemiology of the NTM
Kekkaku 90(2): 142-142, 2015.

Japanese Article SY2-2. Optimal treatment, duration of treatment, knowledge - of regimen - current situation
Kekkaku 90(2): 143-143, 2015.

Japanese Article SY2-3. Treatment introduction time judging from the current situation of the exacerbation of the treatment-free case
Kekkaku 90(2): 144-144, 2015.

Japanese Article SY2-4. A cause and measures of the clarithromycin-resistant pulmonary MAC symptom
Kekkaku 90(2): 145-145, 2015.

Japanese Article SY2-5. Can you predict the prognosis of the NTM?
林誠1), 高柳昇2), 杉田裕2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 146-146, 2015.

Japanese Article Control of tuberculosis as the hospital infection
Kekkaku 90(2): 147-147, 2015.

Japanese Article SY3-1. A delay and contacts medical examination of the diagnosis in the hospital
Kekkaku 90(2): 148-148, 2015.

Japanese Article SY3-2. Nosocomial infection measures in the university hospital with a tuberculosis bed
Kekkaku 90(2): 149-149, 2015.

Japanese Article SY3-3. Hospital infection measures of tuberculosis in the municipal hospital
Kekkaku 90(2): 150-150, 2015.

Japanese Article SY3-4. Tuberculosis measures in the Care health center for the elderly
Kekkaku 90(2): 151-151, 2015.

Japanese Article Clinical usefulness of IGRAs and interpretive problems
Kekkaku 90(2): 152-152, 2015.

Japanese Article SY4-1. Can you evaluate activity of tuberculosis?
Kekkaku 90(2): 153-153, 2015.

Japanese Article SY4-2. Utilization by correspondence and the contacts medical examination when we were positive
Kekkaku 90(2): 154-154, 2015.

Japanese Article SY4-3. False-negative, interpretation of the judgment reservation
Kekkaku 90(2): 155-155, 2015.

Japanese Article SY4-4. Should you use QFT and T-spot whichever? ... QFT and comparison ... of the T-spot
福島喜代康1), 金子祐子1), 江原尚美1), 中野令伊司1), 松竹豊司1), 久保亨1), 中村茂樹2), 石松祐二2), 河野茂3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 156-156, 2015.

Japanese Article A biological drug and Mycobacterium infection
Kekkaku 90(2): 157-157, 2015.

Japanese Article SY5-1. Why does an infection become common in a biological drug?
Kekkaku 90(2): 158-158, 2015.

Japanese Article SY5-2. A risk and the prevention of the tuberculosis concurrence
Kekkaku 90(2): 159-159, 2015.

Japanese Article SY5-3. About the treatment of the tuberculosis concurrence case and the readministration of the biological drug
Kekkaku 90(2): 160-160, 2015.

Japanese Article SY5-4. Does the non-tuberculosis acid-fast bacterium disease prohibit the use of organism preparation?
Kekkaku 90(2): 161-161, 2015.

Japanese Article The front line of the tuberculosis study
Kekkaku 90(2): 162-162, 2015.

Japanese Article SY6-1. Comparison at the genome level between the BCG substrain
関昌明1), 林大介2), 山本三郎2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 163-163, 2015.

Japanese Article SY6-2. Elucidation of the new etiologic factor of tuberculosis
瀬戸真太郎1), 小出幸夫2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 164-164, 2015.

Japanese Article SY6-3. Analysis of the differentiation regulatory mechanism of the cytotoxic memory T cell by the Th1 differentiation instruction peptide for the development of the new tuberculosis vaccine
田村敏生1), 下袴田陽子1,2), 牧野正彦1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 165-165, 2015.

Japanese Article SY6-4. Search of the new antiphthisic drug
Kekkaku 90(2): 166-166, 2015.

Japanese Article What is hoped for for tuberculosis education in the future
Kekkaku 90(2): 167-167, 2015.

Japanese Article SY7-1. Before graduation education for the medical student
Kekkaku 90(2): 168-168, 2015.

Japanese Article SY7-2. Postgraduate education for the young physician
Kekkaku 90(2): 169-169, 2015.

Japanese Article SY7-3. Education for the healthcare worker except the physician
山岸由佳1,2), 平井潤1,2), 三鴨廣繁1,2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 170-170, 2015.

Japanese Article SY7-4. Education to patients, a family
Kekkaku 90(2): 171-171, 2015.

Japanese Article Point to keep in mind of the tuberculosis practice under the complications presence
Kekkaku 90(2): 172-172, 2015.

Japanese Article SY8-1. HIV infection
Kekkaku 90(2): 173-173, 2015.

Japanese Article SY8-2. The liver disease merger patients and tuberculosis
Kekkaku 90(2): 174-174, 2015.

Japanese Article SY8-3. About chronic renal failure
Kekkaku 90(2): 175-175, 2015.

Japanese Article SY8-4. A point to keep in mind in the tuberculosis practice: Lung cancer
藤田昌樹, 渡辺憲太朗
Kekkaku 90(2): 176-176, 2015.

Japanese Article Way of thinking of latent tuberculosis treatment
Kekkaku 90(2): 177-177, 2015.

Japanese Article SY9-1. Interpretation of IGRAs
Kekkaku 90(2): 178-178, 2015.

Japanese Article SY9-2. How do you judge the treatment application case of the latent tuberculosis infection?
Kekkaku 90(2): 179-179, 2015.

Japanese Article SY9-3. Which drug should you use with which quantity during which period?
Kekkaku 90(2): 180-180, 2015.

Japanese Article SY9-4. Mainly on treatment of latent tuberculosis treatment in the biological drug introduction for way of thinking - collagenosis rheumatic disease of latent tuberculosis treatment in the easy infection host -
齋藤和義, 田中良哉
Kekkaku 90(2): 181-181, 2015.

Japanese Article SY9-5. Problem of the management of the latent tuberculosis infection
稲葉静代1), 緒方剛2), 伊礼壬紀夫3), 伊藤邦彦4)
Kekkaku 90(2): 182-182, 2015.

Japanese Article What is demanded from a Mycobacterium expert
Kekkaku 90(2): 183-183, 2015.

Japanese Article SY10-1. What is demanded from a Mycobacterium expert
Kekkaku 90(2): 184-184, 2015.

Japanese Article SY10-2. Role of the regional alliances room nurse about tuberculosis medical care
Kekkaku 90(2): 185-185, 2015.

Japanese Article SY10-3. Relation ... DOTS operation ... of the pharmacist for patients with foreign tuberculosis in our hospital
Kekkaku 90(2): 186-186, 2015.

Japanese Article SY10-4. It is ... from position of thing - community health nurse demanded from a Mycobacterium expert
Kekkaku 90(2): 187-187, 2015.

Japanese Article Surgical treatment of the Mycobacterium infection
Kekkaku 90(2): 188-188, 2015.

Japanese Article SY11-1. Modern pulmonary tuberculosis surgical treatment
Kekkaku 90(2): 189-189, 2015.

Japanese Article SY11-2. Algorithm of the treatment for the Pott's disease
金子慎二郎, 谷戸祥之, 朝妻孝仁
Kekkaku 90(2): 190-190, 2015.

Japanese Article SY11-3. Surgical treatment of the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease to want a physician, a surgeon to know it
Kekkaku 90(2): 191-191, 2015.

Japanese Article SY11-4. Surgical treatment of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis complicated with pulmonary acid-fast bacterium disease
Kekkaku 90(2): 192-192, 2015.

Japanese Article Opinion ... based on an art and problems - experience case of drug-resistant tuberculosis treatment in the true clinical practice
Kekkaku 90(2): 193-193, 2015.

Japanese Article SY12-1. Of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis treatment, actually
Kekkaku 90(2): 194-194, 2015.

Japanese Article SY12-2. Of super multidrug-resistant tuberculosis treatment, actually
Kekkaku 90(2): 195-195, 2015.

Japanese Article SY12-3. Point of the multidrug-resistant tuberculosis treatment success
鈴木純子, 田村厚久, 山根章, 永井英明, 川島正裕, 田下浩之, 大島信治, 益田公彦, 廣瀬敬, 赤川志のぶ, 松井弘稔, 小林信之, 大田健
Kekkaku 90(2): 196-196, 2015.

Japanese Article SY12-4. Timing in consideration of surgical treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
奥村昌夫, 吉山崇, 佐々木結花, 尾形英雄
Kekkaku 90(2): 197-197, 2015.

Japanese Article Recent progress of the Mycobacterium technique
Kekkaku 90(2): 198-198, 2015.

Japanese Article SY13-1. It is ... including progress - pretreatment law of the micrography method
Kekkaku 90(2): 199-199, 2015.

Japanese Article SY13-2. It is ... including progress - automation of the genetic screening
Kekkaku 90(2): 200-200, 2015.

Japanese Article SY13-3. Mycobacterium identification technique by the next-generation technique
赤松紀彦, 松田淳一, 柳原克紀
Kekkaku 90(2): 201-201, 2015.

Japanese Article SY13-4. The current situation of the MALDI-TOF MS in the Mycobacterium domain
Kekkaku 90(2): 202-202, 2015.

Japanese Article SY13-5. Can you distinguish bacillus mort from a live germ quickly?
高木明子, 松丸朋子
Kekkaku 90(2): 203-203, 2015.

Japanese Article How should a specialist in tuberculosis, acid-fast bacterium disease authorization, the attending physician answer in local needs?
Kekkaku 90(2): 207-207, 2015.

Japanese Article MSY1-1. From the situation of the medical institution with a tuberculosis bed
Kekkaku 90(2): 208-208, 2015.

Japanese Article MSY1-2. Role in the infection control
Kekkaku 90(2): 209-209, 2015.

Japanese Article MSY1-3. About the situation of contribution Iwate by the community health medical care
Kekkaku 90(2): 210-210, 2015.

Japanese Article The current situation of the new antiphthisic drug
Kekkaku 90(2): 211-211, 2015.

Japanese Article MSY2-1. Clinical application of the Delamanid
Kekkaku 90(2): 212-212, 2015.

Japanese Article MSY2-2. Bedaquiline, other new antiphthisic drugs
Kekkaku 90(2): 213-213, 2015.

Japanese Article MSY2-3. Development of the next-generation regimen
Kekkaku 90(2): 214-214, 2015.

Japanese Article Adjuvant setting of the Mycobacterium infection
Kekkaku 90(2): 215-215, 2015.

Japanese Article MSY3-1. Rehabilitation for patients with active tuberculosis
Kekkaku 90(2): 216-216, 2015.

Japanese Article MSY3-2. The nourishment management that is effective in the pre-back improvement
玉置伸二1), 久下隆1), 田村緑1), 田中小百合1), 澤田宗生1), 小山友里1), 有山豊1), 芳野詠子1), 田村猛夏1), 友田恒一2), 吉川雅則2), 木村弘2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 217-217, 2015.

Japanese Article MSY3-3. Mental support of patients becoming the long-term hospitalization
Kekkaku 90(2): 218-218, 2015.

Japanese Article New approach of tuberculosis treatment
Kekkaku 90(2): 219-219, 2015.

Japanese Article MSY4-1. Development of the new tuberculosis therapeutic vaccine
Kekkaku 90(2): 220-220, 2015.

Japanese Article MSY4-2. Is the vitamins combination therapy effective?
赤川清子1), 櫻田紳策2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 221-221, 2015.

Japanese Article MSY4-3. New therapy conceivable from the viewpoint of Host-Pathogen Interaction
瀬戸真太郎1), 小出幸夫2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 222-222, 2015.

Japanese Article Problem in the infant tuberculosis practice of our country
Kekkaku 90(2): 223-223, 2015.

Japanese Article MSY5-1. The present situation of the infection tuberculosis diagnosis for children: About an application of IGRA in particular
Kekkaku 90(2): 224-224, 2015.

Japanese Article MSY5-2. Problem about the BCG vaccine, About a second response, Koch phenomenon, future directionality
Kekkaku 90(2): 225-225, 2015.

Japanese Article MSY5-3. The current situation of the infant tuberculosis practice system and future problem
Kekkaku 90(2): 226-226, 2015.

Japanese Article Inhibition and correspondence of tuberculosis outbreaks
Kekkaku 90(2): 227-227, 2015.

Japanese Article MSY6-1. We learn from outbreaks measures example inside the hospital
小向潤1,2), 松本健二1), 津田侑子1), 笠井幸1), 古川香奈江1), 齊藤和美1), 蕨野由佳里1), 廣田理1), 甲田伸一3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 228-228, 2015.

Japanese Article MSY6-2. We learn from the outbreaks example in the elderly people institution
Kekkaku 90(2): 229-229, 2015.

Japanese Article MSY6-3. We learn from the outbreaks measures example in the area
山田敬子1), 稲毛稔2), 平間紀行2), 小坂太祐2), 中野寛之2), 武田宰3), 瀬戸順次4), 阿彦忠之5)
Kekkaku 90(2): 230-230, 2015.

Japanese Article We think about a role of DOTS
Kekkaku 90(2): 231-231, 2015.

Japanese Article MSY7-1. From the situation of the physician thinking about a role of DOTS
Kekkaku 90(2): 232-232, 2015.

Japanese Article MSY7-2. Role of the floor nurse in local DOTS
Kekkaku 90(2): 233-233, 2015.

Japanese Article MSY7-3. About local DOTS of DOTS - Yokohama-shi by regional alliances -
Kekkaku 90(2): 234-234, 2015.

Japanese Article Of IGRAs in the tuberculosis contacts medical examination, actually
Kekkaku 90(2): 237-237, 2015.

Japanese Article Tuberculosis measures in the hospital without the tuberculosis bed
Kekkaku 90(2): 238-238, 2015.

Japanese Article The tuberculosis outbreaks example in the mental hospital and the measures
Kekkaku 90(2): 239-239, 2015.

Japanese Article Characteristic of the senile tuberculosis
Kekkaku 90(2): 240-240, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-001. 2 cases that smear views threw on positive during expectoration smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis initial treatment
野田直孝, 三宅恵, 金民姫, 廣瀬宣之, 安元公正
Kekkaku 90(2): 243-243, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-002. One case of the senile tuberculosis that racked its brains about blood pressure control all over the course
中村嗣1), 久良木隆繁2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 243-243, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-003. Analysis of the patients discovery situation in the aging tuberculosis spread area
下内昭1,2), 吉田英樹1,3), 小向潤1,3), 津田侑子3,4), 松本健二3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 244-244, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-004. Examination of the pulmonary tuberculosis fatal case of elderly people
西野亮平, 上野沙弥香, 吉岡宏治, 宮崎こずえ, 山岡直樹, 倉岡敏彦
Kekkaku 90(2): 244-244, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-005. Clinical picture of super senile tuberculosis 90 years or older and recent tendency
瀧川修一, 吉松哲之, 井上聡一, 大津達也
Kekkaku 90(2): 245-245, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-006. Examination of standard treatment compliance and the optimum tolerance in the treatment with antiphthisic drug of the elderly aged 75 or over pulmonary tuberculosis
千野遥, 萩原恵里, 水堂祐広, 中澤篤人, 関根朗雅, 北村英也, 馬場智尚, 篠原岳, 西平隆一, 小松茂, 小倉高志
Kekkaku 90(2): 245-245, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-007. The current situation of the senile tuberculosis and clinical examination
江原尚美1), 福島喜代康1), 金子祐子1), 中野令伊司1), 松竹豊司1), 久保亨1), 中村茂樹2), 石松祐二2), 河野茂3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 246-246, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-008. The current situation and measures of the pulmonary tuberculosis in the Shimabara, Nagasaki Peninsula
泉川欣一1), 三原智1), 藤田あゆみ1), 峰松明日香2), 河野茂2), 田代将人3), 中村茂樹3), 宮崎泰可3), 泉川公一3), 塚本美鈴4), 長谷川麻衣子5), 永野択5)
Kekkaku 90(2): 246-246, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-009. About tuberculosis of eye treatment in our hospital respiratory organs internal medicine
和田曉彦, 佐藤祐, 岡本翔一, 阪下健太郎, 市岡正彦, 村田研吾, 高森幹雄
Kekkaku 90(2): 247-247, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-010. Examination of the central nerve tuberculosis case in our hospital
日下圭, 山根章, 井手聡, 厚美慶英, 扇谷昌宏, 井上恵理, 田下浩之, 田村厚久, 鈴木純子, 永井英明, 赤川志のぶ, 小林信之, 大田健
Kekkaku 90(2): 247-247, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-011. Examination about the miliary tuberculosis case in our hospital
山崎泰宏, 鈴木北斗, 堂下尚志, 黒田光, 高橋政明, 武田昭範, 藤内智, 藤田結花, 辻忠克, 藤兼俊明
Kekkaku 90(2): 248-248, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-012. We look at the rear about the mediastinal lymph node tuberculosis without the lung field lesion and examine a mark
藤原宏1), 長谷川直樹1), 杉田香代子1), 上蓑義典1), 西村知泰2), 朝倉崇徳3), 鈴木翔二3), 八木一馬3), 南宮湖3), 石井誠3), 田坂定智3), 別役智子3), 渡辺真純4), 岩田敏1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 248-248, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-013. Clinical examination of the trachea, 47 tuberculosis of bronchus
下田由季子, 白井敏博, 朝田和博, 森田悟, 宍戸雄一郎, 山本輝人, 赤松泰介, 三枝美香, 櫻井章吾, 野口理絵, 林一郎, 鈴木貴人
Kekkaku 90(2): 249-249, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-014. Examination about the tuberculous pleurisy
松田俊明, 谷口博之, 近藤康博, 木村智樹, 片岡健介, 横山俊樹
Kekkaku 90(2): 249-249, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-015. Thing - foreigner tuberculosis showing from more than 1,000 foreign testees, the current situation and problem of the ambulant treatment
高柳喜代子1), 須小みどり2), 永田容子3), 田川斉之1), 伊藤邦彦1), 中園智昭1), 町田和子1), 杉田博宣1), 山口智道1), 島尾忠男1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 250-250, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-016. Examination about the foreign tuberculosis case in our hospital
佐藤千賀, 渡邉彰, 植田聖也, 市木拓, 阿部聖裕
Kekkaku 90(2): 250-250, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-017. About the current situation of patients with foreign tuberculosis in our hospital
伊藤晶彦, 篠原和歌子, 河手絵理子, 太田池恵, 小田島丘人, 蘇原慧怜, 田村仁樹, 石黒卓, 高久洋太郎, 鍵山奈保, 倉島一喜, 柳澤勉, 高柳昇, 杉田裕
Kekkaku 90(2): 251-251, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-018. We look at the rear of the problems of the foreign patients nursing in the tuberculosis ward and examine a mark
尾市沙弥香, 高木祐希, 西村奈保美, 上山千春, 森本晴奈, 藤村敦子, 雲井直美, 杉山佳代子, 岡野智仁, 西井洋一, 藤本源, 井端英憲, 大本恭裕, 中村卓巨
Kekkaku 90(2): 251-251, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-019. Clinical examination of patients with foreign tuberculosis in our hospital
安藤孝浩, 鈴木純子, 渡邉かおる, 武田啓太, 横山晃, 宮川英恵, 大島信治, 益田公彦, 松井弘稔, 山根章, 田村厚久, 永井英明, 赤川志のぶ, 小林信之, 大田健
Kekkaku 90(2): 252-252, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-020. Diffuse bronchiolitis type M. One case of the kansasii symptom
斎藤武文, 金澤潤, 中澤真理子, 櫻井啓文, 根本健司, 高久多希朗, 大石修司, 林原賢治
Kekkaku 90(2): 252-252, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-021. Two cases of the atypical mycobacterial disease (NTM) that formed an image of nodule in pneumonectomy suture line with the automatic suture instruments, and racked its brains about the differentiation with the recurrence of the malignant tumor
田中明彦1), 櫻庭幹1), 椎谷洋彦1), 楠堂晋一2), 泉寛志2), 本村文宏2), 秋江研志2), 辻隆裕3), 秋元真祐子3), 深澤雄一郎3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 253-253, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-022. One case of the chest infection due to M. fortuitum
大西涼子, 戸田有紀, 浅野幸市, 魲稔隆, 安田成雄, 佐野公泰, 加藤達雄
Kekkaku 90(2): 253-253, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-023. One patient who presented with multiple necrotizing lymphadenitis by Mycobacterium abscessus
田原正浩, 渡橋剛, 生越貴明, 山崎啓, 石本裕士, 矢寺和博, 迎寛
Kekkaku 90(2): 254-254, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-024. It is one patient who had the disseminated nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease by Mycobacterium genavence during AIDS treatment
佐々島朋美1), 宇部健治1), 守義明1), 武内健一2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 254-254, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-025. Clinical examination of 26 non-MAC NTM infections in our hospital
吉田將孝1), 中村茂樹1), 平山達郎1), 大島一浩1), 武田和明1), 井手昇太郎1), 岩永直樹1), 峰松明日香1), 平野勝治1), 梶原俊毅1), 田代将人2), 高園貴弘1), 小佐井康介3), 森永芳智3), 栗原慎太郎1), 塚本美鈴1), 宮崎泰可1), 泉川公一2), 柳原克紀3), 田代隆良4), 河野茂1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 255-255, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-026. Clinical features of the pulmonary Mycobacterium scrofulaceum symptom
鈴木翔二1,7), 森野英里子2,7), 石井誠1,7), 南宮湖1,7), 八木一馬1,7), 朝倉崇徳1,7), 浅見貴弘1,7), 上蓑義典3,7), 藤原宏3,7), 西村知泰4,7), 田坂定智1,7), 高崎仁2,7), 石井聡2), 星野仁彦5,7), 倉島篤行6,7), 長谷川直樹3,7)
Kekkaku 90(2): 255-255, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-027. Three examination of the pulmonary Mycobacterium lentiflavum symptom
八木一馬1,6), 森本耕三2,6), 石井誠1,6), 南宮湖1,6), 朝倉崇徳1,6), 鈴木翔二1,6), 浅見貴弘1,6), 上簑義典3,6), 藤原宏3,6), 西村知泰4,6), 田坂定智1,6), 星野仁彦5,6), 倉島篤行2,6), 長谷川直樹3,6)
Kekkaku 90(2): 256-256, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-028. Of the rapid grower which performed identification, sensitivity testing in in Dokkyo Medical University is clinical, microbiologic analysis
鈴木弘倫1,2), 岡本友紀1,2), 吉田敦1,2), 吉川弥須子3), 奥住捷子2), 菱沼昭1), 鹿住祐子4)
Kekkaku 90(2): 256-256, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-029. Children of the Mycobacterium mageritense catheter-related bloodstream infection
山岸由佳1,2), 三鴨廣繁1,2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 257-257, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-030. Example that suffered from the DRESS syndrome with the antiphthisic drug, a drug-related liver damage
鈴木淳, 谷口博之, 近藤康博, 木村智樹, 片岡健介, 松田俊明, 横山俊樹
Kekkaku 90(2): 257-257, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-031. The intractable pulmonary NTM symptom which performed fistula plombage for bronchial stump fistula after the right pneumonectomy, but caused the airway obstruction by prosthetic materials (M. avium) It is one patient of this
河合暦美1), 芦澤信之1), 鳴河宗聡1), 山本善裕1), 峠正義2), 仙田一貫2), 土岐善紀2), 芳村直樹2), 酒井珠美3), 早稲田優子3), 笠原寿郎3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 258-258, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-032. During intractable pulmonary tuberculosis treatment, it is M. by the microbial substitution One patient whom chelonae chest infection developed in
吉田將孝1), 中村茂樹1), 平山達郎1), 大島一浩1), 武田和明1), 井手昇太郎1), 岩永直樹1), 峰松明日香1), 平野勝治1), 梶原俊毅1), 田代将人2), 高園貴弘1), 小佐井康介3), 森永芳智3), 栗原慎太郎1), 塚本美鈴1), 宮崎泰可1), 泉川公一2), 柳原克紀3), 田代隆良4), 河野茂1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 258-258, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-033. The miliary tuberculosis case that presented the specific onset course
伊藤裕也1), 近藤晃1), 井上祐一1), 高園貴弘2), 中村茂樹2), 宮崎泰可2), 泉川公一4), 柳原克紀3), 河野茂2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 259-259, 2015.

Japanese Article Y-034. It is one patient of the wound part infection after the cardiovascular surgery technique due to the tubercle bacillus which suffered from a diagnosis, treatment
Kekkaku 90(2): 259-259, 2015.

Japanese Article O-001. Two kinds of interferon gamma free test results comparison in the acute phase hospital
Kekkaku 90(2): 263-263, 2015.

Japanese Article O-002. Association between microRNA and immune-mediated gene expression out of the whole blood of patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Vietnam
土方美奈子, 松下育美, 慶長直人
Kekkaku 90(2): 263-263, 2015.

Japanese Article O-003. Analysis of the humoral immunity for the tuberculosis specific antigen for effective vaccine development
星野仁彦1), 仁木満美子2), 永井英明4), 吉山崇3), 森本耕三3), 仁木誠2), 金子幸弘2), 松本壮吉5), 倉島篤行3), 後藤元3), 工藤翔二3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 264-264, 2015.

Japanese Article O-004. Effect of the serum lipid giving it to tuberculosis immunization
金子幸弘1), 井上学1), 仁木満美子1), 西内由紀子1), 掛屋弘3), 松本壮吉2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 264-264, 2015.

Japanese Article O-005. Analysis of the effect for a mutation in the gene and the host cells in the BCG second response example strain
瀧井猛将1), 吉田志緒美2), 有川健太郎3), 藤山理世3), 岩本朋忠3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 265-265, 2015.

Japanese Article O-006. The death toll due to the tuberculosis number of patients and tuberculosis that occurred with a biological drug in Japan
Kekkaku 90(2): 265-265, 2015.

Japanese Article O-007. Safety (followup) of the antiTNF preparation for 27 patients with tuberculosis merger rheumatoid arthritis and antiIL-6 receptor antibody preparation administration
Kekkaku 90(2): 266-266, 2015.

Japanese Article O-008. Examination about the pulmonary tuberculosis case in the young people who had the onset during steroid systemic therapy
石川哲1), 古矢裕樹1,2), 野口直子1), 永吉優1), 水野里子1), 山岸文雄1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 266-266, 2015.

Japanese Article O-009. One case of the disseminated Mycobacterium avium symptom which had the onset during the medical treatment with steroid and the immunosuppressive drug for dermatomyositis
荻野広和, 豊田優子, 中野万有里, 東桃代, 埴淵昌毅, 西岡安彦
Kekkaku 90(2): 267-267, 2015.

Japanese Article O-010. The current situation of the tuberculosis practice in the general hospital which does not have a tuberculosis bed
宮崎邦彦1), 田口眞人1,2), 佐藤信也1), 児玉孝秀1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 267-267, 2015.

Japanese Article O-011. Outbreaks example including the case that developed pulmonary tuberculosis after three years or more after the contact with the index patient
渡辺哲1), 杉戸一寿2), 志村龍飛3), 小江俊行4)
Kekkaku 90(2): 268-268, 2015.

Japanese Article O-012. Tuberculosis enrollee information investigation of Japan and comparison of the tuberculosis surveillance intelligence item of Western countries
泉清彦1,2), 内村和広1), 大角晃弘1,2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 268-268, 2015.

Japanese Article O-013. Role of the ward pharmacist for the tuberculosis inpatient in our hospital
齊藤将之1), 宮島紀彦1), 岩津慎次郎1), 中村直人1), 和田まゆみ2), 田中里美2), 鷹見繁宏1), 松田俊明3), 木村智樹3), 近藤康博3), 谷口博之3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 269-269, 2015.

Japanese Article O-014. The situation of the prevalence according to the public health center catchment area in Tokyo
河津里沙, 泉清彦
Kekkaku 90(2): 269-269, 2015.

Japanese Article O-015. Learn from the pulmonary tuberculosis outbreaks example that rolled up an area
松本政実1), 笠原嵩翔1), 伊藤貴康1), 高木達矢1), 水野秀和1), 堀尾美穂子1), 齋藤裕子1), 澁谷いづみ2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 270-270, 2015.

Japanese Article O-016. Management by the T-SPOT introduction in the staff examination of the municipal hospital which does not have a tuberculosis bed
Kekkaku 90(2): 270-270, 2015.

Japanese Article O-017. The situation of tuberculosis in the house uncertainty person of Shinjuku-ku
河津里沙1), 内村和広1), 窪田ゆか2), 櫻本万紀子2), 神楽岡澄2), 榊原麻里絵2), 渡部裕之2), 石川信克3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 271-271, 2015.

Japanese Article O-018. The present situation of the pulmonary tuberculosis practice in our hospital
近藤晃1), 井上祐一1), 高園貴弘2), 中村茂樹2), 宮崎泰可2), 泉川公一4), 柳原克紀3), 河野茂2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 271-271, 2015.

Japanese Article O-019. Circumstances of London that cannot solve the issue of only tuberculosis in developed countries
Kekkaku 90(2): 272-272, 2015.

Japanese Article O-020. Examination of the effect that the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease using the mouse model gives for fixation, infection of the aspergillosis
武田和明1,2), 今村圭文4), 吉田将孝1), 賀来敬仁1,2), 井手昇太郎1), 岩永直樹1), 平野勝治1), 峰松明日香1), 田代将人3), 高園貴弘1), 小佐井康介2), 森永芳智2), 中村茂樹1), 栗原慎太郎3), 塚本美鈴3), 宮崎泰可1), 泉川公一3), 柳原克紀2), 田代隆良1), 河野茂1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 272-272, 2015.

Japanese Article O-021. Examination of the association between pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease and chronic pulmonary aspergillosis
武田和明1,2), 今村圭文4), 吉田将孝1), 賀来敬仁1,2), 井手昇太郎1), 岩永直樹1), 平野勝治1), 峰松明日香1), 田代将人1,3), 高園貴弘1), 小佐井康介1,2), 森永芳智1,2), 中村茂樹1), 栗原慎太郎1,3), 塚本美鈴1,3), 宮崎泰可1), 泉川公一3), 柳原克紀2), 田代隆良1), 河野茂1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 273-273, 2015.

Japanese Article O-022. 16 clinical examination who had chronic progressive pulmonary aspergillosis active for active pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
林悠太1), 小川賢二1), 山田憲隆1), 中村俊信1), 中川拓1,2), 垂水修1), 足立崇1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 273-273, 2015.

Japanese Article O-023. Examination of the case that resulted in mixed infection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the aspergillosis for pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
福田雄一1), 今村圭文1), 住吉誠1), 深堀範1), 宮崎泰可2), 泉川公一3), 柳原克紀4), 河野茂2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 274-274, 2015.

Japanese Article O-024. An example of the pericostal tuberculosis
矢野利章, 青島洋一郎, 田中和樹, 小笠原隆, 笠松紀雄
Kekkaku 90(2): 274-274, 2015.

Japanese Article O-025. 1 case of extrapulmonary tuberculosis that developed abdominal wall tuberculosis after the incidence for intestinal tuberculosis after approximately 60 years
大濱稔1), 岡宏亮1), 梅木健二2), 小宮幸作1), 首藤治1), 松本泰祐1), 門田淳一2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 275-275, 2015.

Japanese Article O-026. Importance of the team approach in medical care in the tuberculosis merger pregnancy and the delivery
林美香, 竹山博泰, 堀田尚誠, 木庭尚哉, 沖本民生, 津端由佳理, 星野鉄兵, 濱口俊一, 大江美紀, 須谷顕尚, 粟屋幸一, 礒部威
Kekkaku 90(2): 275-275, 2015.

Japanese Article O-027. An example of the pregnant woman tuberculosis of bronchus that asthma was diagnosed, and needed time until a diagnosis
釣永雄希1), 野田昌宏1), 田村嘉孝1), 小野原健一2), 吉多仁子2), 韓由紀1), 橋本章司1), 永井崇之1), 川瀬一郎1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 276-276, 2015.

Japanese Article O-028. Pregnant woman tuberculosis and examination of the children that we experienced in the past 3 years in our center
釣永雄希1), 野田昌宏1), 田村嘉孝1), 小野原健一2), 吉多仁子2), 韓由紀1), 橋本章司1), 永井崇之1), 川瀬一郎1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 276-276, 2015.

Japanese Article O-029. One case of the tuberculous pleurisy that rapidly caused aggravation after delivery, and required the chest drainage custody
岡野智仁1), 西井洋一1), 藤本源1), 井端英憲1), 大本恭裕1), 樽川智人2), 安達勝利2), 植田真理子3), 中野学3), 小林哲4), 田口修4)
Kekkaku 90(2): 277-277, 2015.

Japanese Article O-030. One case of tuberculous meningitis that suffered from treatment
竹内典子, 谷口俊文, 猪狩英俊
Kekkaku 90(2): 277-277, 2015.

Japanese Article O-031. Tuberculous peritonitis during the haemodialysis that racked its brains about a diagnosis, one case of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis
堀尾美穂子, 齋藤裕子, 松本政実, 笠原嵩翔
Kekkaku 90(2): 278-278, 2015.

Japanese Article O-032. One case of the tuberculous tendinous synovitis of the finger which suffered from a diagnosis of the active tuberculosis
酒井啓行1), 安斎正樹1), 梅田幸寛1), 森川美羽1), 門脇麻衣子1), 本定千知1), 飴嶋慎吾1), 石崎武志2), 石塚全1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 278-278, 2015.

Japanese Article O-033. The trachea which we experienced in our hospital, 3 cases of the tuberculosis of bronchus
笠原嵩翔, 堀尾美穂子, 齋藤裕子, 松本政実
Kekkaku 90(2): 279-279, 2015.

Japanese Article O-034. Introduce foreign DOTS; and is ... for ... area
吉野優子1), 大嶋圭子1), 久田剛志2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 279-279, 2015.

Japanese Article O-035. Towards DOTS which is better than questionnaire - for DOTS subjects -
古川香奈江, 松本健二, 小向潤, 廣田理, 津田侑子, 齊藤和美, 笠井幸
Kekkaku 90(2): 280-280, 2015.

Japanese Article O-036. Consecutive evaluation of in-hospital DOTS
田中恵梨子, 颯田千絵子, 小野五月, 山下悠, 松井隆
Kekkaku 90(2): 280-280, 2015.

Japanese Article O-037. Try DOTS which fixed its eyes on the life rhythm after ... discharge for local DOTS; and ...
三浦瑞枝1), 井上恵美子1), 小出美智子1), 鈴木裕章2), 東陽子3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 281-281, 2015.

Japanese Article O-038. Current situation and problem - of the DOTS conference of problem - tuberculosis unit of the tuberculosis practice in the area
篠原智子, 神野三千代, 武知さつき, 佐久間千代子, 阿部聖裕
Kekkaku 90(2): 281-281, 2015.

Japanese Article O-039. The current situation of the DOTS support in the sign of a tuberculous inoculation hospital outpatient department
東陽子, 三浦瑞枝, 小出美智子, 井上恵美子
Kekkaku 90(2): 282-282, 2015.

Japanese Article O-040. Risk analysis by the Akita version medication interruption risk characterization list
佐藤志子, 宮崎尚美, 本間光信
Kekkaku 90(2): 282-282, 2015.

Japanese Article O-041. It is ... about the effect of inflecting from all over inflection - hospitalization of the treatment interruption risk list in our hospital
加藤久美子, 乙黒恵子
Kekkaku 90(2): 283-283, 2015.

Japanese Article O-043. Attempt of the medication adherence standard making of the tuberculosis inpatient
藤村一美1), 秋原志穂2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 284-284, 2015.

Japanese Article O-044. The task which we saw from the attitude survey for the test after the tuberculosis instruction at tuberculosis ward hospitalization
竹中日登美, 森下美幸, 山田淳子, 松本智成
Kekkaku 90(2): 284-284, 2015.

Japanese Article O-045. The efforts which aimed at tuberculosis treatment dropout zero in our center
堺幸子, 永井崇之, 平田明美, 亀田祥子
Kekkaku 90(2): 285-285, 2015.

Japanese Article O-046. The 14th-year new efforts of the meeting conference (ATAC in NARA) not to spread tuberculosis to Nara
畠山雅行1,2,3), 田村猛夏2), 玉置伸二2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 285-285, 2015.

Japanese Article O-047. The current situation of the tuberculosis practice in our hospital
大嶋圭子1), 久田剛志2), 徳江豊3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 286-286, 2015.

Japanese Article O-048. Cooperation of an infection management authorization nurse and the public health center in the tuberculosis seminar
Kekkaku 90(2): 286-286, 2015.

Japanese Article O-049. The situation of a discharge, the hospital transfer by the hospitalization continuation difficulty of the tuberculosis ward
永田容子, 小林典子
Kekkaku 90(2): 287-287, 2015.

Japanese Article O-050. The thing which patients with tuberculosis under the isolation situation pursue in the amenity room
武田法子, 亀田祥子, 堺幸子, 平田明美
Kekkaku 90(2): 287-287, 2015.

Japanese Article O-051. Participation of anaerobes in the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
山崎啓, 矢寺和博, 川波敏則, 生越貴明, 渡橋剛, 石本裕, 迎寛
Kekkaku 90(2): 288-288, 2015.

Japanese Article O-052. Examination of the effect of lung cancer treatment in the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
辻泰佑1), 露口一成2), 木村洋平1), 直木陽子1), 倉原優1), 蓑毛祥次郎1), 杉本親寿2), 橘和延1), 北市正則3), 林清二1), 鈴木克洋1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 288-288, 2015.

Japanese Article O-053. 4 cases who had the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease and lung cancer
平山達朗1), 中村茂樹1), 田代将人3), 高園貴弘1), 森永芳智2), 宮崎泰可1), 塚本美鈴3), 泉川公一3), 柳原克紀2), 田代隆良1), 河野茂1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 289-289, 2015.

Japanese Article O-054. Examination about the endoscopic harvest in the nontuberculous pulmonary acid-fast bacterium disease diagnosis
高橋英介1), 高原誠2), 輿石晴也3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 289-289, 2015.

Japanese Article O-055. Long-term clinical course of the pulmonary Mycobacterium avium complex symptom which had a diagnosis in the trachea washings culture
揚塩文崇, 北田清悟, 押谷洋平, 香川浩之, 矢野幸洋, 藤川健弥, 森雅秀, 前倉亮治
Kekkaku 90(2): 290-290, 2015.

Japanese Article O-056. Clinical examination of the recent pulmonary MAC symptom in our hospital
駒崎義利, 倉重理絵, 井上信一郎, 秋月憲一
Kekkaku 90(2): 290-290, 2015.

Japanese Article O-057. Examination of the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease in our hospital
松本武格, 平野涼介, 藤田昌樹, 渡辺憲太朗
Kekkaku 90(2): 291-291, 2015.

Japanese Article O-058. Clinical examination about the nontuberculous Mycobacterium bacteremia in the non-HIV infected person
上蓑義典1), 藤原宏1), 杉田香代子1), 西村知泰2), 石井誠3), 田坂定智3), 岩田敏1), 長谷川直樹1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 291-291, 2015.

Japanese Article O-059. Examination of the anxiety of patients with pulmonary MAC symptom in our hospital and the health-related quality of life
藤坂由佳, 白井正浩, 金井美穂, 藤田薫, 伊藤靖弘, 早川啓史
Kekkaku 90(2): 292-292, 2015.

Japanese Article O-060. One case of the pleurisy that it was thought that it was caused by Mycobacterium avium
内藤圭祐, 赤田憲太朗, 生越貴明, 山崎啓, 渡橋剛, 川波敏則, 石本裕士, 矢寺和博, 迎寛
Kekkaku 90(2): 292-292, 2015.

Japanese Article O-061. Examination of the Mycobacterium-related pleurisy in our hospital
加藤智浩, 白石幸子, 花岡健司, 塚本宏壮, 水守康之, 守本あきえ, 佐々木信, 河村哲治, 中原保治, 望月吉郎
Kekkaku 90(2): 293-293, 2015.

Japanese Article O-062. Examination of 39 T-SPOT which had a diagnosis of tuberculosis in our hospital
岡圭輔, 武田直也, 吉田憲生, 加藤聡之, 岩田勝
Kekkaku 90(2): 293-293, 2015.

Japanese Article O-063. Examination of the case given T spot in our hospital
野田和司, 山本雅美, 玄崇永, 諸澤美佳, 龍華祥雄, 福島曜, 野崎裕広
Kekkaku 90(2): 294-294, 2015.

Japanese Article O-064. Examination of the factor about the IGRA false negative conversion of patients with active tuberculosis
松下育美1), 土方美奈子1), 小林信之2), 櫻田紳策3), 樋口一恵4), 原田登之4), 慶長直人1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 294-294, 2015.

Japanese Article O-065. QuantiFERON TB-3G (QFT-GIT) and T-SPOT. with various condition of a patient in the phthisis pulmonum in our hospital Comparison of the TB
劉楷1), 金子有吾1), 川本浩徳1), 馬場優里1), 齋藤那由多1), 藤崎育実1), 渡辺翔1), 堀切つぐみ1), 関文1), 木下陽1), 竹田宏2), 齋藤桂介1), 桑野和善3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 295-295, 2015.

Japanese Article O-066. The use fact-finding of the examination for IGRA in the steroid
森永芳智, 増田真吾, 武田和明, 賀来敬仁, 赤松紀彦, 松田淳一, 小佐井康介, 柳原克紀
Kekkaku 90(2): 295-295, 2015.

Japanese Article O-067. The detection of the previous attack state using the serum antibody in the LTBI case
藤川健弥1), 北田清悟1), 松本壮吉2), 前倉亮治1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 296-296, 2015.

Japanese Article O-068. Public health centers investigation about the factor of increase and the decrease in latent tuberculosis infection registration number of patients of the whole country
大角晃弘1), 吉松昌司1), 内村和広1), 伊藤邦彦1), 加藤誠也2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 296-296, 2015.

Japanese Article O-069. Latent tuberculosis infection in patients with chronic kidney disease
白鳥ベアタ1), 宮澤恵実子2), 青木聡2), 宮崎真理子2), 芦野有悟1), 服部俊夫1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 297-297, 2015.

Japanese Article O-070. The example that the chest CT was effective for the grasp of the latent tuberculosis infection symptom in the family
宍戸雄一郎1), 林一郎1), 三枝美香1), 佐々木理恵2), 下田由季子1), 鈴木貴人1), 野口理絵1), 望月栄佑1), 櫻井章吾1), 赤松泰介1), 森田悟1), 朝田和博1), 白井敏博1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 297-297, 2015.

Japanese Article O-071. Examination of the amide glycoside system antimicrobial inhalation therapy introduction case for the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
八木一馬1), 石井誠1), 南宮湖1), 朝倉崇徳1), 鈴木翔二1), 加茂徹郎2), 浅見貴弘1), 上簑義典2), 藤原宏2), 西村知泰3), 田坂定智1), 別役智子1), 長谷川直樹2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 298-298, 2015.

Japanese Article O-072. Examination of the kanamycin supplementation in the pulmonary MAC symptom exacerbation case
渡邉直昭, 佐藤亮太, 宮川和子, 光根歩, 奥田謙一, 鈴木亜衣香, 川島正裕, 大島信治, 鈴木純子, 益田公彦, 松井弘稔, 山根章, 田村厚久, 永井英明, 赤川志のぶ, 小林信之, 大田健
Kekkaku 90(2): 298-298, 2015.

Japanese Article O-073. Effect of oral clarithromycin/amikacin inhalation combination therapy on pulmonary NTM symptom mouse model
井手昇太郎1), 中村茂樹1), 武田和明1), 田代将人2), 高園貴弘1), 小佐井康介3), 島村真太郎1), 森永芳智3), 栗原慎太郎1), 宮崎泰可1), 塚本美鈴2), 泉川公一2), 柳原克紀3), 田代隆良1), 河野茂1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 299-299, 2015.

Japanese Article O-074. About usefulness of levofloxacin in isoniazid-resistant tuberculosis
横山晃, 益田公彦, 武田啓太, 安藤孝浩, 宮川英恵, 鈴木淳, 鈴木純子, 山根章, 田村厚久, 永井英明, 松井弘稔, 赤川志のぶ, 小林信之, 大田健
Kekkaku 90(2): 299-299, 2015.

Japanese Article O-075. Examination about the use of linezolid experience to patients with multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis in our hospital
伊麗娜, 吉山崇, 松田周一, 大澤武司, 國東博之, 森本耕三, 奥村昌夫, 吉森浩三, 佐々木結花, 倉島篤行, 尾形英雄, 後藤元, 工藤翔二
Kekkaku 90(2): 300-300, 2015.

Japanese Article O-076. Plan of the preclinical examination study for development and the clinical application of the new tuberculosis therapeutic vaccine
岡田全司, 橋元里実, 井上義一, 露口一成, 林清二, 喜多洋子
Kekkaku 90(2): 300-300, 2015.

Japanese Article O-077. Examination - about today's antituberculous chemotherapy - standard treatment (A) which the aging of patients goes ahead through
本間光信, 伊藤武史
Kekkaku 90(2): 301-301, 2015.

Japanese Article O-078. Including the correspondence after current situation - side effect onset of tuberculosis treatment in our hospital -
福田智子, 玉置明彦, 坪田典之, 西井研治
Kekkaku 90(2): 301-301, 2015.

Japanese Article O-079. Clinical examination of the hyposensitization for the drug eruption with the antiphthisic drug and the drug fever
光根歩, 川島正裕, 大島信治, 宮川和子, 渡邊直昭, 奥田謙一, 鈴木亜衣香, 佐藤亮太, 鈴木純子, 永井英明, 大田健
Kekkaku 90(2): 302-302, 2015.

Japanese Article O-080. Hyposensitization of the antiphthisic drug in our hospital
高谷洋1), 河野茂2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 302-302, 2015.

Japanese Article O-081. Examination of antiphthisic drug discontinuation, the change case of the inpatient in our hospital
下田智子1), 助野麻理奈1), 米川敦子2), 鍋島久代2), 野口直子3), 永吉優3), 水野里子3), 石川哲3), 山岸文雄3), 渡邉好造1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 303-303, 2015.

Japanese Article O-082. Examination of results of the pulmonary MAC symptom chemotherapy in our hospital
Kekkaku 90(2): 303-303, 2015.

Japanese Article O-083. Examination about the treatment of the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease in our hospital
徳井宏太郎1), 田中宏明1), 下川一生1), 岡澤成祐1), 神原健太1), 猪又峰彦1), 山田徹1), 三輪敏郎1), 松井祥子2), 林龍二1), 戸邉一之1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 304-304, 2015.

Japanese Article O-084. Examination about effect of treatment and the revival of the pulmonary MAC symptom in our hospital
橋口浩二1), 中村茂樹2), 河野茂2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 304-304, 2015.

Japanese Article O-085. Treatment result of the initial treatment lungs MAC symptom
和田雅子, 斎藤茂代
Kekkaku 90(2): 305-305, 2015.

Japanese Article O-086. Three cases of the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease that responded to sitafloxacin
藤田昌樹, 松本武格, 内野順治, 渡辺憲太朗
Kekkaku 90(2): 305-305, 2015.

Japanese Article O-087. AntiTBGL antibody titers in pulmonary tuberculosis and the intestinal tuberculosis associated with a cavity and the bronchiectasis
趙景格1), 芦野有悟1,2), 服部俊夫1,2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 306-306, 2015.

Japanese Article O-088. Tubercle bacillus detectability evaluation of the XpertMTB/RIF system in the stool sample
國東博之1), 吉松昌司3), 伊麗娜1), 水野和重2), 佐々木結花1), 御手洗聡4)
Kekkaku 90(2): 306-306, 2015.

Japanese Article O-089. Examination about the period to the smear method of concentration of patients with Mycobacterium infection in our hospital and liquid culture positive
高久多希朗, 乾年秀, 中嶋真之, 中澤真理子, 兵頭健太郎, 櫻井啓文, 金澤潤, 根本健司, 大石修司, 林原賢治, 齋藤武文
Kekkaku 90(2): 307-307, 2015.

Japanese Article O-090. Examination of the usefulness of the LAMP method in the tuberculosis diagnosis
松竹豊司1), 久保亨1), 江原尚美1), 中野令伊司1), 金子裕子1), 福島喜代康1), 中村茂樹2), 石松祐二2), 河野茂3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 307-307, 2015.

Japanese Article O-091. Examination -3 times continuation examination of sputum about the early diagnosis of the pulmonary tuberculosis by the combination of examination of expectoration smear cultivate and examination with expectoration nucleic acid amplification law is need; or -
井手聡1), 永井英明1), 山根章1), 厚美慶英1), 斎藤美奈子1), 扇谷昌宏1), 井上恵理1), 日下圭1), 田下浩之2), 田村厚久1), 大田健1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 308-308, 2015.

Japanese Article O-092. Examination of the expectoration Mycobacterium smear examination number of times by the fluorescence method to collect bacteria
小林賀奈子, 西川恵美子, 岩本信一, 多田光宏, 神田響, 門脇徹, 木村雅広, 池田敏和, 矢野修一
Kekkaku 90(2): 308-308, 2015.

Japanese Article O-093. Comparison of MALDI-TOF MS analysis and the VNTR analysis for Mycobacterium abscessus complex
吉田志緒美1), 露口一成1), 鈴木克洋2), 富田元久3), 井上義一1), 有川健太郎4), 岩本朋忠4), 鈴木弘倫5), 奥住捷子5), 吉田敦5), 菱沼昭5), 林清二2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 309-309, 2015.

Japanese Article O-094. Examination of various culture-positive rates in the expectoration smear cultivate-negative pulmonary tuberculosis case
厚美慶英, 山根章, 扇谷昌宏, 井上恵理, 日下圭, 鈴木純子, 田下浩之, 益田公彦, 松井弘稔, 田村厚久, 永井英明, 赤川志のぶ, 大田健
Kekkaku 90(2): 309-309, 2015.

Japanese Article O-095. One case of the tuberculous lymphadenitis that had difficulty in diagnosis by the PCR analysis
谷口浩和, 津田岳志
Kekkaku 90(2): 310-310, 2015.

Japanese Article O-096. Study on application to the daily life clinical practice of the quick judgment method of drug-resistant tuberculosis using the gene sequencing
久保亨1,2), 松竹豊司1), 江原尚美1), 中野令伊司1), 金子祐子1), 河野茂3), 福島喜代康1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 310-310, 2015.

Japanese Article O-097. Study on application to daily life clinical practice of the VNTR analysis of the tubercle bacillus using the real-time PCR
久保亨1,2), 松竹豊司1), 江原尚美1), 中野令伊司1), 金子祐子1), 河野茂3), 福島喜代康1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 311-311, 2015.

Japanese Article O-098. One patient who responded to surgical treatment for the tuberculous pericarditis that we aggravated rapidly
田中恒有1), 春木宏介2), 日谷明裕2), 本田なつ絵2), 太田和文1), 朝野直城1), 新美一帆1), 井上尚1), 齊藤政仁1), 権重好1), 井上有方1), 松村輔二1), 高野弘志1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 311-311, 2015.

Japanese Article O-099. Examination of the surgical treatment for the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease in our hospital
深見武史1), 赤川志のぶ2), 大島信治2), 川島正裕2), すずき純子2), 田下浩之2), 田村厚久2), 永井英明2), 廣瀬敬2), 益田公彦2), 松井弘稔2), 山根章2), 木谷匡志3), 蛇澤晶3), 小林信之2), 庄司俊輔2), 大田健2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 312-312, 2015.

Japanese Article O-100. Examination of three multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis given pneumonectomy
吉田勤1), 中川隆行1), 下田清美1), 平松美也子1), 佐々木結花2), 白石裕治1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 312-312, 2015.

Japanese Article O-101. Surgical treatment results for the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease in our hospital
尾崎良智1), 井上修平1), 北村将司1), 上田桂子1), 五十嵐知之2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 313-313, 2015.

Japanese Article O-102. One case of the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease that repeated hemoptysis, sputum bloody, and was given the one side lungs enucleation
川畑政治1), 浜田美奈子1), 是枝快泉1), 富山由美子1), 是枝快房1), 岩見文行2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 313-313, 2015.

Japanese Article O-103. Lung cancer postoperative chronic pulmonary aspergillosis
田村厚久1), 扇谷昌宏1), 井手聡1), 厚美慶英1), 齋藤美奈子1), 井上恵理1), 日下圭1), 田下浩之1), 川島正裕1), 鈴木純子1), 大島信治1), 益田公彦1), 廣瀬敬1), 松井弘稔1), 山根章1), 永井英明1), 赤川志のぶ1), 小林信之1), 大田健1), 深見武史2), 木谷匡志3), 蛇澤晶3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 314-314, 2015.

Japanese Article O-104. Shortening of the clinical separation non-tuberculous ulcer Mycobacterium identification pretreatment law by the MALDI-TOF MS
新妻一直1), 斎藤美和子1), 鈴木朋子1), 小柴静子2), 金子美千代3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 314-314, 2015.

Japanese Article O-105. M. Clinical usefulness of the kansasii genetic screening
森雅秀1), 押谷洋平1), 香川浩之1), 藤川健弥1), 矢野幸洋1), 北田清悟1), 有村泰晃2), 齋藤晴子2), 佐子肇2), 前倉亮治1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 315-315, 2015.

Japanese Article O-106. Clinical examination about the usefulness of the capilia MAC antibody ELISA
畠山暢生, 岡野義夫, 町田久典, 篠原勉, 大串文隆
Kekkaku 90(2): 315-315, 2015.

Japanese Article O-107. Usefulness of the capilia MAC antibody measurement in the Nagasaki University Hospital and clinical examination
東祥嗣1), 井手昇太郎1), 中村茂樹1), 田代将人2), 高園貴弘1), 小佐井康介3), 島村真太郎1), 森永芳智3), 栗原慎太郎1), 宮崎泰可1), 塚本美鈴2), 泉川公一2), 柳原克紀3), 田代隆良1), 河野茂1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 316-316, 2015.

Japanese Article O-108. Clinical examination of NICE Scoring System and the capilia MAC antibody in patients with pulmonary MAC symptom
伊藤明広, 橋本徹, 熊谷尚悟, 古内浩司, 池尾聡, 池田慧, 古田健二郎, 横山俊秀, 時岡史明, 吉岡弘鎮, 橘洋正, 石田直
Kekkaku 90(2): 316-316, 2015.

Japanese Article O-109. Attempt of the home environmental research of patients with pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease using the air sampler
森本耕三1,2), 青野昭男2), 倉島篤行1), 五十嵐ゆり子2), 伊麗娜1,2), 高木明子2), 佐々木結花1), 近松絹代2), 山田博之2), 後藤元1), 御手洗聡2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 317-317, 2015.

Japanese Article O-110. Examination of the identification situation of the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease in our hospital and the clinical background
細萱直希1), 馬場美里2), 滝川弘一2), 内田幹2), 尾崎由基男2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 317-317, 2015.

Japanese Article O-111. Examination about the range between areas of the prevalence of the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease and the associated factor
伊藤穣1), 平井豊博2), 新実彰男1), 三嶋理晃2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 318-318, 2015.

Japanese Article O-112. Examination of the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease detected by a clinical survey
福岡俊彦1), 森本耕三2), 尾形朋之3), 内村和広4)
Kekkaku 90(2): 318-318, 2015.

Japanese Article O-113. Two cases of the pulmonary tuberculosis that presented with both lungs-prone shadow, and needed a long term for a diagnosis
金澤潤, 中澤真理子, 櫻井啓文, 根本健司, 高久多希朗, 大石修司, 林原賢治, 斎藤武文
Kekkaku 90(2): 319-319, 2015.

Japanese Article O-114. Examination of the usefulness of "NICE Scoring System" in the pulmonary MAC symptom
古内浩司, 橋本徹, 熊谷尚悟, 池尾聡, 横山俊秀, 古田健二郎, 伊藤明広, 時岡史明, 吉岡弘鎮, 橘洋正, 石田直
Kekkaku 90(2): 319-319, 2015.

Japanese Article O-115. 51 clinical examination that tuberculosis was diagnosed by bronchoscopy
宮松晶子, 小島英嗣, 高田和外, 梶川茂久, 二宮記代子, 田中健太郎, 清水隆宏, 野原冠吾, 櫻井孟
Kekkaku 90(2): 320-320, 2015.

Japanese Article O-116. Examination about the bronchoscopic usefulness for the Mycobacterium suspected case in our hospital
西井洋一1), 岡野智仁1), 藤本源1), 井端英憲1), 大本恭裕1), 樽川智人2), 安達勝利2), 小林哲3), 田口修3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 320-320, 2015.

Japanese Article O-117. Examination of the bronchoscopic usefulness in the diagnosis of the pulmonary Mycobacterium infection
長原慶典, 鈴木学, 森野英里子, 高崎仁, 泉信有, 放生雅章
Kekkaku 90(2): 321-321, 2015.

Japanese Article O-118. Examination of the tuberculous pneumonia case in our hospital
稲嶺盛史1,2), 知花賢治1,2), 藤田香織1,2), 仲本敦1), 大湾勤子1), 久場睦夫1), 藤田次郎2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 321-321, 2015.

Japanese Article O-119. Pleural effusion in the differentiation of tuberculous pleurisy and the rheumatic pleurisy and pleural examination
井上祐一1), 近藤晃1), 泊慎也1), 高園貴弘2), 中村茂樹2), 宮崎泰可2), 泉川公一4), 柳原克紀3), 河野茂2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 322-322, 2015.

Japanese Article O-120. An example of tuberculosis that there was multiple accumulation in PET/CT after prostate cancer treatment, and racked its brains about a diagnosis
安東優1), 向井豊1), 橋永一彦1), 梅木健二1), 宮崎英士2), 門田淳一1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 322-322, 2015.

Japanese Article O-121. One case of rectal cancer which tuberculous peritonitis was diagnosed with an examination peritoneoscope, and performed elective operations after the chemotherapy
森高智典, 中西徳彦, 井上考司
Kekkaku 90(2): 323-323, 2015.

Japanese Article O-122. One case of the tuberculoma which a SUVmax level showed high level in FDG-PET, and had difficulty in differentiation with the lung cancer
押尾剛志, 岸本久美子, 松瀬厚人
Kekkaku 90(2): 323-323, 2015.

Japanese Article O-123. Examination of the infectious granulomatosis 61 excision case
五十嵐知之1), 花岡淳1), 大内政嗣2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 324-324, 2015.

Japanese Article O-124. Examination of the malignant pleural mesothelioma of the pleural effusion ADA high level to need differentiation with the tuberculous pleurisy
大搗泰一郎, 栗林康造, 政近江利子, 神谷瞳, 寺田貴普, 家城隆次, 中野孝司
Kekkaku 90(2): 324-324, 2015.

Japanese Article O-125. Examination of the cut off level of pleural effusion ADA in the own institution for diagnoses of the tuberculous pleurisy
中村敬哉, 江村正仁, 張孝徳, 小林祐介, 野村奈都子, 野溝岳
Kekkaku 90(2): 325-325, 2015.

Japanese Article O-126. Example that differentiation with the tuberculous pleurisy became the problem
山田康一1,2), 岡田恵代2), 藤田明子2), 金子幸弘3), 掛屋弘1,2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 325-325, 2015.

Japanese Article O-127. Example that tuberculous pleurisy was suspected in patients with T-spot positive rheumatoid arthritis, but INF-γ during the pleural effusion was low level, and had a diagnosis of rheumatic pleurisy by a thoracoscopy
中野令伊司1), 久保享1), 金子祐子1), 江原尚美1), 松竹豊司1), 福島喜代康1), 中村茂樹2), 石松祐二2), 河野茂3), 河合紀生子4), 松尾武4)
Kekkaku 90(2): 326-326, 2015.

Japanese Article O-128. Sigmoid colon cancer merger M. where multiplex polymerase chain reaction test was useful in a diagnosis of the pulmonary disease with expectoration Mycobacterium smear positive, IGRA positive An example of the kansasii symptom
金子祐子1), 江原尚美1), 中野令伊司1), 松竹豊司1), 久保亨1), 福島喜代康1), 中村茂樹2), 石松祐二2), 河野茂3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 326-326, 2015.

Japanese Article O-129. Investigation for the quality of life improvement of the patients who are in the isolation environment by pulmonary tuberculosis
Kekkaku 90(2): 327-327, 2015.

Japanese Article O-130. The case that suffered from control of the psychological stress
岡芹久美子, 吉野優子, 大嶋圭子
Kekkaku 90(2): 327-327, 2015.

Japanese Article O-131. The acceptance from the distant area is an evaluation and a future problem about cooperation with the local community health nurse in our hospital with much
淺田道幸, 相馬美佳, 岡本詩子, 早川礼佳, 河江笑子, 山崎泰宏
Kekkaku 90(2): 328-328, 2015.

Japanese Article O-132. N95 mask wearing instruction for the tuberculosis ward visitor
阿部奈緒美, 小山由美子, 宮田珠子, 林弘子, 川嶋郁, 米川敦子
Kekkaku 90(2): 328-328, 2015.

Japanese Article O-133. Effect of the conformity confirmation by the periodical fitting test of the N95 mask and the instruction of the wearing method
鍋島久代, 川嶋郁, 米川敦子
Kekkaku 90(2): 329-329, 2015.

Japanese Article O-134. Change over time of the knowledge of the tuberculosis inpatient and the psychology
秋原志穂1), 藤村一美2), 中川智佐子3), 小野眞由美3), 竹本智子3), 松田博美3), 藤野和子3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 329-329, 2015.

Japanese Article O-135. Pulmonary tuberculosis, one patient of the tuberculous pleurisy whom hypothyroidism with rifampicin developed in in an episode of care
濱田祐斗, 佐藤暁幸
Kekkaku 90(2): 330-330, 2015.

Japanese Article O-136. Examination of our hospital interstitial nephritis ten thought about according to rifampicin during the past ten years
阪下健太郎, 高森幹雄, 佐藤祐, 岡本翔一, 村田研吾, 和田曉彦
Kekkaku 90(2): 330-330, 2015.

Japanese Article O-137. 1 case of the nephrotic syndrome to seem according to RFP
Kekkaku 90(2): 331-331, 2015.

Japanese Article O-138. Examination of the tuberculosis-related death example
津田侑子1), 松本健二1), 小向潤1), 笠井幸1), 古川香奈江1), 齊藤和美1), 蕨野由佳里1), 廣田理1), 甲田伸一2), 下内昭3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 331-331, 2015.

Japanese Article O-139. Examination of the simultaneous merger case of lung cancer in our hospital and the active acid-fast bacterium disease
関谷怜奈1), 冨岡洋海1), 豆鞘伸昭1), 山下修司1), 金田俊彦1), 西尾智尋1), 木田陽子1), 金子正博1), 池田宏国2), 竹尾正彦2), 勝山栄治3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 332-332, 2015.

Japanese Article O-140. Examination about problems with patients background and the treatment in the surgery case of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
松田周一1), 佐々木結花1), 大澤武司1), 伊麗娜1), 森本耕三1), 國東博之1), 奥村昌夫1), 吉森浩三1), 吉山崇1), 尾形英雄1), 倉島篤行1), 後藤元1), 工藤翔二1), 吉田勤2), 白石裕治2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 332-332, 2015.

Japanese Article O-141. Adverse event of the patients with chronic renal failure merger pulmonary tuberculosis treatment in our hospital, examination of the effect of treatment
斉藤那由多1), 金子有吾1), 川本浩徳1), 馬場優里1), 劉楷1), 藤崎育実1), 渡辺翔1), 堀切つぐみ1), 関文1), 木下陽1), 竹田宏1), 齋藤桂介1), 桑野和善2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 333-333, 2015.

Japanese Article O-142. Examination of the hepatic dysfunction onset case with the antiphthisic drug in our hospital
高橋良平1), 柴田祐司1), 山本昌樹1), 工藤誠1), 石ヶ坪良明2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 333-333, 2015.

Japanese Article O-143. The genetic factor search of the liver damage with the treatment with antiphthisic drug in Asia: Allied analysis initial results with the N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) genotype
野内英樹1), 吉山崇1,2), 山田紀男2), 奥村昌夫1), 佐々木結花1), 尾形英雄1,2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 334-334, 2015.

Japanese Article O-144. Examination about the drug-related white-cell count reducing symptom accepted during tuberculosis treatment
古川恵太郎, 森野英里子, 高崎仁, 杉山温人
Kekkaku 90(2): 334-334, 2015.

Japanese Article O-145. Examination of the case that nontuberculous Mycobacterium was detected by examination of sputum at tuberculosis hospitalization at the same time
船曳茜1), 松井弘稔1), 加藤貴史1), 森彩1), 赤司俊介1), 島田昌裕1), 鈴木純子1), 廣瀬敬1), 山根章1), 永井英明1), 赤川志のぶ1), 大田健1), 蛇澤晶2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 335-335, 2015.

Japanese Article O-146. Examination of the case that nontuberculous Mycobacterium was detected by Mycobacterium culture all over the pulmonary tuberculosis practice course
仲本敦1), 稲嶺盛史1,2), 知花賢治1,2), 藤田香織1,2), 大湾勤子1), 久場睦夫1), 藤田次郎2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 335-335, 2015.

Japanese Article O-147. Examination of the pneumothorax case complicated with active pulmonary tuberculosis
宮崎こずえ, 上野沙弥香, 吉岡宏治, 西野亮平, 山岡直樹, 倉岡敏彦
Kekkaku 90(2): 336-336, 2015.

Japanese Article O-148. Examination of the pneumothorax case complicated with pulmonary acid-fast bacterium disease
清家彩子, 水谷栄基, 宮永茂樹, 中原和樹
Kekkaku 90(2): 336-336, 2015.

Japanese Article O-149. Two cases of the pulmonary tuberculosis who had the intestinal perforation
斎藤美和子, 鈴木朋子, 新妻一直
Kekkaku 90(2): 337-337, 2015.

Japanese Article O-150. Change of the IGRAs test result in our hospital staff medical examination
武田啓太, 永井英明, 渡辺かおる, 横山晃, 安藤孝浩, 宮川英恵, 鈴木淳, 鈴木純子, 益田公彦, 田村厚久, 赤川志のぶ, 松井弘稔, 小林信之, 大田健
Kekkaku 90(2): 337-337, 2015.

Japanese Article O-151. Comparison between QFT-3G and T-SPOT in the post of medical student, new member person
古西満1,2), 前田光一2), 三笠桂一2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 338-338, 2015.

Japanese Article O-152. Examination of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis that we had during admission in a mental hospital
山崎善隆1), 管原まり子1), 出浦玄2), 松尾明美3), 降旗兼行4), 牛木淳人5), 濱峰幸5)
Kekkaku 90(2): 338-338, 2015.

Japanese Article O-153. Examination - of tuberculosis outbreaks example - our hospital introduction case in the nearby doctor mental hospital
宮村拓人1), 福田雄一1), 住吉誠1), 深堀範1), 今村圭文1), 宮崎泰可2), 泉川公一3), 柳原克紀4), 河野茂2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 339-339, 2015.

Japanese Article O-154. Correspondence of the ICT for the tuberculosis merger pregnancy, the delivery
粟屋幸一1), 林美香1), 竹山博泰1), 堀田誠1), 木庭尚哉1), 沖本民生1), 津端由佳理1), 星野鉄兵1), 濱口俊一1), 大江美紀1), 須谷顕尚1), 坂根圭子2), 森山英彦3), 西村信弘4), 礒部威1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 339-339, 2015.

Japanese Article O-155. Examination of the diagnosis algorithm of the expectoration smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis in the developing country
岡田耕輔1), 山田紀男2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 340-340, 2015.

Japanese Article O-156. About a characteristic of the clinical epidemiology of the tubercle bacillus detected in Hanoi, Vietnam City
慶長直人1), 前田伸司2), 櫻田紳策3), 土方美奈子1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 340-340, 2015.

Japanese Article O157. Rearward observational study about the tuberculosis medication support of patients with foreigner treated with the second kind infection-designated medical institution residing in Japan
小野五月, 田中恵梨子, 颯田千絵子, 山下悠, 松井隆
Kekkaku 90(2): 341-341, 2015.

Japanese Article O-158. Tuberculosis outbreaks example in the Japanese school
森田真央1), 神楽岡澄2), 窪田ゆか2), 誉田千晶2), 櫻本万紀子2), 榊原麻里絵2), 渡部裕之2), 村瀬良朗3), 内村和広4), 大角晃弘4), 石川信克5)
Kekkaku 90(2): 341-341, 2015.

Japanese Article O-159. Examination of the cough-related quality of life in patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis
鈴木貴人, 下田由季子, 林一郎, 野口理絵, 櫻井章吾, 三枝美香, 赤松泰介, 山本輝人, 宍戸雄一郎, 森田悟, 朝田和博, 白井敏博
Kekkaku 90(2): 342-342, 2015.

Japanese Article O-160. Efforts of the improvement in adherence of the aluminoparaaminosalicylate calcium
鈴木裕章1), 佐藤厚子2), 井上恵美子3), 三浦瑞枝3), 東陽子3), 小出美智子3), 永田容子4)
Kekkaku 90(2): 342-342, 2015.

Japanese Article O-161. Effect of the breathing rehabilitation on pulmonary tuberculosis aftereffects
高橋仁美1), 本間光信2), 塩谷隆信3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 343-343, 2015.

Japanese Article O-162. Examination of the detection situation of the Mycobacterium from patients with pneumoconiosis in our institution
神宮大輔, 矢島剛洋, 生方智, 庄司淳, 渡辺洋, 高橋洋
Kekkaku 90(2): 343-343, 2015.

Japanese Article O-163. One case of the tuberculosis outbreaks in the detention center which accepted extensive infectivity
小清水直樹1), 津久井賢1), 木村雅芳2), 土井倫子3), 松本克代3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 344-344, 2015.

Japanese Article O-164. Development of analysis TB-SGIP according to the new tubercle bacillus genotype by the presence or absence of Small genomic island
松本智成1), 前田伸司2), 星野仁彦3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 344-344, 2015.

Japanese Article O-165. Inflection of all tubercle bacillus genome analysis in the mass outbreak example that suffered from the estimate of the infection route
村瀬良朗1), 大角晃弘2), 渡部裕之3), 内村和広2), 神楽岡澄3), 窪田ゆか3), 榊原麻里絵3), 前田伸二1), 石川信克4)
Kekkaku 90(2): 345-345, 2015.

Japanese Article O-166. The spread course chase of the tubercle bacillus isolates in the low prevalence area
和田崇之1), 瀬戸順次2), 山本太郎1), 阿彦忠之2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 345-345, 2015.

Japanese Article O-167. The production of the antilipid IgG antibody due to the rabbit immunity and the property of the lipid antigen derived from a tubercle bacillus
柴田満1,2), 前田伸司3), 藤原永年2,4)
Kekkaku 90(2): 346-346, 2015.

Japanese Article O-168. Comparison of tubercle bacillus nucleic acid amplification examination PCR, the LAMP method, the TRC method
小野原健一1), 吉多仁子1), 田澤友美1), 橋本章司2), 永井崇之3), 田村嘉孝3), 韓由紀3), 釣永雄希3), 川瀬一郎4)
Kekkaku 90(2): 346-346, 2015.

Japanese Article O-169. Comparison of the new Mycobacterium isolation medium, Far East 2% Ogawa medium (SP) and Far East brook K nutrient medium
吉多仁子1), 小野原健一1), 田澤友美1), 橋本章二2), 釣永雄希2), 韓由紀2), 田村嘉孝2), 永井崇之2), 川瀬一朗2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 347-347, 2015.

Japanese Article O-170. About the MIC distribution of the drug sensitivity test Brosses Mick MTB-1 method of antiphthisic drug isoniazid in our hospital for 10 years
吉多仁子1), 小野原健一1), 田澤友美1), 橋本章二2), 釣永雄希2), 韓由紀2), 田村嘉孝2), 永井崇之2), 川瀬一朗2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 347-347, 2015.

Japanese Article O-171. Molecular epidemiology analysis of the tubercle bacillus isolated in Hanoi district of Vietnam
前田伸司1), 和田崇之2), 櫻田紳策3), 小林信之4), 慶長直人5)
Kekkaku 90(2): 348-348, 2015.

Japanese Article O-172. Participation of MIC and the gyrB mutation in the gene of the various fluoroquinolone agent for the tubercle bacillus
青野昭男1), 伊麗娜2,3), 近松絹代1), 五十嵐ゆり子1), 山田博之1), 高木明子1), 御手洗聡1,2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 348-348, 2015.

Japanese Article O-173. Identification precision of the Mycobacterium genus by the Pyrosequence method
近松絹代1), 青野昭男1), 山田博之1), 五十嵐ゆり子1), 伊麗娜2,3), 高木明子1), 御手洗聡1,3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 349-349, 2015.

Japanese Article O-174. Tuberculosis in medical care, care-related pneumonia, participation of the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
宮下修行, 栗原武幸, 沖本二郎
Kekkaku 90(2): 349-349, 2015.

Japanese Article O-175. Participation of the trachea, the tuberculosis of bronchus in a cough outpatient department
宮下修行, 栗原武幸, 沖本二郎
Kekkaku 90(2): 350-350, 2015.

Japanese Article O-176. DOTS conference of Osaka-shi public health center and the each tuberculosis special hospital
廣田理1), 松本健二1), 小向潤1), 津田侑子1), 齊藤和美1), 笠井幸1), 古川香奈江1), 蕨野由佳里1), 甲田伸一2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 350-350, 2015.

Japanese Article O-177. The effect that a change of the Gaffky number after the hospitalization gives to days of hospitalization, and the like
佐藤良博, 岡本直樹, 小山大輔, 伊藝孔明, 熊澤文雄, 伊藤玲子, 権寧博, 高橋典明, 橋本修
Kekkaku 90(2): 351-351, 2015.

Japanese Article O-178. The outbreaks example that assumed the tuberculosis merger pregnancy patients first
西川恵美子, 矢野修一, 小林賀奈子, 岩本信一, 多田光宏, 門脇徹, 神田響, 木村雅広, 池田敏和
Kekkaku 90(2): 351-351, 2015.

Japanese Article O-179. Attempt of the patients with domestic tuberculosis occurrence trend estimate mainly on the class of elderly people using the mathematics model
Kekkaku 90(2): 352-352, 2015.

Japanese Article O-180. The background and measures in Nagasaki that is a tuberculosis prevalence high rank prefectural regular customer
塚本美鈴1,2), 田代将人1,2), 高園貴弘2), 中村茂樹2), 宮崎泰可2), 栗原慎太郎2,3), 泉川公一1), 河野茂2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 352-352, 2015.

Japanese Article O-181. We report a summary and the current situation of the - tuberculosis medical care consultation, technological assistance center establishment about efforts and a problem of the tuberculosis medical care cooperation in the area
逸見恵子1), 河田典子1), 宗田良1), 西井研冶2), 重實比呂子3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 353-353, 2015.

Japanese Article O-182. Examination about 539 "Koch phenomenon example reports" reported in 2009-2012
徳永修1), 宮野前健1), 加藤誠也2), 石川信克2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 353-353, 2015.

Japanese Article O-183. The development situation and the molecular epidemiology of the multidrug-resistant tubercle bacillus in this office: Comparison before after 2007 and it
Kekkaku 90(2): 354-354, 2015.

Japanese Article O-184. About results of the staff medical examination of IGRA (interferon-gamma release assay) in our hospital
白井正浩, 金井美穂, 藤田薫, 伊藤靖弘, 藤坂由佳, 早川啓史
Kekkaku 90(2): 354-354, 2015.

Japanese Article O-185. Fact of the tuberculosis practice in Wakayama and inspection - from the institution with the only tuberculosis bed in first report - prefecture in future
駿田直俊1), 柳本立太1), 小野英也1), 川邊和美1), 南方良章1), 橋本容子2), 和田圭司3), 雑賀博子4)
Kekkaku 90(2): 355-355, 2015.

Japanese Article O-186. Fact of the tuberculosis practice in Wakayama and efforts - of an investigation about second report - tuberculosis practice in future and the tuberculosis community medical care cooperation review meeting
橋本容子1), 和田圭司2), 雑賀博子3), 駿田直俊4), 南方良章4)
Kekkaku 90(2): 355-355, 2015.

Japanese Article O-187. From tuberculosis attack (the third report) - "tuberculosis nursing system" of the nursing job -
山内祐子, 永田容子, 小林典子, 森亨
Kekkaku 90(2): 356-356, 2015.

Japanese Article O-188. International molecular epidemiology analysis of the strain derived from patients with pulmonary Mycobacterium avium symptom
八木哲也1), 市川和哉2), 稲垣孝行2), 小川賢二3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 356-356, 2015.

Japanese Article O-189. Examination of the tuberculosis case that we had the onset during during the admission or going to hospital in our hospital, and the diagnosis was late for
岡村拓哉, 後藤康洋, 今泉和良
Kekkaku 90(2): 357-357, 2015.

Japanese Article O-190. Consideration of preventive measures against infection in our hospital tuberculosis ward
佐藤厚子1), 鈴木裕章2), 石井加津恵3), 丸茂明美5), 井上恵美子4)
Kekkaku 90(2): 357-357, 2015.

Japanese Article O-191. Invention ... to have the efforts - fitting test experience-based meeting for the right wearing of the N95 mask participate
藤田明子1), 岡田恵代1), 山田康一1), 掛屋弘2), 金子幸弘3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 358-358, 2015.

Japanese Article O-192. Examination about the triage of the expectoration smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis case in the municipal hospital which does not have a tuberculosis ward
澤井豊光1), 吉岡寿麻子1), 松尾信子1), 須山尚史1), 河野茂2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 358-358, 2015.

Japanese Article O-193. Examination about tuberculosis treatment that patients with HIV infection that a definitive diagnosis of tuberculosis was not obtained received
笠井大介, 渡邊大
Kekkaku 90(2): 359-359, 2015.

Japanese Article O-194. Examination about prevalence and the risk of the tuberculosis attack in the HIV infected person
上領博1), 後藤哲志2), 渡邊大3), 大角晃弘4), 下内昭5), 白阪琢磨3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 359-359, 2015.

Japanese Article O-195. Research of the HIV merger tuberculosis case of the foreign family register in Hokkaido
錦織博貴, 池田貴美之, 小林智史, 高橋弘毅
Kekkaku 90(2): 360-360, 2015.

Japanese Article O-196. The lungs which we had which caused small intestinal perforation after the tuberculosis start of therapy, small intestine tuberculosis, an example of the tuberculous peritonitis
齋藤裕子, 高木達矢, 笠原嵩翔, 伊藤貴康, 水野秀和, 堀尾美穂子, 松本政実
Kekkaku 90(2): 360-360, 2015.

Japanese Article O-197. The development of iatrogenic tuberculosis situation in cancer practice base Hospital and the rheumatic collagenosis disease nucleus hospital
Kekkaku 90(2): 361-361, 2015.

Japanese Article O-198. Clinical examination of 34 IFN neutralizing antibody-positive disseminated nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease existing reports
長谷衣佐乃1,2,3), 森本耕三4), 坂上拓郎5), 石井芳樹3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 361-361, 2015.

Japanese Article O-199. Pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease, phthisis pulmonum, examination about the antiInterferon-γ autoantibody in the healthy subject
青木亜美1), 坂上拓郎1), 島賢治郎1), 青木信将1), 茂呂寛1), 田邊嘉也1), 小屋俊之1), 各務博1), 成田一衛1), 星野仁彦2), 森本耕三3), 倉島篤行3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 362-362, 2015.

Japanese Article O-200. Two cases of the disseminated MAC symptom where antiIFN γ neutralization autoantibody was detected
南宮湖1,2), 西村知泰3), 八木一馬1), 朝倉崇徳1), 鈴木翔二1), 上蓑義典4), 藤原宏4), 石井誠1), 田坂定智1), 長谷川直樹4)
Kekkaku 90(2): 362-362, 2015.

Japanese Article O-201. One case of the isolation pulmonary nodule type lungs MAC symptom which occurred in young people for chest pain, and was subacute, and increased, and presented with high accumulation in FDGPET
石井誠1), 朝倉崇徳1), 南宮湖1), 八木一馬1), 鈴木翔二1), 加茂徹郎1), 浅見貴弘1), 上蓑義典2), 藤原宏2), 西村知泰3), 田坂定智1), 別役智子1), 長谷川直樹2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 363-363, 2015.

Japanese Article O-202. Two cases of the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease that produced pleurisy by pneumothorax
河岸由紀男1), 徳井宏太郎2), 辻博1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 363-363, 2015.

Japanese Article O-203. Clinical examination of the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease who had pneumothorax
原真紀子1), 若松謙太郎1), 高倉孝二1), 熊副洋幸2), 赤崎卓1), 槇早苗1), 永田忍彦3), 川崎雅之1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 364-364, 2015.

Japanese Article O-204. Is complicated with multiple skin impetigo and nasal inflammation, sinusitis, an example of the Mycobacterium chelonae infection with suspected disseminated condition of a patient
榎本泰典, 幸田敬悟, 松井隆, 横村光司
Kekkaku 90(2): 364-364, 2015.

Japanese Article O-205. Clinical examination of the pulmonary Mycobacterium abscessus case
石津美輪1), 若松謙太郎2), 團理1), 金子靖子1), 原田聡子1), 吉川充浩1), 國武律子1), 原田泰子1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 365-365, 2015.

Japanese Article O-206. Examination of the Mycobacterium kansasii symptom in our hospital
深堀範1), 福田雄一1), 今村圭文1), 河野茂2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 365-365, 2015.

Japanese Article O-207. One case of the Mycobacterium szulgai chest infection that we experienced in our hospital
原田陽介1), 佐々木英祐1), 河野茂2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 366-366, 2015.

Japanese Article O-208. One patient whom multiple osteomyelitis by Mycobacterium haemophilum developed in after lymphoproliferative disorder treatment after the heart transplant
吉田寿雄1), 関雅文1), 武鑓真司2), 橋井佳子2), 大薗恵一2), 朝野和典1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 366-366, 2015.

Japanese Article O-209. Clinical examination of the emergency conveyed tuberculosis case
Kekkaku 90(2): 367-367, 2015.

Japanese Article O-210. The development situation and clinical picture of tuberculosis in the ER, examination about problems
矢島剛洋, 神宮大輔, 生方智, 庄司淳, 高橋洋
Kekkaku 90(2): 367-367, 2015.

Japanese Article O-211. One case of the pulmonary tuberculosis complicated with Osler-Weber-Rendu disease
藤田一喬1), 乾年秀2), 中嶋真之2), 中澤真理子2), 肥田憲人1), 兵頭健太郎2), 櫻井啓文2), 金澤潤2), 角田義弥1), 根本健司2), 高久多希朗2), 大石修司2), 林原賢治2), 齋藤武文2), 檜澤伸之1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 368-368, 2015.

Japanese Article O-212. Two cases of the multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis that we experienced in our hospital recently
林原賢治, 中澤真理子, 櫻井啓文, 金澤潤, 根本健司, 高久多希朗, 大石修司, 斎藤武文
Kekkaku 90(2): 368-368, 2015.

Japanese Article O-213. An example of the pulmonary tuberculosis that became the quinolone-resistant by chronic administration of levofloxacin
田代将人1), 高園貴弘2), 小佐井康介3), 森永芳智3), 中村茂樹2), 栗原慎太郎1), 宮崎泰可2), 塚本美鈴1), 柳原克紀3), 泉川公一1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 369-369, 2015.

Japanese Article O-214. Examination of the significance of the diachronic procalcitonin (PCT) measurement in the episode of care of the pulmonary tuberculosis
大澤武司, 渡辺雅人, 松田周一, 伊麗娜, 山名一平, 大藤貴, 森本耕三, 矢野量三, 國東博之, 奥村昌夫, 佐々木結花, 吉山崇, 倉島篤行, 尾形英雄, 後藤元
Kekkaku 90(2): 369-369, 2015.

Japanese Article O-215. The health-related quality of life in patients with pulmonary Mycobacterium avium complex symptom: Examination using the SF-36 summary score
朝倉崇徳1), 石井誠1), 舩津洋平1), 八木一馬1), 南宮湖1), 鈴木翔二1), 浅見貴弘1), 加茂徹朗2), 上蓑義典2), 藤原宏2), 西村知泰3), 田坂定智1), 別役智子1), 長谷川直樹2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 370-370, 2015.

Japanese Article O-216. Nutritional status of patients with pulmonary MAC (Mycobacterium avium complex) symptom, examination about the nutritional intake
若松謙太郎1), 永田忍彦2), 槇早苗1), 大森久光5), 上野佳代子4), 熊副洋幸3), 高倉孝二1), 原真紀子1), 赤崎卓1), 川崎雅之1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 370-370, 2015.

Japanese Article O-217. About the response of dendritic cells to nontuberculous Mycobacterium
小林裕康1), 浦田健太郎1), 高橋佳紀1), 都丸敦史1), 藤原研太郎1), 大西真裕1), 高木健裕1), 小林哲1), ガバザ エステバン2), 田口修1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 371-371, 2015.

Japanese Article O-218. Change of the nutritional status of the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease fatal case
加藤聡之, 武田直也
Kekkaku 90(2): 371-371, 2015.

Japanese Article O-219. Biofilm formation accelerator factor of the nontuberculous Mycobacterium discrete from environment
西内由紀子1), 金子幸弘2), 松本壮吉3)
Kekkaku 90(2): 372-372, 2015.

Japanese Article O-220. One case of the tuberculous peritonitis diagnosed by the small intestine resection for the subileus
中村さつき, 多賀収
Kekkaku 90(2): 372-372, 2015.

Japanese Article O-221. An example of the miliary tuberculosis who had the cutaneous tuberculosis
幸田敬悟, 榎本泰典, 松井隆, 横村光司
Kekkaku 90(2): 373-373, 2015.

Japanese Article O-222. An example of the tuberculous lymphadenitis that it became the introduction in an ascites close inspection purpose, and suffered from a diagnosis as PSA high level or IL-2R high level, and the like were found
Kekkaku 90(2): 373-373, 2015.

Japanese Article O-223. One case of the phthisis pulmonum who had the tuberculous pyometra
西堀武明1), 佐藤和弘2), 江部佑輔2)
Kekkaku 90(2): 374-374, 2015.

Japanese Article O-224. An example of ear tuberculosis in the bilaterality without the underlying disease in particular and the pulmonary tuberculosis
小林鉄郎, 森野英里子, 高崎仁
Kekkaku 90(2): 374-374, 2015.

Japanese Article O-225. One case of intestinal tuberculosis, cold abscess in the falciform ligament of liver which had the onset after tuberculous peritonitis treatment and the left tuberculosis of cervical lymph node
吉川弥須子1), 増田典弘2), 勝部乙大3), 池田直哉1), 野村由至3), 小川佳亮4), 滝澤秀典1), 石井芳樹1)
Kekkaku 90(2): 375-375, 2015.