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Volume 90, Issue 5 / 2015
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Hiroko YOSHIDA1, Kenichi ONOHARA1, Tomomi TAZAWA1, Kunimitsu KAWAHARA1, Yuki TSURINAGA2, Yuki HAN2, Yoshitaka TAMURA2, Takayuki NAGAI2, Shoji HASHIMOTO2, Ichirou KAWASE2
Kekkaku 90(5): 497-502, 2015.

Norihiko NAKANISHI, Masaaki SHIOJIRI, Kouji INOUE, Tomonori MORITAKA
Kekkaku 90(5): 503-506, 2015.

Japanese Article The treatment result of the latent tuberculosis infection and examination about DOTS
笠井幸1, 松本健二1, 小向潤1, 齊藤和美1, 蕨野由佳里1, 津田侑子1, 廣田理1, 甲田伸一2
Kekkaku 90(5): 507-513, 2015.

Japanese Article TUBERCULOSIS ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - (2) Tuberculosis in Pediatric and Elderly Patients -
Tuberculosis Surveillance Center (TSC), RIT, JATA
Kekkaku 90(5): 515-521, 2015.

Japanese Article In-hospital DOTS guidelines (the revision second edition)
日本結核病学会エキスパート委員会 (旧保健・看護委員会)
Kekkaku 90(5): 523-526, 2015.

Japanese Article Guideline to push forward local DOTS smoothly
Kekkaku 90(5): 527-530, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. One case of the Mycobacterium abscessus chest infection
佐藤裕人, 片桐祐司, 日野俊彦, 長澤正樹, 藤井俊司
Kekkaku 90(5): 531-531, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. One case of the tuberculous pleurisy that accepted anti-side pleural effusion retention and nodular shadow of the lung field during treatment
片桐祐司, 日野俊彦, 長澤正樹, 藤井俊司
Kekkaku 90(5): 531-531, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. One patient who presented with drug-related cirrhosis during tuberculosis chemotherapy
石岡佳子, 山本勝丸, 下山亜矢子, 中川英之*, 高杉かおり**
Kekkaku 90(5): 531-531, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. Asthma symptoms and one patient of the confusing pulmonary tuberculosis who had the onset during foreign going to hospital for bronchial asthma
Kekkaku 90(5): 531-532, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. One that contracted a disease for tuberculosis to the lungs peculiar to right after the left one lung grafting for the lymph vessels myoma symptom
鈴木寛利, 渡邉龍秋, 松田安史, 岡崎敏昌, 野津田泰嗣, 新井川弘道, 野田雅史, 桜田晃, 星川康, 遠藤千顕, 岡田克典, 近藤丘*, 玉田勉, 菊地利明, 一ノ瀬正和**, 具芳明***, 秋場美紀****, 高橋阿希子*****
Kekkaku 90(5): 532-532, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. One case that presented M. fortuitum bacteremia in patients with acute myeloid leukemia
Kekkaku 90(5): 532-532, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. Study on clinical application of the quick judgment of drug-resistant tuberculosis using the gene sequencing method
久保亨1),*, 福島喜代康1), 江原尚美1), 中野令伊司1), 松竹豊司1), 森田公一*, 河野茂**
Kekkaku 90(5): 533-533, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. The current situation of the tuberculosis practice in our hospital
石橋幸四郎, 高岡俊夫
Kekkaku 90(5): 533-533, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. Clinical examination of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in our hospital
立石秀彦, 濱本淳二, 中西美智子
Kekkaku 90(5): 533-533, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. About the use of recent tuberculosis ward situation (analysis of patients except the tuberculosis)
伊井敏彦, 佐野ありさ, 小玉剛士, 柳重久, 井手口優美*, 比嘉利信**
Kekkaku 90(5): 533-534, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. Examination of 15 tuberculosis cases that led to a definitive diagnosis after the hospitalization
平元良英, 佐伯裕子, 中村大介, 山下英俊
Kekkaku 90(5): 534-534, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. One case of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis that it detected tolerance early in Xpert MTB/RIF, and had treatment escalation
川瀬真弓, 田尾義昭, 中垣憲明, 中野貴子, 大塚淳司, 池亀聡, 吉見通洋, 高田昇平
Kekkaku 90(5): 534-534, 2015.

Japanese Article 7. One case with suspected merger of the bronchial pulmonary tuberculosis and mycoplasmal pneumonia
Kekkaku 90(5): 534-534, 2015.

Japanese Article 8. One patient who underwent bronchoscope lower intervention for a tuberculous left main bronchus stenosis
濱田利徳, 山本玲央那, 山本耕三, 徳石恵太, 岡林寛
Kekkaku 90(5): 534-535, 2015.

Japanese Article 9. Three cases of the tuberculous peritonitis that we experienced in our hospital
向笠洋介, 西澤早織, 吉峯晃平, 神幸希, 浅地美奈, 安田裕一郎, 山路義和, 鶴野広介, 宮嶋宏之, 飛野和則*, 海老規之**
Kekkaku 90(5): 535-535, 2015.

Japanese Article 10. One case of the intractable tuberculosis of hip
柳重久, 井手口優美, 小玉剛士, 佐野ありさ, 伊井敏彦*, 比嘉利信**, 池尻洋史***
Kekkaku 90(5): 535-535, 2015.

Japanese Article 11. Experience of the treatment with Chinese medicine for 2 cases with suspected pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
坂本篤彦, 木下義晃, 日高孝子
Kekkaku 90(5): 535-535, 2015.

Japanese Article 12. One patient whom pulmonary tuberculosis developed in all over the course of the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
鈴村智子, 山中徹, 坂本理
Kekkaku 90(5): 535-536, 2015.

Japanese Article 13. M. One case that a merger of the cardiac sarcoidosis was found for avium chest infection
池田恵理子, 古本朗嗣, 石藤智子, 山梨啓友, 森本浩之輔, 有吉紅也*, 木下直江**
Kekkaku 90(5): 536-536, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. Analysis of the bacteria side factor of the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
Kekkaku 90(5): 537-537, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. Nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease and nourishment
Kekkaku 90(5): 537-537, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. Diagnosis of the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
Kekkaku 90(5): 537-538, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. Progress of treatment - these days of the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
Kekkaku 90(5): 538-538, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. Trend of patients with foreign tuberculosis in our hospital
大塚淳司, 田尾義昭, 中垣憲明, 池亀聡, 中野貴子, 吉見通洋, 高田昇平
Kekkaku 90(5): 538-538, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. Pulmonary M. which used AMK, IPM/cs together for a short term in CAM, and was relieved One case of the abscessus infection
橋口波子, 伊地知佳世, 猪島尚子*, 猪島一朗**
Kekkaku 90(5): 538-538, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. One case of the hilum of lung mediastinum lymph node tuberculosis that showed polypoid lesion with a bronchoscope
中島信隆, 藤平智道, 山本宜男, 古藤洋
Kekkaku 90(5): 538-539, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. Examination of the tuberculosis ward leave hospital mortality case
藤田香織1), 稲嶺盛史1),*, 知花賢治1), 仲本敦1), 大湾勤子1), 久場睦夫1), 藤田次郎*
Kekkaku 90(5): 539-539, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. One case of the miliary tuberculosis that we were able to save though we were complicated with Severe ARDS, multiple organ failure
辛島聡志, 川村宏大, 仁田脇辰哉, 阿南圭祐, 久永純平, 坂田能彦, 神宮直樹, 保田祐子, 荒川尚子, 高木誠, 一門和哉
Kekkaku 90(5): 539-539, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. One case of the tuberculous pleurisy with suspected original Meigs syndrome
石田浩一*, 藤田明孝, 前山隆茂, 鶴田伸子, 樋口和行**
Kekkaku 90(5): 539-539, 2015.

Japanese Article 7. 1 example that an examination for Mycobacterium smear of the expectoration shifted to positive during pulmonary tuberculosis treatment in a regular hospital, and check-uped contacts
野田直孝, 金民姫, 三宅恵, 廣瀬宣之, 安元公正
Kekkaku 90(5): 539-540, 2015.

Japanese Article 8. One case of the miliary tuberculosis that needed artificial respiration management
佐野ありさ, 伊井敏彦, 井手口優美, 小玉剛士, 柳重久*, 比嘉利信**
Kekkaku 90(5): 540-540, 2015.