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Volume 92, Issue 2 / 2017
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article In the holding of the 92nd Japanese Society for Tuberculosis general meeting
Kekkaku 92(2): 61-61, 2017.

Japanese Article From history - granuloma-related lung disease of the hypersensitivity pneumonitis to interstitial pneumonia -
Kekkaku 92(2): 148-148, 2017.

Japanese Article Tuberculosis: Old, new disease
Kekkaku 92(2): 149-149, 2017.

English Article Antituberculous Drug-induced Hepatotoxicity
Margaret Koziel
Kekkaku 92(2): 153-153, 2017.

Japanese Article The condition of a patient and development pathology of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis
Kekkaku 92(2): 154-154, 2017.

Japanese Article A diagnosis and treatment of the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
Kekkaku 92(2): 155-155, 2017.

Japanese Article Pathology of the phthisis pulmonum
Kekkaku 92(2): 156-156, 2017.

Japanese Article Video diagnosis of the phthisis pulmonum
Kekkaku 92(2): 157-157, 2017.

Japanese Article Treatment of intractable or resistant tuberculosis
Kekkaku 92(2): 161-161, 2017.

Japanese Article S1-1. The current situation of a role and the development of the new tuberculosis vaccine
岡田全司1), 橋元里実1), 仲谷均1), 西松志保1), 木岡由美子1), 西田泰子1), 井上義一1), 露口一成1), 林清二1), 喜多洋子1), 中島俊洋2), 金田安史3), 朝野和典3), 熊ノ郷淳3), 木田博3), 庄司俊輔4), 齋藤武文5), 松本智成6), 三上礼子7), David McMurray8), Esterlina Tan9), Paul Saunderson9), Marjorie Cang9)
Kekkaku 92(2): 162-162, 2017.

Japanese Article S1-2. The current situation of the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
Kekkaku 92(2): 163-163, 2017.

Japanese Article S1-3. Treatment result of the Delamanid in our country
Kekkaku 92(2): 164-164, 2017.

Japanese Article S1-4. Promising next-generation tuberculosis regimen with the new drug
Kekkaku 92(2): 165-165, 2017.

Japanese Article A Mycobacterium infection: Comparison with an image and the image of pathology
Kekkaku 92(2): 166-166, 2017.

Japanese Article S2-1. Video diagnosis of the nontuberculous Mycobacterium infection
Kekkaku 92(2): 167-167, 2017.

Japanese Article S2-2. Image of pathology of the Mycobacterium avium complex symptom
蛇澤晶1), 木谷匡志1), 仲村泰彦1), 田村厚久2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 168-168, 2017.

Japanese Article S2-3. It is ... from video diagnosis ... minute lesion of the pulmonary tuberculosis to a large-size lesion
Kekkaku 92(2): 169-169, 2017.

Japanese Article S2-4. An image of pathology of the phthisis pulmonum: Observation from pulmonary periphery structure
Kekkaku 92(2): 170-170, 2017.

Japanese Article Smoking, COPD and tuberculosis
Kekkaku 92(2): 171-171, 2017.

Japanese Article S3-1. Smoking, COPD and lower airway immunity
Kekkaku 92(2): 172-172, 2017.

Japanese Article S3-2. Clinical examination of COPD and the phthisis pulmonum
大西司, 宮田祐人, 桑原直人, 楠本壮二郎, 相良博典
Kekkaku 92(2): 173-173, 2017.

Japanese Article S3-3. COPD merger tuberculosis - treatment and administrative precaution -
玉置伸二, 久下隆, 板東千昌, 芳野詠子, 田村緑, 田中小百合, 小山友里, 有山豊, 田村猛夏
Kekkaku 92(2): 174-174, 2017.

Japanese Article S3-4. Epidemiology of smoking, COPD and tuberculosis
Kekkaku 92(2): 175-175, 2017.

Japanese Article To know the pulmonary NTM symptom, and to improve practice
Kekkaku 92(2): 176-176, 2017.

Japanese Article S4-1. The condition of a patient and the bacteria side factor of the pulmonary MAC symptom
Kekkaku 92(2): 177-177, 2017.

Japanese Article S4-2. Pulmonary MAC symptom to see with an image
Kekkaku 92(2): 178-178, 2017.

Japanese Article S4-3. The current situation and directionality of the medical therapy based on the condition of a patient of the pulmonary Mycobacterium avium complex symptom
Kekkaku 92(2): 179-179, 2017.

Japanese Article S4-4. Surgical treatment of the pulmonary NTM symptom
Kekkaku 92(2): 180-180, 2017.

Japanese Article A diagnosis and treatment of the latent tuberculosis infection
Kekkaku 92(2): 181-181, 2017.

Japanese Article S5-1. Application to mechanism and tuberculosis measures of "the longevity" of the Mycobacterium
Kekkaku 92(2): 182-182, 2017.

Japanese Article S5-2. Usefulness and limit of IGRA for the latent tuberculosis infection diagnosis
Kekkaku 92(2): 183-183, 2017.

Japanese Article S5-3. About a diagnosis performance of QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus
Kekkaku 92(2): 184-184, 2017.

Japanese Article S5-4. It is ... including combination - T-spot of IGRA and the low dose chest CT in the diagnosis of the infection tuberculosis, comparison of QFT, QFT-plus
福島喜代康1), 江原尚美1), 中野令伊司1), 松竹豊司1), 久保亨1), 迎寛2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 185-185, 2017.

Japanese Article S5-5. Problems of a diagnosis and the treatment of the latent tuberculosis infection in the use of biological drug patients
Kekkaku 92(2): 186-186, 2017.

Japanese Article The generalization of pulmonary tuberculosis aftereffects and future problem
Kekkaku 92(2): 187-187, 2017.

Japanese Article S6-1. The condition of a patient of pulmonary tuberculosis aftereffects
Kekkaku 92(2): 188-188, 2017.

Japanese Article S6-2. About respiratory failure: LTOT and NPPV
大平徹郎, 桑原克弘
Kekkaku 92(2): 189-189, 2017.

Japanese Article S6-3. Breathing rehabilitation (including terminal phase) of late effects of tuberculosis
Kekkaku 92(2): 190-190, 2017.

Japanese Article S6-4. About a pulmonary tuberculosis secondary infection (Aspergillosis, nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease)
Kekkaku 92(2): 191-191, 2017.

Japanese Article S6-5. Treatment ... mainly on intractable condition of a patient hemoptysis ... condition of a patient and catheter intervention as late effects of tuberculosis
Kekkaku 92(2): 192-192, 2017.

English Article Current topics and future perspective in the Nontuberculous Mycobacteriosis in Eastern Asia
Naoki Hasegawa, Kozo Morimoto
Kekkaku 92(2): 193-193, 2017.

English Article S7-1. Host susceptibility to pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacterial (PNTM) disease
Masashi Matsuyama, Steven M.Holland
Kekkaku 92(2): 194-194, 2017.

English Article S7-2. Antibiotic treatment of nontuberculous mycobacterial lung disease
Won-Jung Koh
Kekkaku 92(2): 195-195, 2017.

English Article S7-3. Hsa-miR-346 is a potential serum biomarker of Mycobacterium avium complex pulmonary disease activity
Tomoyasu Nishimura
Kekkaku 92(2): 196-196, 2017.

English Article S7-4. Current topics and future perspective in the nontuberculous mycobacteriosis in Eastern Asia
Po-Ren Hsueh
Kekkaku 92(2): 197-197, 2017.

Japanese Article The capture: Examination of Mycobacterium guide 2016
Kekkaku 92(2): 198-198, 2017.

Japanese Article S8-1. The latest topics of a Mycobacterium classification and the identification technique
Kekkaku 92(2): 199-199, 2017.

Japanese Article S8-2. A method and the use according to the tubercle bacillus genotype
Kekkaku 92(2): 200-200, 2017.

Japanese Article S8-3. Drug sensitivity test of the nontuberculous Mycobacterium
Kekkaku 92(2): 201-201, 2017.

Japanese Article S8-4. How should there be the examination of next Mycobacterium guidelines?
Kekkaku 92(2): 202-202, 2017.

Japanese Article Hospital infection measures, role of the ICT
Kekkaku 92(2): 203-203, 2017.

Japanese Article S9-1. From the experience of the model bed accommodating patients with tuberculosis with tuberculosis hospital infection measures - general beds -
林宏紀1), 根井貴仁2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 204-204, 2017.

Japanese Article S9-2. (ICN) to tell the infection tuberculosis risk of the own institution to medical personnel, and to prepare for
Kekkaku 92(2): 205-205, 2017.

Japanese Article S9-3. A role and the prospects of the authorized pharmacist of infection control and the antibacterial chemotherapy
Kekkaku 92(2): 206-206, 2017.

Japanese Article S9-4. From the position of the clinical microorganism test engineer
Kekkaku 92(2): 207-207, 2017.

Japanese Article Clinical practice of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis (CPA)
Kekkaku 92(2): 208-208, 2017.

Japanese Article S10-1. Of image views is managed (from the pathological standpoint)
Kekkaku 92(2): 209-209, 2017.

Japanese Article S10-2. The effectiveness and treatment resistance factor of the medical treatment
金澤潤1,2), 齋藤武文1)
Kekkaku 92(2): 210-210, 2017.

Japanese Article S10-3. The future prospects of the condition of a patient and the medical treatment of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis
Kekkaku 92(2): 211-211, 2017.

Japanese Article S10-4. Adaptation and the effectiveness of the surgical therapy for pulmonary aspergillosis
橋詰寿律1), 杉浦八十生1), 藤本博行1), 荒木規仁2), 河合治2), 布施川久恵2), 大久保泰之2), 根本悦夫1)
Kekkaku 92(2): 212-212, 2017.

Japanese Article An NTM symptom: We think about an evaluation, approach in a variety of situation
Kekkaku 92(2): 215-215, 2017.

Japanese Article MS1-1. It is ... for the enforcement of the epidemiology - persistence of world and pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease possible epidemiologic survey of Japan
Kekkaku 92(2): 215-215, 2017.

Japanese Article MS1-2. Infection/reinfection and the prevention of the NTM
Kekkaku 92(2): 216-216, 2017.

Japanese Article MS1-3. Complications of the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease to become the problem in clinical practice
Kekkaku 92(2): 216-216, 2017.

Japanese Article Tuberculosis treatment of elderly people: Right or wrong of the B method
Kekkaku 92(2): 217-217, 2017.

Japanese Article MS2-1. We look at the rear of the standard treatment pulmonary tuberculosis case of our hospital in patients with tuberculosis 80 years or older and examine a mark
Kekkaku 92(2): 217-217, 2017.

Japanese Article MS2-2. Examination of the factor to block the A method introduction by senile tuberculosis treatment in our hospital
Kekkaku 92(2): 218-218, 2017.

Japanese Article MS2-3. Standard treatment B in elderly people 80 years or older
Kekkaku 92(2): 218-218, 2017.

Japanese Article About current situation - fever, eruption, the leukopenia of the side effect of the antiphthisic drug -
Kekkaku 92(2): 219-219, 2017.

Japanese Article MS3-1. Examination about clinical features and the risk factor of leukopenia accepted during tuberculosis treatment and the agranulocytosis
古川恵太郎1,2), 森野英里子1), 高崎仁1), 石井聡1), 鈴木学1), 仲剛1), 飯倉元保1), 泉信有1), 竹田雄一郎1), 放生雅章1), 杉山温人1)
Kekkaku 92(2): 219-219, 2017.

Japanese Article MS3-2. Examination of the antiphthisic drug side effect in the own omen case
二島駿一, 野中水, 笹谷悠惟果, 重政理恵, 吉田和史, 矢崎海, 肥田憲人, 兵頭健太郎, 根本健司, 三浦由記子, 高久多希朗, 大石修司, 林原賢治, 齋藤武文
Kekkaku 92(2): 220-220, 2017.

Japanese Article MS3-3. Examination of the adverse event with the antiphthisic drug
山野泰彦, 谷口博之, 近藤康博, 木村智樹, 片岡健介, 横山俊樹
Kekkaku 92(2): 220-220, 2017.

Japanese Article Pit fall of the examination of Mycobacterium
Kekkaku 92(2): 223-223, 2017.

Japanese Article Pit fall of a tuberculosis diagnosis, the treatment
Kekkaku 92(2): 223-223, 2017.

Japanese Article 01. One case of the disseminated nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease that presented GATA2 abnormality of the genes
東川隆一, 谷野功典, 二階堂雄文, 福原敦朗, 佐藤俊, 棟方充
Kekkaku 92(2): 227-227, 2017.

Japanese Article 02. Clinical examination of the extrapulmonary quick growth Mycobacterium infection
吉田敦1,2), 鵜澤豊1), 岡本友紀2), 鈴木弘倫2), 井口成一1), 奥住捷子3), 菱沼昭3), 菊池賢1)
Kekkaku 92(2): 227-227, 2017.

Japanese Article 03. The situation of the medical interpreter dispatch to patients with foreign birth tuberculosis of Osaka-shi
津田侑子1), 松本健二1), 齊藤和美1), 芦達麻衣子1), 竹川美穂1), 清水直子1), 植田英也1), 小向潤1), 廣川秀徹1), 下内昭2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 228-228, 2017.

Japanese Article 04. (multidrug resistance) tuberculosis by the proteomics analysis and search of the specific molecular marker in the Mycobacterium avium complex symptom infection tissue
瀬戸真太郎1), 森本耕三2), 吉田勤3), 土方美奈子1), 松下育美1), 白石裕治3), 倉島篤行2), 慶長直人1)
Kekkaku 92(2): 228-228, 2017.

Japanese Article 05. Examination of the quick Mycobacterium pretreatment method of the MALDI-TOF MS using the supersonic wave
新妻一直1), 小柴静子2), 斎藤美和子1), 鈴木朋子1), 御手洗聡3), 鹿住祐子3)
Kekkaku 92(2): 229-229, 2017.

Japanese Article 06. A tendency and problem of the interferon gamma isolation study screening test by the ELISPOT method for healthcare workers
Kekkaku 92(2): 229-229, 2017.

Japanese Article 07. Rapid hyposensitization for the antiphthisic drug
名越咲, 大島信治, 川島正裕, 松木明, 佐藤俊, 比嘉克行, 宮川和子, 上井康寛, 扇谷昌宏, 井上恵理, 日下圭, 成本治, 島田昌裕, 鈴木淳, 鈴木純子, 山根章, 永井英明, 大田健
Kekkaku 92(2): 230-230, 2017.

Japanese Article 08. Examination of the pneumonectomy case for the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease (NTM)
薄井真悟1), 南優子1,2), 島内正起1), 二島駿一3), 兵頭健太郎3), 根本健司3), 三浦由記子3), 高久多希朗3), 大石修司3), 林原賢治3), 齋藤武文3)
Kekkaku 92(2): 230-230, 2017.

Japanese Article 09. Epidemiologic studies of the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease using the National database
泉清彦1,2), 森本耕三3), 内村和広1), 長谷川直樹4), 吉山崇5), 南宮湖4), 星野仁彦6), 倉島篤行5), 御手洗聡7)
Kekkaku 92(2): 231-231, 2017.

Japanese Article 10. In the patients with type 2 chronic respiratory failure including pulmonary tuberculosis aftereffects, we examine the night oxygen flow rate using the transdermal CO2 tension monitor during sleep
角謙介, 坪井知正, 佐藤敦夫, 茆原雄一, 酒井茂樹, 橘洋正, 小栗晋, 水口正義, 田畑寿子
Kekkaku 92(2): 231-231, 2017.

Japanese Article 11. Examination about family DOTS for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis
芦達麻衣子1), 松本健二1), 小向潤1), 津田侑子1), 植田英也1), 竹川美穂1), 清水直子1), 齊藤和美1), 古川香奈江2), 笠井幸3), 廣川秀徹1)
Kekkaku 92(2): 235-235, 2017.

Japanese Article 12. About the drugstore DOTS enforcement situation of the local governments of the whole country
島村珠枝, 浦川美奈子, 永田容子
Kekkaku 92(2): 235-235, 2017.

Japanese Article 13. Usefulness of basic hospital and regional alliances DOTS with the public health center which do not do tuberculosis inpatient care
Kekkaku 92(2): 236-236, 2017.

Japanese Article 14. Making of the guide for mobile DOTS utilization
Kekkaku 92(2): 236-236, 2017.

Japanese Article 15. Two reports that we became with positive pleural effusion culture and took as pleurisy due to the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
児玉孝秀, 佐藤信也, 宮崎邦彦
Kekkaku 92(2): 237-237, 2017.

Japanese Article 16. It is examined the case who had pulmonary aspergillosis for pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease in the Kichijima Hospital
西野亮平, 松田賢一, 稲田修吾, 水本正, 吉岡宏冶, 池上靖彦, 山岡直樹, 倉岡敏彦
Kekkaku 92(2): 237-237, 2017.

Japanese Article 17. An example of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis given an antituberculous therapy including the Delamanid
二階堂雄文, 谷野功典, 東川隆一, 福原敦朗, 佐藤俊, 棟方充
Kekkaku 92(2): 238-238, 2017.

Japanese Article 18. Search of blood index that can evaluate the pre-back prediction, the condition of a patient in the pulmonary Mycobacterium avium complex symptom
押谷洋平, 北田清悟, 香川浩之, 藤川健弥, 森雅秀, 前倉亮治
Kekkaku 92(2): 238-238, 2017.

Japanese Article 19. Inhibition of the interferon signal in the respiratory epithelia with the tuberculin test liquid
本間哲也, 宇野智輝, 藤原明子, 桑原直太, 宮田祐人, 平井邦朗, 楠本壮二郎, 鈴木慎太郎, 田中明彦, 大西司, 相良博典
Kekkaku 92(2): 239-239, 2017.

Japanese Article 20. A change of IFN - γ/IL-17-secreting ability for Mycobacterium avium before and after the treatment and relations with the clinical picture
Kekkaku 92(2): 239-239, 2017.

Japanese Article 21. It is examined QFT-3G six months in the high infection rate group of the contacts medical examination later
松本健二, 小向潤, 津田侑子, 植田英也, 芦達麻衣子, 清水直子, 齊藤和美, 廣川秀徹
Kekkaku 92(2): 240-240, 2017.

Japanese Article 22. It is targeted for intervention of latent tuberculosis treatment in the general hospital
暮部裕之, 山口統彦
Kekkaku 92(2): 240-240, 2017.

Japanese Article 23. The tuberculosis screening in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and an approach and treatment result for the LTBI treatment
辻村美保1), 遠藤繁2), 渡邉英一郎3)
Kekkaku 92(2): 241-241, 2017.

Japanese Article 24. Tuberculosis prevalence, 2,010-2,014 years in the foreign student
太田正樹, 内村和広, 加藤誠也
Kekkaku 92(2): 241-241, 2017.

Japanese Article 25. Ambulant treatment results of foreign tuberculosis in our center for 6 years
高柳喜代子1), 永田容子2,3), 田川斉之1), 伊藤邦彦1), 中園智昭1), 杉田博宣1), 島尾忠男1)
Kekkaku 92(2): 242-242, 2017.

Japanese Article 26. The current situation of foreign tuberculosis in the basic hospital which does not have a tuberculosis bed
森川紗也子, 岡村拓哉, 相馬智英, 後藤康洋, 今泉和良
Kekkaku 92(2): 242-242, 2017.

Japanese Article 27. About a tendency of tuberculosis of the person with recent foreign birth (examination in the single institution)
高崎仁, 森野英里子, 泉信有, 飯倉元保, 石井聡, 鈴木学
Kekkaku 92(2): 243-243, 2017.

Japanese Article 28. Examination about the IGRA-positive case of the Vietnamese trainee
森田弘子1,2), 長谷衣佐乃1,2), 勝部乙大1), 野村由至1,2), 沼尾利郎1,2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 243-243, 2017.

Japanese Article 29. Clinical characteristic of the Mycobacterium abscessus complex infection case in our hospital
石川哲1), 野口直子1), 永吉優1), 水野里子1), 猪狩英俊1,2), 山岸文雄1)
Kekkaku 92(2): 244-244, 2017.

Japanese Article 30. Clinical examination of the pulmonary Mycobacterium abscessus infection in our hospital
関谷怜奈1), 小林和幸1), 寺下智美1), 桂田雅大1), 山本正嗣1), 永野達也1), 中田恭介1), 田村大介1), 立原素子1), 上領博1), 西村善博1), 楠木まり2), 中村竜也2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 244-244, 2017.

Japanese Article 31. One case of the pulmonary M. fortuitum symptom which needed aspiration pneumonia and differentiation to develop in gastric cancer postoperative patients, and to repeat
岡森慧1), 朝倉崇徳1), 鎌田浩史1), 鈴木翔二1), 南宮湖1), 八木一馬1), 石井誠1), 西村知泰2), 長谷川直樹3)
Kekkaku 92(2): 245-245, 2017.

Japanese Article 32. Mystery of Mycobacterium shigaense
星野仁彦1), 吉田光範1), 深野華子1,2), 藤原永年3), 和田新平2), 鹿住祐子4), 御手洗聡4)
Kekkaku 92(2): 245-245, 2017.

Japanese Article 33. Clinical examination of the super senile tuberculosis case
山入和志, 高木康裕, 呉家圭祐, 洲鎌芳美, 白石訓
Kekkaku 92(2): 246-246, 2017.

Japanese Article 34. Prospective randomization study - interim analysis results - about the treatment between the pyrazinamide combination short terms in patients with elderly people activity pulmonary tuberculosis 80 years or older
萩原恵里1), 山川英晃1), 片野拓馬1), 和佐本諭1), 田畑恵里奈1), 山中友美絵1), 本間千絵1), 池田慧1), 奥田良1), 関根朗雅1), 北村英也1), 馬場智尚1), 篠原岳1), 大河内稔1), 小松茂1), 小倉高志1), 水堂祐広1,2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 246-246, 2017.

Japanese Article 35. Treatment, prognostic examination of the super senile tuberculosis in our hospital
佐藤良博1), 岡本直樹1,2), 小山大輔1), 伊藤玲子1), 権寧博1), 高橋典明1), 橋本修1)
Kekkaku 92(2): 247-247, 2017.

Japanese Article 36. Clinical examination of super senile tuberculosis in our hospital 85 years or older
木下陽1), 関好孝1), 宮川英恵1), 細田千晶1), 劉楷1), 保坂悠介1), 渡邉直昭1), 藤崎育実1), 小島彩子1), 竹田宏1), 齋藤桂介1), 桑野和善2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 247-247, 2017.

Japanese Article 37. The 8-week splenic infarct that was complicated with an immune syndrome again old if it is culture-negative in the fluid medium is the dissemination Mycobacterium genavense infection in the opportunity of the diagnosis and the HIV infected person that it was
細田智弘1), 坂本光男1), 野崎博之2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 248-248, 2017.

Japanese Article 38. Two cases of the pulmonary tuberculosis that occurred during hospitalizing by other diseases in the rapid course
沼田岳士, 遠藤健夫
Kekkaku 92(2): 248-248, 2017.

Japanese Article 39. Examination of the rheumatoid arthritis merger acid-fast bacterium disease in our hospital
岡野智仁1), 西村正1), 内藤雅大1), 井端英憲1), 大本恭裕1), 樽川智人2), 安達勝利2), 小林哲3), 田口修4)
Kekkaku 92(2): 249-249, 2017.

Japanese Article 40. Examination of the outbreaks example of the Japanese school by all tubercle bacillus genome analysis
森野英里子1), 秋山徹2), 高崎仁1), 杉山温人1), 切替照雄2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 249-249, 2017.

Japanese Article 41. Outbreaks example of tuberculosis found out one year after the patients with first tuberculosis death in the detention center
前田秀雄1), 小林一司1), 小松美和1), 岩崎智子1), 高田恵理1), 渡瀬博俊2), 広松恭子3), 大角晃弘4), 村瀬良朗5), 瀧井猛将5), 石川信克6)
Kekkaku 92(2): 250-250, 2017.

Japanese Article 42. Criteria for selection of the N95 mask which we examined from the results of the quantitative fitting test
Kekkaku 92(2): 250-250, 2017.

Japanese Article 43. Tuberculosis hospital infection measures in the acute phase hospital which does not have a tuberculosis bed
Kekkaku 92(2): 251-251, 2017.

Japanese Article 44. The education DVD for patients with tuberculosis "let's cure tuberculosis; is an evaluation of treatment and the medical treatment life of tuberculosis"
秋原志穂1), 藤村一美2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 251-251, 2017.

Japanese Article 45. Intervention study of the education for patients program using the DVD
秋原志穂1), 藤村一美2), 竹本智子3), 小野眞由美3), 松田博美3), 藤野和子3), 田中都志香3), 板倉きみよ3), 中川智佐子4)
Kekkaku 92(2): 252-252, 2017.

Japanese Article 46. Examination about the effect of the patients with homeless person tuberculosis "medical treatment support project"
笠井幸1), 堂本香代子1), 下内昭1), 吉田英樹1,2), 清水直子2), 齊藤和美2), 津田侑子2), 小向潤2), 松本健二2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 252-252, 2017.

Japanese Article 47. Characteristic of the treatment result of patients with new registration pulmonary tuberculosis judging from the sex generation distinction and the medication support
竹川美穂1), 松本健二1), 小向潤1), 津田侑子1), 植田英也1), 齊藤和美1), 清水直子1), 芦達麻衣子1), 廣川秀徹1), 笠井幸2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 253-253, 2017.

Japanese Article 48. Through the utilization of "the tuberculosis nursing system:" To conduct medication support smoothly; (1)
永田容子, 山内祐子, 森亨
Kekkaku 92(2): 253-253, 2017.

Japanese Article 49. Through the utilization of "the tuberculosis nursing system:" To conduct medication support smoothly; (2)
山内祐子, 永田容子, 森亨
Kekkaku 92(2): 254-254, 2017.

Japanese Article 50. Usefulness of mobile DOTS utilizing the medication application
大嶋圭子1), 浦川美奈子2), 永田容子2), 久田剛志3)
Kekkaku 92(2): 254-254, 2017.

Japanese Article 51. It is ... through the example that shifted to being at home by treatment interruption for problem - side effect of the tuberculosis nursing of elderly people
竹中日登美, 西海小波, 山田泰子, 松本智成, 藤井隆
Kekkaku 92(2): 255-255, 2017.

Japanese Article 52. Examination of brook method Kanamycin in the tubercle bacillus drug sensitivity test and the Amikacin precision
青野昭男1), 近松絹代1), 五十嵐ゆり子1), 伊麗那2,3), 大藤貴2,3), 山田博之1), 高木明子1), 加藤誠也1,5), 鎌田有珠4), 御手洗聡1,5)
Kekkaku 92(2): 259-259, 2017.

Japanese Article 53. Attempt of the tubercle bacillus hypoxia environment long term culture using a multi-gas incubator and the gas permeability cell culture bag
山田博之1), 近松絹代1), 青野昭男1), 伊麗那2,3), 五十嵐ゆり子1), 大藤貴2,3), 高木明子1), 瀧井猛将1), 御手洗聡1,3)
Kekkaku 92(2): 259-259, 2017.

Japanese Article 54. Precision guarantee (2014-2015) in the tubercle bacillus typing analysis
村瀬良朗1), 瀧井猛将1), 前田伸司2), 御手洗聡1)
Kekkaku 92(2): 260-260, 2017.

Japanese Article 55. Allied evaluation with a quantity of production and the pathogenicity of the MPT64 protein in the tubercle bacillus
近松絹代1), 村瀬良朗1), 中石和成2), 青野昭男1), 高木明子1), 山田博之1), 五十嵐ゆり子1), 御手洗聡1,3)
Kekkaku 92(2): 260-260, 2017.

Japanese Article 56. Basic examination using the mouse model of the intractable Mycobacterium abscessus complex case isolate
佐野千晶1), 多田納豊2), 森雄亮3), 堀田尚誠3), 津端由佳里3), 濱口愛3), 濱口俊一3), 竹山博泰3), 冨岡治明4), 礒部威3)
Kekkaku 92(2): 261-261, 2017.

Japanese Article 57. NCDs (Non Communicable Diseases) and tuberculosis treatment result
猪狩英俊1,2), 野口直子2), 永吉優2), 水野里子2), 石川哲2), 山岸文雄2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 261-261, 2017.

Japanese Article 58. Examination about the practice actual situation of the multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis in Japan
小林信之1), 永井英明1), 加藤誠也2), 佐々木結花3), 吉山崇3), 露口一成4), 下内昭5), 服部俊夫6), 大田健1)
Kekkaku 92(2): 262-262, 2017.

Japanese Article 59. Re-treatment time and discovery method of patients with treatment successful execution pulmonary tuberculosis and the latent tuberculosis infection
小向潤1), 松本健二1), 齊藤和美1), 津田侑子1), 竹川美穂1), 芦達麻衣子1), 清水直子1), 植田英也1), 廣川秀徹1), 下内昭2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 262-262, 2017.

Japanese Article 60. Consideration of the infection tuberculosis course by repeated sequence a great number of type analysis and all genome analysis
横山真一1), 藤山理世1), 有川健太郎2), 岩本朋忠2), 松田真理1), 白井千香1), 片上祐子1), 伊地智昭浩1)
Kekkaku 92(2): 263-263, 2017.

Japanese Article 61. Clinical examination of the case that developed tuberculosis for malignant tumor terminal phase
横須賀響子, 永井英明, 渡邊かおる, 武田啓太, 井上恵理, 日下圭, 赤司俊介, 佐藤亮太, 島田昌裕, 鈴木淳, 川島正裕, 田下浩之, 鈴木純子, 大島信治, 益田公彦, 山根章, 田村厚久, 赤川志のぶ, 松井弘稔, 大田健
Kekkaku 92(2): 263-263, 2017.

Japanese Article 62. The current situation of the pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosis in the acute phase hospital emergency visit which does not have a tuberculosis bed
西尾智尋1), 高田寛仁2), 冨岡洋海2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 264-264, 2017.

Japanese Article 63. Research -1 case background about the infant tuberculosis case registered with tuberculosis enrollee information system from 2012 through 14
徳永修1), 吉松昌司1), 石川信克2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 264-264, 2017.

Japanese Article 64. The research -2 diagnosis about the infant tuberculosis case registered with tuberculosis enrollee information system from 2012 through 14 and treatment
徳永修1), 吉松昌司1), 石川信克2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 265-265, 2017.

Japanese Article 65. The PaO2 is the pre-back regulations factor after the long-term NIV introduction in the restrictive thorax disease
茆原雄一, 角謙介, 坪井知正
Kekkaku 92(2): 265-265, 2017.

Japanese Article 66. Examination of the case that was able to chase the course from pulmonary tuberculosis treatment to the lung cancer onset
田村厚久1), 横須賀響子1), 渡邉かおる1), 武田啓太1), 赤司俊介1), 田下浩之1), 川島正裕1), 山根章1), 永井英明1), 赤川志のぶ1), 松井弘稔1), 深見武史2), 木谷匡志3), 蛇澤晶3), 大田健1)
Kekkaku 92(2): 266-266, 2017.

Japanese Article 67. It is examined the case with suspected adrenal hypofunction during pulmonary tuberculosis treatment
大湾勤子1), 仲本敦1), 知花賢治1), 名嘉山裕子1,2), 藤田香織1), 那覇唯2), 比嘉太1), 藤田次郎2), 久場睦夫3)
Kekkaku 92(2): 266-266, 2017.

Japanese Article 68. Eight patients who underwent expansion technique for airway narrowing due to the tuberculosis of bronchus endoscopically
堀和美, 山田有里紗, 石田あかね, 重松文恵, 伊勢裕子, 中畑征史, 岡さおり, 小暮啓人, 北川智余恵, 沖昌英, 坂英雄
Kekkaku 92(2): 267-267, 2017.

Japanese Article 69. May the normal of blood gases be pH = 7.400 for the climax in patients with chronic high CO2 blood symptom due to pulmonary tuberculosis aftereffects? - Reexamination - of Significant band
橘洋正, 坪井知正, 角謙介
Kekkaku 92(2): 267-267, 2017.

Japanese Article 70. Two cases of the cutaneous tuberculosis that we experienced in our hospital
藤井真未1), 張本敦子1), 藤田明2), 高森幹雄3)
Kekkaku 92(2): 268-268, 2017.

Japanese Article 71. Clinical examination of the miliary tuberculosis in our hospital
二見真史1), 露口一成2), 田原正浩1), 木村洋平1), 園延尚子1), 倉原優1), 辻泰佑1), 蓑毛祥次郎1), 鈴木克洋1)
Kekkaku 92(2): 268-268, 2017.

Japanese Article 72. Examination of urinary tract, genital tuberculosis ten that we experienced in our hospital
松木明, 川島正裕, 大島信治, 島田昌裕, 日下圭, 鈴木淳, 井上恵理, 上井康寛, 扇谷昌宏, 名越咲, 宮川和子, 比嘉克行, 鈴木純子, 山根章, 永井英明, 大田健
Kekkaku 92(2): 269-269, 2017.

Japanese Article 73. Clinical examination of the miliary tuberculosis in our hospital
宮川英恵1), 齋藤桂介1), 保坂悠介1), 渡邉直昭1), 藤崎育実1), 細田千晶1), 劉楷1), 関文1), 関好孝1), 木下陽1), 竹田宏1), 桑野和善2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 269-269, 2017.

Japanese Article 74. Diagnosis of the respiratory tuberculosis infection by the true clinical practice at the T-SPOT reservation
宇野智輝, 本間哲也, 藤原明子, 桑原直太, 宮田祐人, 平井邦朗, 楠本壮二郎, 鈴木慎太郎, 田中明彦, 大西司, 相良博典
Kekkaku 92(2): 270-270, 2017.

Japanese Article 75. Examination about quality and the Mycobacterium culture of the expectoration
舩津洋平1), 八木一馬1), 尾仲章男2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 270-270, 2017.

Japanese Article 76. Performance evaluation of the new plastic Kudo PD nutrient medium
五十嵐ゆり子1), 近松絹代1), 青野昭男1), 山田博之1), 高木明子1), 御手洗聡1,2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 271-271, 2017.

Japanese Article 77. Distinction of 3 subspecies to belong to Mycobacterium abscessus complex by the Multiplex PCR
吉田光範1), 深野華子1,2), 鹿住祐子3), 青野昭男3), 和田新平2), 御手洗聡3), 星野仁彦1)
Kekkaku 92(2): 271-271, 2017.

Japanese Article 78. Examination about the association between chemosensitivity and culture negative conversion days in the phthisis pulmonum
山中友美絵, 萩原恵里, 和佐本諭, 田畑恵里奈, 本間千絵, 池田慧, 山川英晃, 奥田良, 関根朗雅, 北村英也, 馬場智尚, 篠原岳, 大河内稔, 小松茂, 小倉高志
Kekkaku 92(2): 272-272, 2017.

Japanese Article 79. Epidemiological frequency and clinical picture of the ethambutol optic neuropathy in the treatment of tuberculosis and the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease, examination of the risk factor
松林沙知, 森野英里子, 高崎仁, 石井聡, 仲剛, 飯倉元保, 泉信有, 竹田雄一郎, 杉山温人
Kekkaku 92(2): 272-272, 2017.

Japanese Article 80. Examination of the drug-resistant tubercle bacillus and patient background mainly on the LVFX (levofloxacin) tolerance in our hospital
田所明1), 東條泰典1), 山口真弘1,2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 273-273, 2017.

Japanese Article 81. Examination of the factor influencing a revival recurrence after the surgical treatment for the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
山田勝雄1), 安田あゆ子2), 関幸雄3)
Kekkaku 92(2): 273-273, 2017.

Japanese Article 82. Examination about the adaptation of the surgical treatment of the pulmonary MAC symptom
中川隆行1), 下田清美1), 平松美也子1), 吉田勤1), 白石裕治1), 森本耕三2), 佐々木結花2), 倉島篤行2), 尾形英雄2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 274-274, 2017.

Japanese Article 83. Examination of the usefulness of the IGRA measurement before operation in the bronchial endoscopic patients
平井邦朗, 本間哲也, 宇野知輝, 藤原明子, 佐藤春菜, 内田嘉隆, 桑原直太, 宮田祐人, 岸野康成, 楠本壮二郎, 鈴木慎太郎, 大西司, 相良博典
Kekkaku 92(2): 274-274, 2017.

Japanese Article 84. Examination of the active tuberculosis case that an antigen-specific interferon gamma free examination was false-negative
内山歩, 中山雅之, 坂東政司, 澤田哲郎, 間藤尚子, 山沢英明, 萩原弘一
Kekkaku 92(2): 275-275, 2017.

Japanese Article 85. Human genetic polymorphism and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis about individual difference of the internal change of the drug
土方美奈子, 松下育美, 瀬戸真太郎, 慶長直人
Kekkaku 92(2): 275-275, 2017.

Japanese Article 86. About the clinical course of the CAM-resistant pulmonary MAC symptom
杉崎勝教1), 末友仁1), 瀧川修一2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 276-276, 2017.

Japanese Article 87. Role of the apoptosis in the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
藤田昌樹, 松本武格, 池亀聡, 白石素公, 渡辺憲太朗
Kekkaku 92(2): 276-276, 2017.

Japanese Article 88. The prognosis of patients with pulmonary MAC (Mycobacterium avium complex) symptom and nutritional status, examination about the nutritional intake
若松謙太郎1), 永田忍彦3), 槇早苗1), 上野佳代子2), 熊副洋幸1), 原真紀子1), 長岡愛子1), 福本渚1), 合瀬瑞子1), 神宮司祐次郎1), 森重真実1), 高倉孝二1), 伊勢信治1), 赤崎卓1), 出水みいる1), 川崎雅之1)
Kekkaku 92(2): 277-277, 2017.

Japanese Article 89. M. Clinical microbiologic analysis of abscessus complex
森本耕三1,2), 中川拓2), 森野英里子3), 浅見貴弘4), 長谷衣佐乃5), 松田周一1), 林悠太2), 辻本佳恵3), 藤原宏4), 佐々木結花1), 小川賢二2), 高崎仁3), 南宮湖4), 倉島篤行1), 星野仁彦6), 石井誠4), 後藤元1), 朝倉崇徳4), 青野昭男7), 長谷川直樹4), 御手洗聡7)
Kekkaku 92(2): 277-277, 2017.

Japanese Article 90. Treatment fact-finding of the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease using the National database
森本耕三1,2), 泉清彦2), 長谷川直樹3), 吉山崇1,2), 南宮湖3), 星野仁彦4), 倉島篤行1), 御手洗聡2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 278-278, 2017.

Japanese Article 91. National survey about the chemosensitivity for the fluoroquinolone antimicrobial of Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex
伊藤穣1), 鈴木克洋2), 菊地利明3), 小川賢二4), 長谷川直樹5), 藤内智6), 倉島篤行7), 新実彰男1), 樋口武史8), 渡辺彰9)
Kekkaku 92(2): 278-278, 2017.

Japanese Article 92. Clinical examination of the antiMAC antibody which we performed bronchoscopy in-negative pulmonary MAC symptom
渡邉彰1), 中村行宏2), 大久保史恵2), 佐藤千賀2), 伊東亮治2), 阿部聖裕2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 279-279, 2017.

Japanese Article 93. Three patients who underwent bronchial plombage using EWS for nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease who had intractable pneumothorax
伊勢裕子, 山田有里紗, 石田あかね, 重松文恵, 堀和美, 岡さおり, 中畑征史, 小暮啓人, 北川智余恵, 沖昌英, 坂英雄
Kekkaku 92(2): 279-279, 2017.

Japanese Article 95. Relative examination of antibody titers and the pulmonary Mycobacterium avium-Complex symptom diagnosis in the antiGPL-core antibody-positive case
内田嘉隆, 大西司, 岸野康成, 宇野知輝, 藤原明子, 桑原直太, 平井邦朗, 宮田祐人, 本間哲也, 楠本壮二郎, 鈴木慎太郎, 田中明彦, 相良博典
Kekkaku 92(2): 280-280, 2017.

Japanese Article 97. One case of the Mycobacterium abscessus chest infection manifested with pneumothorax during lung cancer treatment
栗島浩一1), 嶋田貴文1), 蔵本健矢1), 藤原啓司1), 望月芙美1), 小原一記1), 藤田純一1), 金本幸司1), 飯島弘晃1), 内藤隆志1), 鈴木広道2), 石川博一1)
Kekkaku 92(2): 281-281, 2017.

Japanese Article 98. One case of antiIFN γ neutralization autoantibody-positive disseminated Mycobacterium genavense that occurred for a neck, intraabdominal lymph node swelling
朝倉崇徳1,2), 南宮湖1,3), 坂上拓郎4), 長谷川直樹5), 大楠清文6), 中村朗7)
Kekkaku 92(2): 282-282, 2017.

Japanese Article 99. Examination about the pulmonary MAC (Mycobacterium avium-intracellurale complex) in our hospital symptom
中村慧一, 鈴木北斗, 堂下和志, 黒田光, 高橋政明, 藤内智, 藤田結花, 山崎泰宏, 辻忠克, 藤兼俊明
Kekkaku 92(2): 282-282, 2017.

Japanese Article P01. Evolution of tubercle bacillus Tur strain and the T3-Osaka strain which we united the data of the pathogen with a host and analyzed
松本智成1,2), 阿野裕美2), 橋本章司1,2), 田村嘉孝2), 永井崇之2), 高嶋哲也2), 露口泉夫1,2), 藤井隆2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 285-285, 2017.

Japanese Article P02. About tuberculosis in our hospital
藤原宏1,2), 長谷川直樹1,2), 高野八百子2), 岩田敏1,2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 285-285, 2017.

Japanese Article P03. Drug sensitivity test outside precision evaluation including the tubercle bacillus equivalent to three kinds pathogens, and the like
高木明子1), 山田博之1), 青野昭男1), 近松絹代1), 樋口武史2), 五十嵐ゆり子1), 御手洗聡1)
Kekkaku 92(2): 286-286, 2017.

Japanese Article P04. An example of the tuberculous pleurisy that obtained a bacteriological diagnosis from indwelling catheter culture
山上瞳, 平井邦朗, 内田嘉隆, 桑原直太, 宮田祐人, 大西司, 相良博典
Kekkaku 92(2): 286-286, 2017.

Japanese Article P05. Examination about the factor to influence at time of the culture negative conversion of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis
本間光信, 伊藤武史
Kekkaku 92(2): 287-287, 2017.

Japanese Article P06. One case that pseudomembranous enteritis was detected, and racked its brains about correspondence with multiple drugs at tuberculosis treatment
宮田祐人, 宇野知輝, 藤原明子, 内田嘉隆, 桑原直太, 平井邦朗, 本間哲也, 楠本壮二郎, 鈴木慎太郎, 田中明彦, 大西司, 相良博典
Kekkaku 92(2): 287-287, 2017.

Japanese Article P07. One case of the pulmonary tuberculosis that developed acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis by RFP and EB
渡邉裕文, 宍戸雄一郎, 下田由季子, 鈴木貴人, 野口理絵, 三枝美香, 赤松泰介, 山本輝人, 森田悟, 朝田和博, 白井敏博
Kekkaku 92(2): 288-288, 2017.

Japanese Article P08. Association with possibility and the chemosensitivity of the polyclone/plural bacteria infection in Mycobacterium abscessus complex
吉田志緒美1), 露口一成1), 鈴木克洋2), 富田元久3), 井上義一1), 林清二2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 288-288, 2017.

Japanese Article P09. Combined modality therapy for the pulmonary kansasii symptom which became the one side destroyed lung pulmonary tuberculosis treatment ten years later
後藤正志1), 中野滋文2), 青山克彦1), 関恵理奈1), 廣瀬友城2), 諸井文子2), 芳賀孝之3), 堀場昌英2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 289-289, 2017.

Japanese Article P10. Surgical treatment results of the pulmonary acid-fast bacterium disease
吉田勤, 中川隆行, 下田清美, 平松美也子, 白石裕治
Kekkaku 92(2): 289-289, 2017.

Japanese Article P11. One case that an endobronchial mass lesion appeared in treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculosis of bronchus
斎藤美和子, 二階堂雄文, 鈴木朋子, 新妻一直
Kekkaku 92(2): 290-290, 2017.

Japanese Article P12. The examination of the Clostridium difficile infection complicated during tuberculosis treatment and effect of the vancomycin gradual decrease maintenance therapy for recurrent case
東條泰典1), 田所明1), 山口真弘2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 290-290, 2017.

Japanese Article P13. Fact-finding about taste disturbance and the nutritional status in patients with phthisis pulmonum during antiphthisic drug internal use
北川恵1,2), 江川幸二3), 多田公英4), 梅本愛1), 春名寛香3), 平野通子3), 崎山愛3)
Kekkaku 92(2): 291-291, 2017.

Japanese Article P14. The thing which hospitalization of the long-term NIV introduction first year for pulmonary tuberculosis aftereffects means
Kekkaku 92(2): 291-291, 2017.

Japanese Article P15. Comparison (presence or absence of NIV) according to the disease of the effect that a daytime PaO2 gives in quality, HRQOL of the sleep
Kekkaku 92(2): 292-292, 2017.

Japanese Article P16. Comparison (NIV existence or nonexistence) according to the disease of the effect that a daytime PaCO2 gives in quality, HRQOL of the sleep
Kekkaku 92(2): 292-292, 2017.

Japanese Article P17. It is two patients of the young extensive hollow type phthisis pulmonum who had the chronic respiratory failure after the treatment
國政啓, 小谷義一
Kekkaku 92(2): 293-293, 2017.

Japanese Article P18. Clinical examination of foreign tuberculosis in our hospital
白井正浩, 金井美穂, 藤田薫, 伊藤靖弘, 大場久乃, 藤坂由佳, 早川啓史
Kekkaku 92(2): 293-293, 2017.

Japanese Article P19. Examination of the clinical background of the pulmonary tuberculosis inpatient
知花賢治, 名嘉山裕子, 藤田香織, 仲本敦, 比嘉太, 大湾勤子
Kekkaku 92(2): 294-294, 2017.

Japanese Article P20. It is the current situation and a problem after becoming it a tuberculosis bed unit
阿部聖裕, 中村行宏, 大久保史恵, 佐藤千賀, 渡邉彰, 伊東亮治
Kekkaku 92(2): 294-294, 2017.

Japanese Article P21. Clinical examination of medical care, care-related tuberculosis in our hospital
大場久乃, 早川啓史, 白井正浩, 金井美穂, 藤田薫, 伊藤靖弘, 藤坂由佳
Kekkaku 92(2): 295-295, 2017.

Japanese Article P22. Examination of 99 patients with tuberculosis in the university hospital with a tuberculosis bed, dialysis facilities
山内桃子, 原永修作, 新里彰, 平井潤, 金城武士, 古堅誠, 宮城一也, 屋良さとみ, 健山正男, 藤田次郎
Kekkaku 92(2): 295-295, 2017.

Japanese Article P23. Fact-finding of patients with tuberculosis in our hospital
住吉誠, 小山華奈, 山田奈月, 福田雄一
Kekkaku 92(2): 296-296, 2017.

Japanese Article P24. Examination of the effectiveness and problems of hospital public health center cooperation DOTS to patients with tuberculosis
村上沙央理1), 金児安加利1), 尾市沙弥香1), 西村奈保美1), 雲井直美1), 杉山佳代子1), 西村正2), 岡野智仁2), 内藤雅大2), 井端英憲2), 大本恭裕2), 樽川智人3), 安達勝利3), 中村卓巨4), 市野孝信4), 野呂岳志4)
Kekkaku 92(2): 296-296, 2017.

Japanese Article P25. For standardization of the tuberculosis nursing process and result - of - clinical path revision and the assessment sheet making
柿澤文子, 西田直嗣
Kekkaku 92(2): 297-297, 2017.

Japanese Article P26. Comparison of IGRA in the contacts medical examination of tuberculosis
Kekkaku 92(2): 297-297, 2017.

Japanese Article P27. We experience a suffering case in elderly people DOTS and a favorable case and think about future efforts
渡部恵利子, 長谷部美保子, 本間光信
Kekkaku 92(2): 298-298, 2017.

Japanese Article P28. Efforts in the outpatient department for the treatment successful execution using the tuberculosis support sheet
上柳加代美1), 山田泰子1), 三宅正剛1), 松本智成1), 藤井隆1), 永井仁美2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 298-298, 2017.

Japanese Article P29. We look at the rear of the active pulmonary tuberculosis, lungs outside tuberculosis case during our hospital past five years and examine a mark
高橋秀徳, 高原政利, 水城まさみ, 山田博之, 菅野智彦, 菊池喜博
Kekkaku 92(2): 299-299, 2017.

Japanese Article P30. 1 case that a necrotic abscess was detected in EUS-FNA from stomach, and abdominal lymph node tuberculosis, pulmonary tuberculosis tumor was diagnosed, and was treated
森高智典, 中西徳彦, 井上考司
Kekkaku 92(2): 299-299, 2017.

Japanese Article P31. One case of the scrofula that needed differentiation with the metastasis to pancreatic cancer
高橋佳紀1), 藤原研太郎1), 大西真裕1), 中原博紀1), 藤本源1), 小林哲1), 田口修2), ガバザ エステバン3)
Kekkaku 92(2): 300-300, 2017.

Japanese Article P32. One case of intestinal tuberculosis, the pulmonary tuberculosis with endometrial tuberculosis that an examination of PET was useful in a diagnosis
諸井文子1), 廣瀬友城1), 中野滋文1), 芳賀孝之3), 堀場昌英1), 関恵理奈2), 後藤正志2), 青山克彦2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 300-300, 2017.

Japanese Article P33. Examination of the surgery case of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in our hospital
下田清美, 中川隆行, 平松美也子, 吉田勤, 白石裕治
Kekkaku 92(2): 301-301, 2017.

Japanese Article P34. Examination of a tuberculosis hospitalization case in our hospital and the hospital infection
藤田昌樹, 松本武格, 池亀聡, 白石素公, 渡辺憲太朗
Kekkaku 92(2): 301-301, 2017.

Japanese Article P35. The current situation of the pulmonary tuberculosis affected subjects development situation and the contacts medical examination in the Kurume University Hospital
三浦美穂, 稗田文代
Kekkaku 92(2): 302-302, 2017.

Japanese Article P36. Examination about a condition and the treatment result of patients with tuberculosis with an immune depression factor in Osaka-shi
植田英也, 松本健二, 小向潤, 津田侑子, 齊藤和美, 芦達麻衣子, 竹川美穂, 廣川秀徹
Kekkaku 92(2): 302-302, 2017.

Japanese Article P37. Examination of the pulmonary tuberculosis incidence student in this school where a foreign student accounts for 13%
Kekkaku 92(2): 303-303, 2017.

Japanese Article P38. Examination about the side effect of the chemotherapy for the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease of long-term administration
上井康寛1), 永井英明1), 大島信治2), 松木明1), 名越咲1), 扇谷昌宏1), 井上恵理1), 川島正裕1), 山根章1), 大田健2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 303-303, 2017.

Japanese Article P39. Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection merger lungs Mycobacterium. in our hospital Examination of the clinical features of patients with avium complex symptom
本間千絵, 萩原恵里, 和佐本諭, 田畑恵里奈, 山中友美絵, 池田慧, 山川英晃, 奥田良, 関根朗雅, 北村英也, 馬場智尚, 篠原岳, 大河内稔, 小松茂, 小倉高志
Kekkaku 92(2): 304-304, 2017.

Japanese Article P40. Only as for the usefulness of the fluid medium (the MGIT method) in the MAC symptom diagnosis and the fluid medium, it is the examination about the clinical features of positive patients
畠山暢生, 門田直樹, 岡野義夫, 町田久典, 篠原勉, 大串文隆
Kekkaku 92(2): 304-304, 2017.

Japanese Article P41. Analysis of the gyrA, gyrB mutation in the gene of fluoroquinolone-resistant Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex
山羽悠介1), 伊藤穣1), 鈴木克洋2), 菊地利明3), 小川賢二4), 長谷川直樹5), 藤内智6), 倉島篤行7), 渡辺彰8), 新実彰男1), 樋口武史9)
Kekkaku 92(2): 305-305, 2017.

Japanese Article P42. One case of Hot tub lung which antiMAC antibody was with positive
西村正1), 岡野智仁1), 内藤雅大1), 井端英憲1), 大本恭裕1), 藤本源2), 小林哲2), 田口修2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 305-305, 2017.

Japanese Article P43. An example of the pulmonary Mycobacterium avium complex symptom which we aggravated with hypersensitivity pneumonitis-like shadow
八木一馬1,2), 南宮湖1), 朝倉崇徳1), 鈴木翔二1), 岡森慧1), 上簑義典3), 浅見貴弘1), 舩津洋平1,2), 藤原宏3), 鎌田浩史1), 西村知泰4), 石井誠1), 長谷川直樹3)
Kekkaku 92(2): 306-306, 2017.

Japanese Article P44. Examination of the treatment introduction situation of patients with pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease using NICE scoring system in our hospital
内田賢典, 飯島祐基, 小林洋一, 筒井俊晴, 柿崎有美子, 宮下義啓
Kekkaku 92(2): 306-306, 2017.

Japanese Article P45. Examination of the effect of treatment by the mucosa of bronchi evidence of pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
廣瀬友城, 諸井文子, 中野滋文, 堀場昌英, 関恵理奈, 後藤正志, 青山克彦
Kekkaku 92(2): 307-307, 2017.

Japanese Article P46. An example of the Mycobacterium avium infection with the situs inversus
藤原明子, 本間哲也, 宇野智輝, 内田嘉隆, 桑原直太, 平井邦朗, 宮田祐人, 楠本壮二郎, 鈴木慎太郎, 田中明彦, 大西司, 相良博典
Kekkaku 92(2): 307-307, 2017.

Japanese Article P47. One case of the altitude thrombocytopenia that it was thought that it was caused by chronic administration of the sitafloxacin
中川拓, 八木光昭, 福井保太, 林悠太, 垂水修, 山田憲隆, 小川賢二
Kekkaku 92(2): 308-308, 2017.

English Article P48. Epidemiology and clinical features of nontuberculous mycobacterial lung disease in a subtropical region in Japan : analysis with a 7-year data in two major hospitals.
長野宏昭1), 金城武士2), 藤田次郎2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 308-308, 2017.

Japanese Article P49. Examination of patients with rheumatoid arthritis who had the Mycobacterium infection
谷田貝洋平, 舩山康則
Kekkaku 92(2): 309-309, 2017.

Japanese Article P50. Three cases of Mycobacterium Kansasii rapidly advanced in an image
比嘉克行, 日下圭, 川島正裕, 松木明, 名越咲, 宮川和子, 扇谷昌宏, 上井康寛, 井上恵理, 鈴木淳, 島田昌裕, 鈴木純子, 大島信治, 永井英明, 大田健
Kekkaku 92(2): 309-309, 2017.

Japanese Article P51. Examination of the cavity in the pulmonary MAC symptom and the health-related quality of life
藤坂由佳, 白井正浩, 金井美穂, 藤田薫, 伊藤靖弘, 大場久乃, 早川啓史
Kekkaku 92(2): 310-310, 2017.

Japanese Article P52. Examination of the capilia (R) MAC antibody false-negative case in the pulmonary Mycobacterium avium compex symptom
伊藤明広, 橋本徹, 熊谷尚悟, 古内浩司, 武井玲生仁, 金田俊彦, 横山俊秀, 時岡史明, 野山麻紀, 吉岡弘鎮, 石田直
Kekkaku 92(2): 310-310, 2017.

Japanese Article P53. Pulmonary tuberculosis that showed the high level that serum CA 19-9 was remarkable, one case of the tuberculous pleurisy
嶋田貴文1), 栗島浩一1), 蔵本健矢1), 藤原啓司1), 望月芙美1), 小原一記1), 藤田純一1), 金本幸司1), 飯島弘晃1), 内藤隆志1), 鈴木広道2), 石川博一1)
Kekkaku 92(2): 311-311, 2017.

Japanese Article P54. Association between on admission nutritional status and discharge ADL ability in patients with old tuberculosis
神野麻耶子1), 畠山暢生2), 嵐ようこ3)
Kekkaku 92(2): 311-311, 2017.

Japanese Article P55. The autopsy case that synthetic resin ball plombage out of the pleura was performed for pulmonary tuberculosis, and a long term prognosis was obtained
田中明彦1), 松倉聡2,3), 大西司1), 相良博典1)
Kekkaku 92(2): 312-312, 2017.

Japanese Article P56. One case of the Pott's disease that we breathed and underwent rehabilitation and responded to for 18 years
高橋仁美1), 本間光信2), 塩谷隆信3)
Kekkaku 92(2): 312-312, 2017.

Japanese Article P57. It is ... in the patients with type 2 chronic respiratory failure including examination - pulmonary tuberculosis aftereffects about the difference in night SpO2 measurements of a finger tip part sensor and the earlobe part sensor during sleep
角謙介, 坪井知正, 橘洋正, 茆原雄一, 酒井茂樹, 田畑寿子
Kekkaku 92(2): 313-313, 2017.

Japanese Article P58. One patient who had a medical examination for fever and abdominal pain, and had a diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis
籠橋克紀1), 大原元1), 田村智宏2), 佐藤浩昭1)
Kekkaku 92(2): 313-313, 2017.

Japanese Article PS1. Directionality of tuberculosis measures in the United States
Kekkaku 92(2): 317-317, 2017.

Japanese Article SS1. New antiphthisic drug Delamanid
Kekkaku 92(2): 318-318, 2017.

Japanese Article SS2. The spread effect of TB-LAMP in the Kumamoto south area and damaged report of the Kumamoto earthquake
Kekkaku 92(2): 319-319, 2017.

Japanese Article SS3. What would you do to practice - you of the antiemesis therapy in the cancer chemotherapy? ...
Kekkaku 92(2): 320-320, 2017.

Japanese Article SS4. How control intercurrent infection at the biological drug administration; is ... mainly on ... Mycobacterium infection
Kekkaku 92(2): 321-321, 2017.

Japanese Article SS5. Utilization of expiration nitric oxide concentration (FeNO) in the asthmatic practice
Kekkaku 92(2): 322-322, 2017.

Japanese Article SS6. Of the pulmonary MAC symptom practice using the capilia (R) MAC antibody ELISA, actually
Kekkaku 92(2): 323-323, 2017.

Japanese Article LS1. Making and utilization - of explanation - Q&A booklet to patients in the pulmonary MAC symptom practice
Kekkaku 92(2): 324-324, 2017.

Japanese Article LS2. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: A paradigm shift of the medical treatment and comprehensive treatment
Kekkaku 92(2): 325-325, 2017.

Japanese Article LS3. We think about use of the inhalant in asthma treatment to diversify
Kekkaku 92(2): 326-326, 2017.

Japanese Article LS4. Molecular biologic mechanism of the latest clinical data analysis in ICS/LABA combination drug (pMDI) and the antiinflammatory effect
Kekkaku 92(2): 327-327, 2017.

Japanese Article LS5. From clinical - good nature asbestos pleural effusion of the benign pleura lesion by the asbestos Exposure to diffuse pleural thickening -
Kekkaku 92(2): 328-328, 2017.

Japanese Article LS6. Clinical application of the new tuberculosis diagnostic method that fixed its eyes on early diagnosis of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, appropriate nosocomial infection management
Kekkaku 92(2): 329-329, 2017.

Japanese Article LS7-1. Pre-rear ... "relation of the breathing care team" ... of the chronic respiratory failure
Kekkaku 92(2): 330-330, 2017.

Japanese Article LS7-2. NPPV in the chronic respiratory failure
Kekkaku 92(2): 331-331, 2017.

Japanese Article LS8. A treatment strategy of the progress non-small cell lung cancer which does not have EGFR mutation in the gene and future directionality
Kekkaku 92(2): 332-332, 2017.

Japanese Article LS9-1. Clinical results for tuberculosis of LVFX
Kekkaku 92(2): 333-333, 2017.

Japanese Article LS9-2. Past process in positioning - Japan of LVFX in tuberculosis treatment and coming problem -
Kekkaku 92(2): 334-334, 2017.

Japanese Article LS11. Latest information 2017 ... of knowledge - HIV infection of HIV which we want to know as a medical person treating tuberculosis
Kekkaku 92(2): 336-336, 2017.

Japanese Article LS12. Contemporary consideration of the BCG vaccine
Kekkaku 92(2): 337-337, 2017.

Japanese Article LS13. Treatment of chronic progressive pulmonary aspergillosis (CPPA)
Kekkaku 92(2): 338-338, 2017.

Japanese Article MRS1. About video diagnosis of the pulmonary mycosis and the condition of a patient pathology
Kekkaku 92(2): 339-339, 2017.

Japanese Article MRS2. Usefulness of LTBI practice and IGRA of the immunodeficiency case
Kekkaku 92(2): 340-340, 2017.

Japanese Article ES1. Does infection diagnostic method - next generation technique sought for the One Health, AMR era turn infection practice? -
Kekkaku 92(2): 341-341, 2017.

Japanese Article ES2. About infection measures of tuberculosis from the situation of - microorganism test -
Kekkaku 92(2): 342-342, 2017.

Japanese Article ES3. Importance of the examination of acid-fast bacterium disease precision in the early diagnosis
Kekkaku 92(2): 343-343, 2017.

Japanese Article ES4. From the onset of the recent topic antifungal agent-resistant fungus of fungal diseases treatment to a way of thinking of Antifungal Stewardship
Kekkaku 92(2): 344-344, 2017.

Japanese Article ES5. Recent topic of the Mycobacterium technique
Kekkaku 92(2): 345-345, 2017.

Japanese Article ES6-1. Bronchial arteries embolization ... the highest treatment strategy ...
Kekkaku 92(2): 346-346, 2017.

Japanese Article ES6-2. Pathology of the hemoptysis in the infectious cavernous disease
蛇澤晶, 木谷匡志, 仲村泰彦
Kekkaku 92(2): 347-347, 2017.

Japanese Article ES6-3. State-of-the-art update of the IVR (Interventional Radiology) for the intractable hemoptysis: Combination of embolus materials
長谷部光泉1), 松本知博1), 嶺貴彦1), 林敏彦1), 須田慧1), 富田康介1), 橋田和靖1), 遠藤じゅん1), 川島正裕2), 益田公彦2)
Kekkaku 92(2): 348-348, 2017.

Japanese Article ES7. Positioning of the immune checkpoint inhibitor for the progress lung cancer
Kekkaku 92(2): 349-349, 2017.

Japanese Article CS1. Performance - high infection rate group example and Kinki public health center data analysis - of IGRA in the tuberculosis contacts medical examination
Kekkaku 92(2): 350-350, 2017.

Japanese Article CS2. COPD: New development for the inhibition of the exacerbation
Kekkaku 92(2): 351-351, 2017.