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Volume 92, Issue 7 / 2017
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Yuko TSUDA1, Kenji MATSUMOTO1, Jun KOMUKAI1, Hideya UEDA1, Miho TAKEGAWA1, Maiko ADACHI1, Naoko SHIMIZU1, Kazumi SAITO1, Hidetetsu HIROKAWA1, Akira SHIMOUCHI2
Kekkaku 92(7): 477-483, 2017.

Internal Medicine Group of Ryoken
Kekkaku 92(7): 485-491, 2017.

Japanese Article 1. Attempt of tuberculosis/BCG differentiation that combined the multiplex method with VNTR technique of the tubercle bacillus typing
瀧井猛将, 安田直美1, 前田伸司2, 山本三郎3
Kekkaku 92(7): 493-493, 2017.

Japanese Article 2. The multi-type of job cooperation by DOTS which is of patients with The second recurrence pulmonary tuberculosis almost every day
大嶋圭子1, 山口公一, 久田剛志2
Kekkaku 92(7): 493-493, 2017.

Japanese Article 3. 1 example that had a hard time for the response of the foreign male tuberculosis patients who became homeless in 30s
Kekkaku 92(7): 493-493, 2017.

Japanese Article 4. Examination of the support necessary for patients with at-home advanced age tuberculosis
島村珠枝, 浦川美奈子, 永田容子
Kekkaku 92(7): 493-493, 2017.

Japanese Article 5. Inspection of the tuberculosis medical treatment that used mobile DOTS by the medication application together
Kekkaku 92(7): 493-493, 2017.

Japanese Article 6. Questionnaire findings about the Japanese school tuberculosis examination for the public health center in Tokyo
高柳喜代子1, 永田容子2
Kekkaku 92(7): 493-494, 2017.

Japanese Article 7. One case that was regarded as tuberculous Addison's disease
永吉優, 山本真弓, 野口直子, 水野里子, 石川哲
Kekkaku 92(7): 494-494, 2017.

Japanese Article 8. One case of middle tuberculosis that was thought to spread than hilar lymph nodes
大澤翔, 山田豊, 増田美智子, 阿野哲士, 菊池教大, 石井幸雄
Kekkaku 92(7): 494-494, 2017.

Japanese Article 9. Usefulness of the linezolid in one - liver damage case of the disseminated tuberculosis complicated with chronic alcoholic hepatitis
笹谷悠惟果, 後藤瞳, 野中水, 重政理恵, 荒井直樹, 矢崎海, 石川宏明, 兵頭健太郎, 根本健司, 三浦由記子, 高久多希朗, 大石修司, 林原賢治, 齋藤武文
Kekkaku 92(7): 494-494, 2017.

Japanese Article 10. One patient whom pulmonary tuberculosis developed in during follow-up of the granulomatous liver disease
本多紘二郎, 田中良明, 奥村昌夫, 佐々木結花, 吉山崇, 尾形英雄, 後藤元1, 菊池文史2, 黒崎敦子3, 大滝美浩4
Kekkaku 92(7): 494-494, 2017.

Japanese Article 11. One patient who had systemic tuberculosis all over the course of acute myeloid leukemia
高崎仁, 森野英里子, 塩沢綾子, 橋本理生, 仲剛, 飯倉元保, 泉信有, 杉山温人
Kekkaku 92(7): 494-494, 2017.

Japanese Article 1. A diagnosis of the pulmonary hypertension and progress of the treatment
Kekkaku 92(7): 495-495, 2017.

Japanese Article 2. A diagnosis and treatment of the pulmonary hypertension complicated with respiratory illness
Kekkaku 92(7): 495-496, 2017.

Japanese Article 1. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Kekkaku 92(7): 496-496, 2017.

Japanese Article 2. Interstitial pneumonia having scenery of collagenosis
Kekkaku 92(7): 496-496, 2017.

Japanese Article 1. Progress of the condition of a patient elucidation of the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
Kekkaku 92(7): 497-497, 2017.

Japanese Article 2. A diagnosis and treatment of the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease based on guidelines
Kekkaku 92(7): 497-497, 2017.

Japanese Article 3. Management of the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease at use of biological drug
Kekkaku 92(7): 497-498, 2017.

Japanese Article Role - double-edged sword - of the steroid hormone in the infection practice
Kekkaku 92(7): 498-498, 2017.

Japanese Article Respiratory mycosis in the drug-resistant times
Kekkaku 92(7): 498-499, 2017.

Japanese Article The new prospects of a diagnosis and the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)
Kekkaku 92(7): 499-499, 2017.

Japanese Article 1. One case of pulmonary tuberculosis, the tuberculous pleurisy that racked its brains about a diagnosis though we presented with organized pneumonia-like shadow and repeated an examination of Mycobacterium
仲本敦1, 名嘉山裕子1,3, 熱海恵理子1, 知花賢治1,3, 藤田香織1,3, 比嘉太1, 大湾勤子1, 久場睦夫2, 藤田次郎3
Kekkaku 92(7): 499-499, 2017.

Japanese Article 2. One patient whom tuberculous pleurisy developed in during treatment with TNF inhibitor
森俊輔, 小松太陽
Kekkaku 92(7): 499-500, 2017.

Japanese Article 3. One case of the multiple tuberculous bone that resulted in a tuberculous retro-pharyngeal abscess
増田真吾, 大澤令奈, 北庄司絵美, 柿内聡志, 高橋健介, 高木理博, 山下嘉郎, 田中健之, 森本浩之輔, 有吉紅也
Kekkaku 92(7): 500-500, 2017.

Japanese Article 4. A tubercle bacillus antigen is detected in a high rate from all over the urine of patients with tuberculosis that presented tuberculosis association classification bIII3
川山智隆, 横山俊伸*, 木下隆, 岡元昌樹, 松永和子, 星野友昭
Kekkaku 92(7): 500-500, 2017.

Japanese Article 5. One case of the pulmonary tuberculosis of the QFT-positive young woman who showed only minute shadow to a base of lung in the chest CT
小松太陽, 中嶋啓, 廣岡さゆり, 浦本秀志, 松岡多香子, 坂本理
Kekkaku 92(7): 500-500, 2017.

Japanese Article 6. About two cases of the T-spot-negative tuberculosis infection in our hospital
田口和仁, 佐々木潤, 熊野友美, 竹中慎一, 岡山雄亮, 南野高志, 武岡宏明, 一木昌郎1, 星野友昭2
Kekkaku 92(7): 500-501, 2017.

Japanese Article 7. Examination of the tuberculosis case in our hospital
安東優, 松本紘幸, 古賀汐梨, 溝口優美, 皆尺寺いずみ, 内田そのえ, 小野朋子, 後藤昭彦, 宇佐川佑子, 城幸督, 安田ちえ, 水上絵理, 山末まり, 橋永一彦, 吉川裕喜, 鳥羽聡史, 梅木健二, 平松和史, 門田淳一1, 宮崎英士2
Kekkaku 92(7): 501-501, 2017.

Japanese Article 8. One case of the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease that CA 19-9 showed high level
矢次博, 原田泰志, 青山崇, 牛島真一郎, 赤木隆紀, 竹田悟志, 宮崎浩行, 永田忍彦
Kekkaku 92(7): 501-501, 2017.

Japanese Article 9. One case of the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease by Mycobacterium celatum which developed in a person discovered by medical examination with normal immunity
川波敏則, 山崎啓, 内藤圭祐, 野口真吾, 畑亮輔, 高木努, 小田桂士, 赤田憲太朗, 川波由紀子, 城戸貴志, 矢寺和博, 迎寛*
Kekkaku 92(7): 501-501, 2017.

Japanese Article 10. Clinical examination of the case who had pulmonary aspergillosis chronic for nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease in our hospital
川野奈菜, 吉田誠, 野上裕子, 森脇篤史, 石松明子, 恐田尚幸, 河野徳子, 岩永知秋
Kekkaku 92(7): 501-502, 2017.

Japanese Article 11. M. where combination chemotherapy was successful One case of the abscessus symptom
財前圭晃1,3, 岡山雄亮1, 吉田つかさ1, 松本恵太1, 西山守1, 桑原元尚2, 今岡治樹3, 木下隆3, 末安禎子1, 星野友昭3
Kekkaku 92(7): 502-502, 2017.

Japanese Article 12. Clinical application of the examination of direct gene amplification of the nontuberculous Mycobacterium using the multiplex PCR
松竹豊司, 久保亨, 金子裕子, 江原尚美, 中野玲伊司, 吉田伸太郎, 福島喜代康1, 坂本憲穂, 迎寛2, 河野茂3
Kekkaku 92(7): 502-502, 2017.