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Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty

Volume 43, Issue / 2013
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The 43rd Japan artificial joint association greetings
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 2013.

Japanese Article A characteristic and problems of patellar unsubstituted LCS TKA
後藤俊彦, 新本誠一郎
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 1-2, 2013.

Japanese Article All cases investigation of the second generation Anatomic stem using the screw fixation combination cement loess cup
兼氏歩, 杉森端三, 市堰徹, 福井清数, 松本忠美
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 3-4, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison between effectiveness of the venous thromboembolism preventive preparation (FXa inhibitor) in the total hip replacement and safe - oral form and hypodermic injection type -
小山博史, 星野裕信, 井出浩一郎, 植野正英, 松山幸弘
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 5-6, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison between usefulness - total hip replacement and Total Knee Arthroplasty - of the enoxaparin short-term administration for the venous thromboembolism prophylaxis
木島泰明1, 山田晋1, 西登美雄2, 野坂光司1, 齊藤英知1, 島田洋一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 7-8, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination about the effective and safe deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism prophylaxis after the elective hip surgery
津田晃佑1, 菅野伸彦2, 阿部裕仁2, 高尾正樹2, 坂井孝司2, 西井孝2, 中村宣雄3
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 9-12, 2013.

Japanese Article Usefulness of aspirin in the VTE prevention and the mechanical prophylaxis combination
清水耕, 守屋拓朗, 藤本和輝, 斉藤淳哉, 山縣正庸
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 13-14, 2013.

Japanese Article It is developed the deep vein thrombosis after the physiotherapy and the operation in early ambulation, the THA which we load it and programed
松原正明, 木村晶理, 小川博之, 加瀬雅士, 佐藤敦子, 平澤直之, 奥田直樹, 石井研史, 萩尾慎二, 野木圭介, 高田亮平, 高田ちさと, 魚水麻里, 植木博子, 品田良太, 川田和正
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 15-16, 2013.

Japanese Article About clinical results of patellar unsubstituted CS mobile bearing TKA and complications examination - in the -400 knee
後藤俊彦, 新本誠一郎
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 17-18, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the case that had the onset, and reoperated AKP after patellar unsubstituted TKA
小津敏, 大野博史, 村田実, 飯田寛和
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 19-20, 2013.

Japanese Article Accuracy of the plan before two-dimensional digital operation in the total knee replacement and total knee prosthesis single condyle substitution
下沢寛, 児玉隆夫, 辻収彦, 小原由紀彦, 佐々木敏江, 小川祐人
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 21-22, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination by the 3D matching evaluation after preoperation of the tibia component in TKA
目昭仁, 徳重厚典, 関万成, 今釜崇, 武藤正記, 田口敏彦
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 23-24, 2013.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the JIGEN system in TKA
来田大平, 佐藤良, 石川尚人, 佐藤智太郎
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 25-26, 2013.

Japanese Article It is ... using usefulness - JIGEN system of the plan before three-dimensional operation in TKA at the highly heteromorphic knee
有村仁志, 阿部靖之
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 27-28, 2013.

Japanese Article Accurate examination of the plan before 3D in TKA and 2D operation
浅野多聞, 成田淳, 大木弘治, 高窪祐弥, 高木理彰
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 29-30, 2013.

Japanese Article MRI evaluation after the Metal on Metal total hip replacement
岩井信太郎1, 加畑多文1, 前田亨1,2, 楫野良知1, 渡邉慎1, 黒田一成1, 藤田健司1, 長谷川和宏1, 土屋弘行1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 31-32, 2013.

Japanese Article Clinical results of UKA and examination of the case poor in the course
助崎文雄, 渋木崇史, 豊島洋一, 鈴木達矢, 石田育男, 前田悠, 吉川泰司, 中村正則, 稲垣克記
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 33-34, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination - of the case that produced a problem after clinical results - complications and the operation after the operation of the artificial knee single condyle replacement
後藤俊彦, 新本誠一郎
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 35-36, 2013.

Japanese Article It is results and an underachievement case after the operation of Oxford UKA in our hospital
北尾淳, 松本寿夫, 森本剛司, 奥山典孝, 鈴木慶亮
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 37-38, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination about postoperative complications of Mobile type Oxford UKA
新田真吾, 岩崎安伸, 丸野英人, 田所浩, 水野清典, 松井允三
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 39-40, 2013.

Japanese Article Results of the total hip prosthesis reimplantation using Burch-Schneider Reinforcement Cage
近藤宰司1, 角南浩史1, 草場敦1, 黒木良克1, 逸見範幸2, 前田昭彦3, 勝井真理子4, 白田直之4, 土田将史4
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 41-42, 2013.

Japanese Article Medium-term results of the thighbone side reimplantation using High-stiffness extensively porous-coated stem
福井清数, 兼氏歩, 杉森端三, 市堰徹, 松本忠美
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 43-44, 2013.

Japanese Article It is examined the reimplantation of the second for the infection after the total hip replacement in our hospital
谷口隆哉, 宮崎展行, 阿部唯一, 峰巨, 三宅悠介, 吉田宗人
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 45-46, 2013.

Japanese Article It is examined the infection case after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
三上将, 鈴木孝治, 原則行, 川村大介, 松野誠夫
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 47-48, 2013.

Japanese Article Trend of the immunomodulating cytokine about bacterial infection produced with an artificial joint operation
山本乃利男, 井上智人, 佐々貴啓, 平野拓志, 藤内武春
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 49-50, 2013.

Japanese Article About biomechanical difference by the alignment by the load rank intermediate flexure in TKA technique stifle
藤本英作1, 笹重善朗1, 澤幹也1, 益田泰次1, 久留隆史1, 柏木健児1, 佐々木浩文1, 當天賢子1, 井上亜美子1, 根木宏1, 大田悠貴1, 永田義紀1, 冨田哲也2, 岩本圭史2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 51-52, 2013.

Japanese Article It is evaluation ... of the CR type TKA knee by the ... 2D-3D registration method about biomechanical difference in the intermediate coiled position in load in the TKA technique stifle and non-load
澤幹也1, 藤本英作1, 笹重善朗1, 益田泰次1, 久留隆史1, 柏木健児1, 佐々木浩文1, 當天賢子1, 井上亜美子1, 根木宏1, 大田悠貴1, 冨田哲也2, 岩本圭史2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 53-54, 2013.

Japanese Article Difference in cinema Thich - by gait analysis - model after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
井野拓実1, 大越康充2, 前田龍智2, 鈴木航2, 小竹諭1, 大角侑平1, 上原桐乃1, 吉田俊教1, 川上健作3, 鈴木昭二4
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 55-56, 2013.

Japanese Article The effect that soft tissue impingement in the THA rear approach gives to the excursion
中村宣雄1, 岩名大樹1, 北田誠1, 前田ゆき1, 坂井孝司2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 57-58, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the factor associated with dislocation after the Total Hip Arthroplasty
伊藤知之1, 堀米洋二2, 渡邊信2, 田窪良太2, 宮坂大2, 北原洋1, 湊泉3, 遠藤直人2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 59-60, 2013.

Japanese Article Analysis of the impingement after the total hip replacement
堀米洋二1, 伊藤知之2, 渡邉信1, 田窪良太1, 宮坂大1, 北原洋2, 湊泉3, 遠藤直人1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 61-62, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison of the cup setting precision in the use of CT-based navigation presence in the THA
吉田格之進1,2, 長谷川正裕1, 友田良太3, 宮崎晋一4, 西村誠5, 新美塁6, 若林弘樹1, 宮本憲1, 須藤啓広1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 63-64, 2013.

Japanese Article About a change of the coronal plane ligament balance before and after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
高山剛, 井手衆哉, 米倉豊, 上杉勇貴, 園畑素樹, 馬渡正明
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 65-66, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison of the change during the operation between 2 models which is different from a gap in the navigation Total Knee Arthroplasty in the ligament balance
高木博, 中田規之, 浅井聡司, 佐藤敦, 前川勝彦, 加藤慎, 古屋貴之, 渥美敬
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 67-68, 2013.

Japanese Article The effect that a functional legendary man with long legs difference after the Total Hip Arthroplasty gives to a pelvis, the backbone coronal plane alignment
藤巻洋, 稲葉裕, 小林直実, 雪澤洋平, 石田崇, 池裕之, 手塚太郎, 平田康英, 齋藤知行
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 69-70, 2013.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the plan before THA technique using ZedHip in the pelvic retroversion case
阿部功1, 白井周史1, 岸田俊二2, 中馬敦3
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 71-72, 2013.

Japanese Article It is sports activities after the DAA-THA technique in our hospital
吉居啓幸, 老沼和弘, 星加昭太, 上田裕輔, 福田秀明, 田巻達也, 三浦陽子, 金山竜沢, 白土英明
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 73-74, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison of the sports activity before and after the operation in the Total Hip Arthroplasty
内田理1, 十河敏晴1, 八木啓輔1, 住友淳一郎1, 遠藤哲1, 青山茂樹2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 75-76, 2013.

Japanese Article Sports fact-finding after the total hip replacement
馬場智規1, 野沢雅彦2, 小林英生1, 湯浅崇仁1, 前澤克彦1, 前田公一2, 神田章男3, 梶原一4, 一青勝雄5, 金子和夫1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 77-78, 2013.

Japanese Article BMI is involved in sports enforcement after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
飛山義憲1,2, 和田治1, 川添大樹3, 水野清典1,4, 岩崎安伸1, 新田真吾1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 79-80, 2013.

Japanese Article The walking event after the Total Knee Arthroplasty improves confidence
川添大樹1, 新田真吾2, 和田治2, 飛山義憲2,3
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 81-82, 2013.

Japanese Article Evaluation of a human trunk, the pelvic exercise in the one side Osteoarthritis of the hip patients using the three-dimensional movement analysis device
江頭秀一1, 河野俊介1, 秋山隆行1, 塚本正紹1, 北島将1, 園畑素樹1, 堀川悦夫2, 馬渡正明1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 83-84, 2013.

Japanese Article Relations of the backbone alignment before change over time and operation of the pelvic inclination after the Total Hip Arthroplasty
鈴木宙, 稲葉裕, 小林直実, 雪澤洋平, 石田崇, 池裕之, 富岡政光, 齋藤知行
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 85-86, 2013.

Japanese Article Relations of the pelvic form corner and lumbar vertebrae sagittal section alignment in the Osteoarthritis of the hip
北原洋1, 伊藤知之1, 湯朝信博2, 遠藤直人3
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 87-88, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination - in the case with change - spinal column scoliosis of spinopelvic alignment after the thighbone subtrochanteric osteotomy combination Total Hip Arthroplasty
安部聡弥1, 増田武志1, 菅野大己1, 井上正弘1, 穂積晃1, 唐島大節1, 春藤基之2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 89-90, 2013.

Japanese Article Three-dimensional analysis about the medullary cavity compatibility of the short taper wedge type stem
中田活也, 山村在慶, 秋山慶輔, 大脇肇, 冨士武史
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 91-92, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the short stem initial solidity in the THA
梅原憲史, 三谷茂, 難波良文, 黒田崇之, 河本豊広, 古市州郎
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 93-94, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination about the thighbone offset in the total hip replacement using the short stem
小林知弘, 内藤正俊, 中村好成, 井田敬大, 黒田大輔, 野村智洋, 坂本哲哉, 萩尾友宣, 村岡邦秀, 永野智子, 渡邊徳人
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 95-96, 2013.

Japanese Article The insertion alignment comparison between SL-PLUS stem and SL-PLUS MIA stem and short-term results
石井孝子, 土井口祐一
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 97-98, 2013.

Japanese Article It is comparison ... with results - SL-PLUS(TM) Stem after the operation in SL-PLUS(TM) MIA Stem given THA in the outside approach before MIS for one year
角南浩史1, 近藤宰司1, 草場敦1, 黒木良克1, 逸見範幸2, 前田昭彦3, 白田直之4, 土田将史4, 勝井真理子4
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 99-100, 2013.

Japanese Article Total hip replacement by Modified Watson-Jones Approach using the SL plus MIA
藤田貴也, 大門憲史, 斉藤憲太, 加藤雅敬, 松崎健一郎, 高橋正明, 横井秋夫
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 101-102, 2013.

Japanese Article Relations of "the insertion position" of the SL-MIA PLUS stem and "the contact part between stem - inside cortex of bone"
小川博之, 松原正明, 木村晶理, 加瀬雅士, 植木博子, 佐藤敦子
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 103-104, 2013.

Japanese Article Medium-term results of Bicon Cup and SL PLUS Stem
逸見範幸1, 中村正則1, 前田昭彦1, 白田直之2, 山岡桂太2, 土田将史2, 黒木良克3, 近藤宰司3, 草場敦3
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 105-106, 2013.

Japanese Article Three patients who underwent MIS-THA by anterolateral-supine approach using SL-Plus MIA stem
大石央代1, 金治有彦2, 早川和恵1,3, 前原一之4, 前原秀紀4, 辻村亨3, 山田治基1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 107-108, 2013.

Japanese Article Clinical results of fit and fill design stem to stop at according to thighbone medullary cavity shapes and bone response
川崎雅史, 藤林孝義, 大倉俊昭, 落合聡史
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 109-110, 2013.

Japanese Article Short-term results of Trabecular Metal Stem
鉄永智紀, 佐藤徹, 塩田直史, 吉田昌弘, 望月雄介
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 111-112, 2013.

Japanese Article Short-term results of MIS-THA by MIS AL-Supine approach using Porous Tantalum Primary Femoral Hip Prosthesis
金治有彦1, 船山敦1, 清水英徳1, 橘田祐樹1, 藤江厚廣1, 丹藤世身1, 山田治基2, 前原一之2, 前原秀紀2, 大石央代2, 戸山芳昭1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 113-114, 2013.

Japanese Article About the usefulness of the Stem shape of TAPERLOC Microplasty comparison - with - Standard type
屋良貴宏, 安部幸雄, 山岡康浩, 吉田紘二, 明石浩介, 津江和成
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 115-116, 2013.

Japanese Article Radiographic examination about the solidity of the Taperloc(R) Microplasty(TM) stem
黒田崇之, 三谷茂, 難波良文, 梅原憲史, 河本豊広, 古市州郎
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 117-118, 2013.

Japanese Article Short-term results of the THA which went using Taperloc Microplasty stem in DAA
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 119-120, 2013.

Japanese Article X-rays views after the total hip replacement using Revelation hip stem(R)
三井裕人1, 井口普敬2, 多和田兼章3, 野崎正浩1, 渡邉宣之4, 後藤英之1, 永谷祐子1, 小林正明1, 大塚隆信1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 121-122, 2013.

Japanese Article It is results after the operation of the total hip replacement using the S-ROM stem
徳重厚典, 今釜崇, 目昭仁, 関万成, 武藤正彦, 田口敏彦
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 123-124, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison between S-ROM THA and medium-term results of S-ROM-ATHA
高橋大介1,2, 眞島任史1, 井上正弘3, 笠原靖彦2, 小野寺智洋2, 紺野拓也2, 西尾悠介2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 125-126, 2013.

Japanese Article It is results after the operation of the MIS THA by the two incision approach using the Taper Lock type stem of the Changeable neck structure
曽根勝真弓1, 松崎交作1, 山崎悟1, 納田和博2, 岡田基宏1, 中谷匡登1, 岩橋弘樹1, 吉田宗人3
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 127-128, 2013.

Japanese Article Short-term results of the total hip replacement using Summit
高橋信太郎1, 山村在慶1, 福永健治1, 塩見俊行1, 中川滋1, 西塔進1, 梅田直也2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 129-130, 2013.

Japanese Article X-rays evaluation - of medium-term results - cementless thighbone stem of the Total Hip Arthroplasty using Synergy select II
小河裕明, 井上尚美, 平野文祟, 佐藤克巳
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 131-132, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison - with X-rays results - Synergy Select II of the Synergy(R) Select II RF stem developed for Japanese DDH
吉沢知宏1, 西野衆文1, 和田大志1, 菅谷久1, 河村春生2, 三島初1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 133-134, 2013.

Japanese Article Short-term results of Synergy Select II stem
三浦紘世, 河村春生, 渡邉保彦
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 135-136, 2013.

Japanese Article It is results after the operation of the taper wedge type cementless total hip prosthesis
山崎聡, 大堀智毅, 竹内ひかり, 辻寛謙, 田中誠人, 林田賢治, 垣内雅明, 越智隆弘
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 137-138, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison - with examination - Accolade Stem of the design of J-Taper Stem
小柳淳一朗, 原口圭司, 津田晃佑, 小川剛, 金正孝, 藤原桂樹
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 139-140, 2013.

Japanese Article Use experience of taper wedge type stem Ovation Hip System for the elderly people femoral neck fracture
河本豊広, 三谷茂, 難波良文, 梅原憲史, 黒田崇之, 古市州郎
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 141-142, 2013.

Japanese Article The effect that difference in shape of the proximal part of the cementless stem and coating gives to initial solidity
星野裕信, 小山博史, 伊藤高規, 鈴木大輔, 松山幸弘
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 143-144, 2013.

Japanese Article The effect that pulse washing gives for results after the THA technique
田中健祐, 難波良文, 梅原憲史, 黒田崇之, 三谷茂
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 145-146, 2013.

Japanese Article It is a treatment result of the deep part infection after the THA, BHA technique in our hospital
紺野拓也1, 高橋大介2, 眞島任史2, 井上正弘3, 笠原靖彦1, 小野寺智洋1, 西尾悠介1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 147-148, 2013.

Japanese Article It is use ... of the treatment - restriction type temporary THA of the infection after the total hip prosthesis surgery technique in our hospital
太田悟司, 西村直己, 野口隆, 中田孝, 石井眞介, 谷田司明
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 149-150, 2013.

Japanese Article Complications and problems of the Total Hip Arthroplasty of elderly people 80 years or older
川路博之1, 石井政次1, 玉木康信1, 佐々木幹2, 高窪祐弥2, 大木弘治2, 高木理彰2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 151-152, 2013.

Japanese Article The treatment actual situation of the initial THA enforcement case 80 years or older
岩瀬敏樹, 松下正矢, 森田大悟
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 153-154, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the total hip replacement for elderly people 80 years or older
松浦正典, 黒田貴顯, 松井嘉男, 鈴鹿智章, 中村卓, 香月憲一
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 155-156, 2013.

Japanese Article Investigation of ADL, the vital prognosis which the total hip replacement for elderly people 80 years or older brings
峰巨, 宮崎展行, 阿部唯一, 谷口隆哉, 三宅悠介, 玉井英伸, 吉田宗人
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 157-158, 2013.

Japanese Article Total Hip Arthroplasty of super elderly people in our hospital
加瀬雅士, 松原正明, 木村晶理, 小川博之, 佐藤敦子, 植木博子
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 159-160, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison - of venous thromboembolism prophylaxis - edoxaban and the fondaparinux after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
松原隆将, 松下聡, 古橋弘基, 青木健太郎, 清水朋彦, 曽根由人, 佐野倫生
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 161-162, 2013.

Japanese Article Protective efficacy of the deep vein thrombosis of the antithrombotic drug in the artificial joint replacement
川村澄人1, 亀田敏明1, 光武遼1, 畑山明広1, 川村大介2, 川村五郎2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 163-164, 2013.

Japanese Article Investigation of the prevalence of the deep vein thrombosis by the vein of lower extremity echo before the Total Hip Arthroplasty
塩野寛大, 山本精三, 牧井勇磨, 大宮俊宣
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 165-166, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the screening of venous thromboembolism (VTE) for the femoral neck fracture surgery patients
植木博子, 松原正明, 佐藤敦子, 木村晶理, 小川博之, 加瀬雅士
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 167-168, 2013.

Japanese Article Does the posture in the THA technique have an influence on the development of deep vein thrombosis? - Lateral decubitusposition and supine comparison -
森田大悟2, 山口仁1, 寺島照雄1, 松下正矢2, 岩瀬敏樹2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 169-170, 2013.

Japanese Article It is examination about the DVT occurrence after the THA technique in patients during an antithrombocytic agent in front of the art, anticoagulant internal use
増田敏光, 石井庄次, 松葉祐介, 伴孝介, 別府諸兄
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 171-172, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of unfractionated heparin in the femoral neck fracture postoperative venous thrombosis prevention
大澤郁介, 樋口善俊
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 173-174, 2013.

Japanese Article The warfarin and fondaparinux or total hip prosthesis postoperative venous thrombosis prevention which used enoxaparin together
中村精吾, 村尾保, 堀淳司
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 175-176, 2013.

Japanese Article A comparison between all artificial joint replacement postoperative Fondaparinux and Edoxaban and consideration of the proper use range
望月雄介, 佐藤徹, 塩田直史, 鉄永智紀
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 177-178, 2013.

Japanese Article The detection of the venous thrombosis using the change of the D-dimer level after the total hip replacement of our hospital and effect of the antithrombotic drugs
松永朗裕1, 豊島洋一1, 助崎文雄1, 菅原崇博2, 中村正則3, 稲垣克記1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 179-180, 2013.

Japanese Article Change of a thigh, the circumference of below knee by the use of enoxaparin after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
平岩秀樹, 酒井忠博, 濱田恭, 中島基成, 石塚真哉, 松川哲也, 小田智之, 高松晃, 山下暁士, 宮本健太郎, 石黒直樹
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 181-182, 2013.

Japanese Article Use experience of the low molecular weight heparin in the Total Knee Arthroplasty
樋口善俊, 大澤郁介
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 183-184, 2013.

Japanese Article Effect of the low-dose edoxaban (15 mg/day) which we used for the deep vein thrombosis prevention after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
原則行1, 鈴木孝治1, 三上将1, 川村大介1, 松野誠夫1, 佐藤勝彦2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 185-186, 2013.

Japanese Article Use experience of 7.5 mg of fondaparinux preparation for the deep vein thrombosis after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
野尻翔, 早川和恵, 伊達秀樹, 辻村俊造, 木村昌芳, 木村稚佳子, 中島由加里, 山田治基
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 187-188, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the prevalence of the deep vein thrombosis by the TKA preoperative vein of lower extremity echo
牧井勇磨, 山本精三, 大宮俊宣, 塩野寛大
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 189-190, 2013.

Japanese Article Protective efficacy for the deep vein thrombosis formation accompanied with the artificial joint replacement of enoxaparin sodium and the cilostazol combination
森田裕司, 大鶴任彦, 谷口浩人, 宗像裕太郎, 伊藤匡史, 加藤義治
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 191-192, 2013.

Japanese Article One case of the pulmonary thromboembolism discovered by screening just before the Total Knee Arthroplasty
豊田剛, 秋月章, 堀内博志, 中村順之, 瀧澤勉, 山崎郁哉, 松永大吾
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 193-194, 2013.

Japanese Article Clinical results of TKA using MIS Tibial baseplate for a short term
松岡成康1, 大野博史2, 小津敏2, 村田実2, 飯田寛和2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 195-196, 2013.

Japanese Article It is questionary survey about the everyday life of patients after Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA)
渡邊勇太1, 工藤優1, 浜口英寿2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 197-198, 2013.

Japanese Article Health-related quality of life and ADL after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
工藤優1, 渡邉勇太1, 浜口英寿2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 199-200, 2013.

Japanese Article Lower limbs alignment of a traditional approach and the navigation direction for uses after bilateral simultaneous Total Knee Arthroplasty and comparison of the component setting corner
川村大介1, 川村五郎1, 藤田大史2, 板垣裕2, 川村澄人3
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 201-202, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the thighbone sagittal section alignment of a traditional approach and the navigation direction for uses after bilateral simultaneous Total Knee Arthroplasty
川村大介1, 川村五郎1, 藤田大史2, 板垣裕2, 川村澄人3
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 203-204, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination about the initial osteotomy precision in the Total Knee Arthroplasty
大森隆昭1, 前田亨1,2, 加畑多文1, 楫野良知1, 岩井信太郎1, 渡邉慎1, 黒田一成1, 藤田健司1, 長谷川和宏1, 土屋弘行1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 205-206, 2013.

Japanese Article Use experience of extramedullary type Profix(TM) in the posterior cruciate ligament cutting apart type Total Knee Arthroplasty
阿部智行1, 田崎憲一1, 河野亨1, 早稲田明夫1, 岡崎真人1, 永井勝也1, 小林慎一郎1, 占部憲2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 207-208, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination ... by determination of thighbone component rotation setting angle method - Offset Repo Tensor using the wedge-shaped spacer
山田泰士, 江原栄文
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 209-210, 2013.

Japanese Article Difference between level and rotation angle running out of condyle bone after the thighbone by Measured Resection and the Modified Gap method in CR TKA
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 211-212, 2013.

Japanese Article The effect that rotation alignment of the thighbone component by Modified gap technique gives in the operation retroflexion corner of PS-TKA
類家拓也, 能地仁, 阿部里見, 小林浩, 伊藤浩
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 213-214, 2013.

Japanese Article The effect that the inside flaccidity and the outside flaccidity at knee flexure during the operation in PS type TKA give to an operation stifle flexure angle
岡島良明1, 大橋弘嗣1, 楊裕健1, 洲鎌亮1, 羅建華1, 浜口英寿2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 215-216, 2013.

Japanese Article Relations of the angle flexural after the component gap and the operation in PS-TKA
中川晃一, 朝田滋貴, 森成志, 赤木將男
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 217-218, 2013.

Japanese Article Association between Joint line rise and Mid-flexion Instability by the distal thighbone edge osteotomy
山村一正, 辻本貴志, 渭川徹秀, 金光成, 格谷義徳
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 219-220, 2013.

Japanese Article Expansion and contraction balance and implant gap in the PS type Total Knee Arthroplasty by the Parallel cut method
村上祐司, 松下亮介, 井上博幸, 延藤博朗, 西田幸司, 松原紀昌, 望月由
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 221-222, 2013.

Japanese Article At TKA, it is a change of the gap quantity before and after the backward clearance by the presence or absence of condyle osteophyte after the thighbone
月村泰規, 金子博徳, 斎藤良彦, 千葉一裕, 辻崇, 星野裕, 阿部均
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 223-224, 2013.

Japanese Article The effect that reduction of the Mayor of joint Gap accompanied with the thighbone component insertion gives to a knee extension angle just after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
森成志1, 朝田滋貴1, 西坂文章1, 松下哲尚2, 井上紳司1, 中川晃一1, 橋本和彦1, 西地晴彦1, 赤木將男1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 225-226, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination - of measures on the thighbone side to merge experience - gap of the Vanguard CR total knee prosthesis operated on using modified gap technique
藤井秀人, 吉田晃, 豊田誠, 沼田仁彬
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 227-228, 2013.

Japanese Article The effect that ball structure of Bi-Surface TKA gives to extension, a flexure angle
前田亨1,2, 加畑多文1, 楫野良知1, 岩井信太郎1, 黒田一成1, 藤田健司1, 土屋弘行1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 229-230, 2013.

Japanese Article We should keep PCL in Triathlon CS type TKA
前田亨1,2, 加畑多文2, 楫野良知2, 林寛之1, 岩井信太郎2, 黒田一成2, 藤田健司2, 土屋弘行2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 231-232, 2013.

Japanese Article A socket is fixed, and X-rays change after the operation of the total hip prosthesis surgery using interface bioactive cement maneuver (IBBC)
田村治郎, 麻田義之, 西田晴彦, 太田雅人, 正木勇希, 森田侑吾, 高川冬木, 松田康孝
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 233-234, 2013.

Japanese Article Short-term results of the total hip replacement using Triple taper polished cement stem (Trilliance)
宮本周一, 飯田哲, 品田良之, 河本泰成, 鈴木千穂
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 235-236, 2013.

Japanese Article We polish a fault and we polish it and are compared the medium-term results with the taper stem with the taper stem
廣瀬士朗1, 大塚博巳1, 森島達観1, 佐藤啓二1, 田中歩2, 川島正幹3
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 237-238, 2013.

Japanese Article About association of dislocation position in the THA and the bone-related impingement analysis - using - 3D Simulation System
下平浩揮1, 天正恵治1, 青木哲宏1, 成田伸代1, 薄井雄企1, 齊藤直人1, 森岡進2, 加藤博之1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 239-240, 2013.

Japanese Article Change of the ROM by a setting position, the angle of the total hip prosthesis
山村在慶1, 中田活也2, 秋山慶輔2, 大脇肇2, 冨士武史2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 241-242, 2013.

Japanese Article Setting alignment evaluation of taper wedge stem using the 3D temp rating system
星野啓介1, 山田邦雄1, 室秀紀1, 蓮尾隆明1, 戸野祐二1, 多和田兼章1, 白井康裕1, 藤浪慎吾1, 安間三四郎1, 竹内聡志1, 山中真徳1, 大塚隆信2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 243-244, 2013.

Japanese Article Usefulness of CT-based navigation system in the total hip prosthesis surgery
柳本繁1, 手塚正樹1, 亀山真1, 中山新太郎1, 矢吹有里1, 小見山貴継1, 岡田英次朗1, 金治有彦2, 船山敦2, 戸山芳昭2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 245-246, 2013.

Japanese Article Experience using CT-based navigation system and Taperlock type cementless modular neck stem for hip subluxation
浅海浩二, 安藤健夫, 弓手康正
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 247-248, 2013.

Japanese Article Electron microscopic analysis of the stem neck taper part in the case that produced metallic corrosion after the total hip replacement in head - neck junction
吉川智朗1, 山川徹2, 森川丞二2, 松本衛2, 中空繁登3, 細井哲4, 須藤啓広5
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 249-250, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of Pseudotumor which occurred after Metal-on-metal Total Hip Arthroplasty
村岡邦秀, 内藤正俊, 中村好成, 井田敬大, 黒田大輔, 小林知弘, 野村智洋, 坂本哲哉, 萩尾友宣, 永野智子, 渡邊徳人
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 251-252, 2013.

Japanese Article Short-term results of at least two years of the having a hard time diameter of head metal on metal total hip replacement
渋谷高明, 手島昌之, 高嶋和磨, 大澤傑
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 253-254, 2013.

Japanese Article It is the clinical results of 2-5 years after the operation of the having a hard time diameter of head Metal-on-Metal Total Hip Arthroplasty
津田晃佑, 原口圭司, 小柳淳一朗, 小川剛, 金政孝, 藤原桂樹
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 255-258, 2013.

Japanese Article Clinical results of the having a hard time diameter of head metal on metal Total Hip Arthroplasty using Conserve Plus
中原一郎, 許太如, 三木秀宣
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 259-260, 2013.

Japanese Article It is the long-term results of the course case more than M/G uni ten years
吉本栄治, 王寺享弘
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 261-262, 2013.

Japanese Article Results in the middle after the operation of the artificial knee single condyle replacement
森正樹, 真柴賛, 千頭憲一郎, 岩田憲, 高田成基, 山本哲司
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 263-264, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison with use course - SCR of the Oxford total knee prosthesis single condyle type replacement
宮本哲, 小杉雅英, 佐々木伸, 荒神裕之, 中川雅之, 須賀潤, 濱畑智弘
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 265-266, 2013.

Japanese Article The previous inside type gonarthrosis that excursion has good, surgery results of UKA and TKA for the thighbone medial condyle osteonecrosis symptom
乾洋1, 武冨修治1, 中村謙介1, 武井聖良1, 眞田高起1, 増田裕也1, 中川匠2, 田中栄1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 267-268, 2013.

Japanese Article Long-term results of cementless Profix TKA
六本木哲1, 富田泰次1, 神谷耕次郎1, 加藤章嘉1, 金潤壽2, 林真仁2, 根本高幸2, 岩崎幸治2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 269-270, 2013.

Japanese Article Medium-term results of PS-Mobile type TKA carried out by gap technique
高橋信太郎1, 中川滋1, 福永健治1, 塩見俊行1, 山村在慶1, 西塔進1, 梅田直也2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 271-272, 2013.

Japanese Article Use experience of NexGen CR-flex mobile TKA
神田裕太郎, 平中崇文, 橋口貴行, 飛田祐一, 松田茂, 上本晴信, 土井田稔, 辻充男
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 273-274, 2013.

Japanese Article Use experience of Bi-Surface 5 (PS) in our hospital
佐藤智太郎, 金子敦史, 石川尚人, 神田裕康, 来田大平
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 275-276, 2013.

Japanese Article Short-term results after the Total Knee Arthroplasty for the knock-knee in our hospital
濱田恭, 酒井忠博, 平岩秀樹, 中島基成, 石塚真哉, 小田智之, 高松晃, 山下暁士, 宮本健太郎, 石黒直樹
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 277-278, 2013.

Japanese Article Treatment result after the Total Knee Arthroplasty for the gonarthrosis with the lesion about hip joint
鈴木朱美, 福島重宣, 富樫栄太
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 279-280, 2013.

Japanese Article Elimination of pain effect by the sustained femoral nerve block after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
岸村裕一, 中川滋, 福永健治, 高橋信太郎, 塩見俊行, 山村在慶, 西塔進
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 281-282, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of Total Knee Arthroplasty postoperative pain measures
針生光博, 尾山かおり, 花香直美, 門馬亮介, 山川淳一, 伊藤重治, 佐々木淳也, 武居功, 尾鷲和也
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 283-284, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison of the pain relief that we used together with sustained femoral nerve block in the Total Knee Arthroplasty
辻本貴志1, 格谷義徳1, 宇野洋史2, 山村一正1, 渭川徹秀1, 金光成1, 高岡邦夫1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 285-286, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison between pain control - femoral nerve block and fentanyl continuous intravenous infusion - after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
畑山和久1, 寺内正紀1, 原哲也2, 富岡昭裕2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 287-288, 2013.

Japanese Article Is the steroid necessary for periarticular multiple drug cocktail therapy?
洲鎌亮1, 小林章郎2, 原口圭司3, 溝川滋一4, 高橋信太郎5, 津田晃佑3, 大橋弘嗣1, 楊裕健1, 岡島良明1, 羅建華1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 289-290, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the steroid addition multiple drug cocktail injection in the Total Knee Arthroplasty
豊島定美, 菅原裕史, 中島拓
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 291-292, 2013.

Japanese Article It is tried the Ropivacaine infusion in the thighbone rear periosteum during the operation for the total knee prosthesis postoperative pain
絹笠友則1, 小松崎徹也2, 金森章浩3, 青戸克哉1,3, 長谷川隆司1, 塚越祐太1, 辰村正紀1, 福島真1, 矢田部佳久1, 池田耕太郎1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 293-294, 2013.

Japanese Article Use experience of Patient-Specific Instrumentation [MyKnee]
高柴賢一郎, 渡邉寿人, 中川誉之, 熊野洋, 坪井寿和
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 295-296, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination (a plan before operation and comparison with the traditional approach) of five early period of Patient-matched instrumentation (PMI) introduction in our hospital
呉英樹, 呉茂明, 牛山隆, 関純
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 297-298, 2013.

Japanese Article Usefulness of Patient Specific Surgical Instruments for TKA
中村祐敬1, 堀内忠一1, 杉山肇2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 299-300, 2013.

Japanese Article The courses 20 years or more after the Total Knee Arthroplasty (PCA TKA) operation for the rheumatoid arthritis
鈴木望人, 金子敦史, 佐藤良, 大橋禎史, 上田英範, 神田裕康, 石川尚人, 来田大平, 佐藤智太郎
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 301-302, 2013.

Japanese Article The joint destruction progression case including medium-and-long term results - bone defect of NexGen LPS-Flex for the rheumatoid arthritis knee as adaptation -
山中一1, 玉井浩1, 鈴木宗貴1, 小林達也1, 後藤憲一郎2, 増田公男3, 河本泰成4
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 303-304, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison - with soft tissue balance - gonarthrosis in Total Knee Arthroplasty in the rheumatoid arthritis
下条竜一, 元村拓, 松下功, 杉森一仁, 野上真紀子, 木村友厚
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 305-306, 2013.

Japanese Article Usefulness of modified gap technique in PS-TKA of the collagenosis knee
能地仁, 阿部里見, 類家拓也, 小林浩, 伊藤浩
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 307-308, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the artificial bone transplant combination TKA initial solidity in the rheumatoid arthritis
鈴木達矢, 助崎文雄, 豊島洋一, 澁木崇史, 石川絋司, 稲垣克記
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 309-310, 2013.

Japanese Article Medium-term results of patellar unsubstituted TKA for the rheumatoid arthritis case
関万成1, 目昭仁1, 田中浩2, 徳重篤典1, 今釜崇1, 武藤正紀1, 田口敏彦1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 311-312, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the total knee prosthesis reimplantation
森律明, 木村正一, 磯部ひろみ, 菅野大己, 増田武志
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 313-314, 2013.

Japanese Article It is results after the operation of the total knee prosthesis reimplantation
天正恵治, 下平浩揮, 青木哲宏, 成田伸代, 薄井雄企, 斉藤直人, 加藤博之
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 315-316, 2013.

Japanese Article Results clinical more than five years of the total knee prosthesis reimplantation using Extended stem
北村信人1, 須々田幸一2, 後藤佳子1, 葛西一元2, 安田和則1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 317-318, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison - by X-rays evaluation - cement anchorage in the LCCK total knee prosthesis
角野隆信, 斎藤修, 石井隆雄, 穂坂邦大, 龍啓之助, 鈴木元, 鈴木貴士, 徳橋泰明
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 319-320, 2013.

Japanese Article Invention of operative time shortening of revision TKA in our hospital
正本和誉, 大浦好一郎, 坂口雅彦, 福田亜衣, 富原光雄
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 321-322, 2013.

Japanese Article Infection prophylaxis and measures - operation anterior naris culture and sanitization of the Total Knee Arthroplasty in our hospital, use - of the antimicrobial mixture bone cement
松下哲尚1, 齊藤聡彦1, 山元輝明1, 伊藤昭裕1, 浜西千秋2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 323-324, 2013.

Japanese Article The wound washing with the isogin is useful in infection prophylaxis after the Total Knee Arthroplasty; or - preliminary study -
杉田健彦1, 佐々木啓1, 上原健1, 宮武尚央1, 前田郁雄1, 本間哲夫1, 高橋敦2, 柏葉光宏2, 藤澤博一2, 上村雅之2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 325-326, 2013.

Japanese Article Usefulness ... of the lesion curettage open in histories of treatment - early stage to a deep part infection after all Total Knee Arthroplasty
曽根康夫1, 森実和樹2, 小西央彦2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 327-328, 2013.

Japanese Article It is two patients after the Total Knee Arthroplasty which seemed to cause implant infection by acupuncture
村田実, 大野博史, 小津敏, 飯田寛和
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 329-330, 2013.

Japanese Article It is one patient using the negative pressure closed treatment for infection after the total knee prosthesis technique with the skin loss
高野昇太郎1, 岩瀬大1, 相川淳1, 東山礼治1, 成瀬康治1, 名倉直重1, 南谷淳2, 占部憲2, 高相晶士1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 331-332, 2013.

Japanese Article It is an example of the infection after the Total Knee Arthroplasty which resulted from insert damage
前川勝彦1, 高木博1, 古屋貴之1, 加藤慎1, 佐藤敦1, 大下優介2, 浅井聡司1, 前田昭彦2, 中田規之1, 逸見範幸2, 渥美敬1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 333-334, 2013.

Japanese Article One case of deep part infection delayed-action after the operation and RA which performed both total knee prosthesis reimplantation for metallosis
伊達秀樹, 早川和恵, 辻村俊造, 木村昌芳, 野尻翔, 木村稚佳子, 中島由加里, 山田治基
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 335-336, 2013.

Japanese Article One patient whom fulminant form A group streptococcus hemolyticus infection developed after the total knee prosthesis reimplantation and was able to save by A-K amputation
三崎智範, 上田康博, 林雅之, 石黒基, 濱田博成, 中西宏之, 吉田泰久
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 337-338, 2013.

Japanese Article Analysis of the suprascapular arm rhythm after the artificial shoulder joint replacement
南川智彦, 柴田陽三, 櫻井真, 蓑川創, 日高正嗣, 城島宏, 秋吉祐一郎
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 339-340, 2013.

Japanese Article Perioperative safe examination of shoulder artificial joints 80 years or older
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 341-342, 2013.

Japanese Article Long-term results after the total hip replacement using the AML-A type stem 20 years or more
吉原愛雄1, 城本雄一郎1, 巽政人1, 平野雅幹1, 河野友紀1, 山田治基2, 根本孝一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 343-344, 2013.

Japanese Article Long-term results of the Porous-Coated Anatomic type Total Hip Arthroplasty which passed more than 15 years
手塚太郎, 稲葉裕, 小林直実, 池裕之, 藤巻洋, 平田康英, 齋藤知行
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 345-346, 2013.

Japanese Article Long-term results of the hybrid THA using Precision cemented stem/Omnifit cementless cup
坂越大悟, 澤口毅, 五嶋謙一, 重本顕史, 羽土優, 高木知治
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 347-348, 2013.

Japanese Article Long-term results after the initial THA technique by the same practiced hand in one institution ten years or more
安村建介, 菅野吉一, 大関覚
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 349-350, 2013.

Japanese Article Long-term results of cementless metasul hip prosthesis
原口圭司, 小川剛, 金政孝, 小柳淳一朗, 津田晃佑
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 351-352, 2013.

Japanese Article Effect of vitamin E on delamination breakdown characteristics of the ultra high molecular weight polyethylene
迫田秀行1, 植月啓太2, 松岡厚子1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 353-354, 2013.

Japanese Article About usefulness of the standing position radiographic appearance in the abrasion measurement of the total hip prosthesis: Comparison between Conventional and Highly cross linked polyethylene
丸山正昭1, 若林真司2, 天正恵治3, 比佐健二4
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 355-356, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of patient factors for the abrasion of crosslink polyethylene liner (UHMWPE)
佐藤敦子, 松原正明, 木村晶理, 小川博之, 加瀬雅士, 植木博子, 石井研史, 萩尾慎二, 奥田直樹, 平澤直之
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 357-358, 2013.

Japanese Article Long-term results of the acetabulum side replacement using Oblong Cup
築谷康人, 岡野徹, 岸本勇二, 豊島良太
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 359-360, 2013.

Japanese Article Including an usefulness - bone defect case of THA-CT based navigation for the THA reimplantation -
黒田一成, 加畑多文, 前田亨, 楫野良知, 渡邉慎, 岩井信太郎, 藤田健司, 長谷川和宏, 土屋弘行
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 361-362, 2013.

Japanese Article Short-term treatment result of the reimplantation (the acetabular roof side) using the allogenic bone grafting for the migration of the articular head prosthesis
竹内誠, 中野俊次, 玉置康晃, 高砂智哉, 中村勝, 中川偉文, 千川隆志, 島川建明, 湊省, 手束文威, 宮城亮
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 363-364, 2013.

Japanese Article Clinical results of the cement loess fully porous stem, total hip prosthesis reimplantation using the proximal fixed type cement loess stem
萩尾友宣, 内藤正俊, 中村好成, 井田敬大, 黒田大輔, 小林知弘, 野村智洋, 村岡邦秀, 坂本哲哉, 永野智子, 渡辺徳人
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 365-366, 2013.

Japanese Article Short-term results of the total hip prosthesis reimplantation by the Cement in cement method
後藤久貴, 穂積晃, 宮本力, 木寺健一, 前田純一郎, 尾崎誠
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 367-368, 2013.

Japanese Article It is results after the operation of the total hip replacement using the acetabular roof reinforcement appliance in our hospital
平野雅幹, 吉原愛雄, 城本雄一郎, 巽政人, 河野友紀, 根本孝一
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 369-370, 2013.

Japanese Article Use with buttress plate in the THA cup reimplantation and the cementless cup
遠藤裕介1, 藤原一夫2, 岡田芳樹3, 香川洋平3, 国定俊之1, 尾崎敏文3
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 371-372, 2013.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the acetabular roof reconstruction in the total hip replacement using the KT plate
後東知宏, 江川洋史, 浜田大輔, 安井夏生
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 373-374, 2013.

Japanese Article Results of the acetabular roof rebuilding by KT plate and the hydroxyapatite transplant in the Total Hip Arthroplasty
臼井正明, 山名圭哉, 茂山幸雄, 楢崎慎二, 門田康孝, 杉生和久
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 375-376, 2013.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the three-dimensional bone model for the total hip prosthesis reimplantation case with the severe bone defect
川西利幸1, 吉田行雄1, 井口晋敬2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 377-378, 2013.

Japanese Article One case that we replaced with a tumor type stem for the severe bone defect of the thighbone again
岡田芳樹1, 遠藤裕介2, 藤原一夫3, 国定俊之2, 尾崎敏文1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 379-380, 2013.

Japanese Article One case that presented use of cement re-substitution THA postoperatively a wide range of thighbone bone defects
吉田行雄, 川西利幸, 山田宏毅, 早稲田祐也, 福田俊嗣
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 381-382, 2013.

Japanese Article Small experience of the total hip prosthesis reimplantation using the S-LOCK stem in our hospital
上田英範, 神田裕康, 来田大平, 金子敦史, 佐藤智太郎
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 383-384, 2013.

Japanese Article Example that was caused by the cementless fixation by the Zweymuller type stem by reimplantation of the cementless THA using Woodpecker
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 385-386, 2013.

Japanese Article One case of the total hip prosthesis reimplantation that needed the detachment of the external iliac artery by the approach method for withdrawal of the medullary dislocated acetabular roof component out of the peritoneum
中嶋隆行, 大塚誠, 竹下宗徳
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 387-388, 2013.

Japanese Article Circling in the maximal flexure at the Total Knee Arthroplasty
渭川徹秀, 格谷義徳, 辻本貴志, 山村一正, 金光成
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 389-390, 2013.

Japanese Article Knee rotation at maximal flexure of the CR type total knee prosthesis 4 model and investigation of the anteroposterior alignment
山本隆博1, 中根邦雄2, 丹羽滋郎3
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 391-392, 2013.

Japanese Article Of navigation change during the operation in TKA and 2D3D change after the operation correlation
森本雅俊, 三上浩, 三好英昭, 大歯浩一, 和田佳三
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 393-394, 2013.

Japanese Article Use experience of Bi-Surface total knee prosthesis BS-5
荒木麗博, 高木治樹, 高塚和孝, 浅野太洋, 高嶋理, 柴田弘太郎, 北折俊之, 小豆澤勝幸, 谷川仁士, 石濱嘉紘, 宗圓充
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 395-396, 2013.

Japanese Article About the movement of the ligamentum cruciatum posterius preservation type total knee prosthesis substituted (CR-TKA) postoperative deep flexure knee (140 degrees or more)
中根邦雄1, 獅子目亨1, 丹羽滋郎1, 長澤範和2, 長谷川太郎2, 吉田映2, 日下部賢治2, 中島晶2, 唐沢善幸2, 大谷真史3, 本庄宏司4, 山本隆博5
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 397-398, 2013.

Japanese Article Attempt of the modified epicondyle axis photography (long epicondyle axis photography) for the purpose of the knee joint coiled position coronal plane alignment evaluation
小林浩, 能地仁, 類家拓也, 阿部里見, 伊藤浩
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 399-400, 2013.

Japanese Article Thighbone component rotation setting precision in Measured resection method MIS-TKA
西川昌孝1, 大脇肇1,2, 冨士武史1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 401-402, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination about the frequency of precision and the soft tissue dissection of the thighbone implant rotation angle in TKA using JIGEN
吉岡徹1, 沖本信和1, 布施好史1, 寺山弘志1, 村田秀則2, 坂信一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 403-404, 2013.

Japanese Article Efforts - of the improvement in examination - rotation precision of the tibia side rotation reference axis in the ankle using 3DCT
阿漕孝治, 池内昌彦, 杉村夏樹, 谷俊一
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 405-406, 2013.

Japanese Article It is examined relations of the range of motion after the inclination and the operation after tibia component setting in the PS type Total Knee Arthroplasty
高橋徹, 星野明穂, 池田浩夫, 日山鐘浩, 洪洋熹, 仲津留恵日, 尾辻正樹, 小松秀郎, 吉村英哉, 朱寧進
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 407-408, 2013.

Japanese Article Medium-and-long term clinical results of the Mobil bearing type LCS total knee prosthesis
小堀眞1, 神里晋1, 吉田正弘1, 野村和重1, 栗田和宏1, 冨永亨1, 鈴木祥浩1, 古舘武士1, 川口誠司1, 奥津弥一郎1, 尾藤博信1, 小堀かおり2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 409-410, 2013.

Japanese Article Clinical results of the LCS Total Knee Arthroplasty by the multicenter study (SAMURAI Knee Study)
佐野徳久1, 石塚正人1, 中村聡1, 八木知徳2, 大関覚2, 菊池啓2, 岸本英彰2, 宗圓聰2, 神谷正人2, 中山威知郎2, 藤田雄介2, 鱸俊郎2, 服部明典2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 411-412, 2013.

Japanese Article LCS total knee prosthesis plastic surgery multicenter study (SAMURAI KNEE STUDY) five years results: The OA vs. RA
菊池啓1, 斎藤政克1, 伊東靖宜1, 嶋田亘1, 辻本晴俊1, 八木知徳2, 佐野徳久2, 大関覚2, 岸本英彰2, 宗圓聰2, 神谷正人2, 中山威知郎2, 鱸俊郎2, 服部明典2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 413-414, 2013.

Japanese Article Clinical evaluations by multicenter study (SAMURAI Knee Study) - JOA score and VAS for the LCS (Low contact stress) Total Knee Arthroplasty: The cement vs. cementless -
斎藤政克1, 菊池啓1, 辻本晴俊1, 嶋田亘1, 伊東靖宜1, 八木知徳2, 佐野徳久2, 大関覚2, 岸本英彰2, 宗圓聰2, 神谷正人2, 中山威知郎2, 藤田雄介2, 鱸俊郎2, 服部明典2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 415-416, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the knee joint rotation rank in mobile TKA
常泉吉一, 李泰鉉, 付岡正
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 417-418, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the rotation mismatch between extended position rotation acceptability and the component of Mobile TKA
辻本貴志, 格谷義徳, 山村一正, 渭川徹秀, 金光成, 高岡邦夫
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 419-420, 2013.

Japanese Article Abrasion (the first report) of the tibia polyethylene of the CR type total knee prosthesis of the patients who accomplished a natural life span
望月正孝, 秋月章, 堀内博志, 瀧澤勉, 山崎郁哉, 中村順之, 松永大吾, 豊田剛
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 421-422, 2013.

Japanese Article Finite-element analysis for the purpose of the plasticity design of the total knee prosthesis polyethylene insert
田中健誠, 酒井利奈, 馬渕清資
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 423-424, 2013.

Japanese Article Patellofemoral joint contact pressure in PS type TKA: Comparison between Mobile bearing and Fixed bearing
田中隆治, 黒瀬靖郎, 水関隆也, 宮下裕行, 藤井二郎, 岡伸一, 志村司, 渡邊あや, 森重真奈美, 糸谷友志
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 425-426, 2013.

Japanese Article Change over time of the patellofemoral joint compatibility in the Total Knee Arthroplasty
新谷康介1, 松井嘉男1, 松浦正典1, 黒田貴顯1, 香月憲一1, 岡島良明2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 427-428, 2013.

Japanese Article Can you evaluate the patellofemoral joint compatibility in the Total Knee Arthroplasty during an operation?
松井嘉男1, 岡島良明2, 新谷康介1, 松浦正典1, 黒田貴顯1, 香月憲一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 429-430, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination - by evaluation - MRI of a patellofemoral joint and the ligamentum patellae after patellar unsubstituted CR type TKA
松本雄, 中村正樹, 中村伸哉, 大野久美子
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 431-432, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of patients with juvenile idiopathic joint pain given total hip replacement
梁秀蘭1, 佐々木幹1, 高窪祐弥1, 佐々木明子1, 大木弘治1, 小林真司1, 川路博之2, 玉木康信2, 石井政次2, 高木理彰1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 433-434, 2013.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the Total Hip Arthroplasty for the rapid destruction type coxarthropathy
湯浅崇仁1, 前澤克彦1, 小川晴規1, 有冨健太郎1, 金子和夫1, 野沢雅彦2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 435-436, 2013.

Japanese Article Short-term results of the total hip replacement for the rapid destruction type coxarthropathy
石井庄次, 増田敏光, 松葉祐介, 伴孝介, 別府諸兄
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 437-438, 2013.

Japanese Article Clinical results of the total hip replacement for the rapid destruction type coxarthropathy
多和田兼章1, 山田邦雄1, 室秀紀1, 星野啓介1, 戸野祐二1, 白井康裕1, 藤浪慎吾1, 竹内聡志1, 山中真徳1, 大塚隆信2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 439-440, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the total hip replacement after RAO
渡邉弘之1, 赤崎幸二1, 相良孝昭1, 清家一郎2, 川谷洋右1, 竹村健一1, 畠邦晃1, 永田武大1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 441-442, 2013.

Japanese Article Evaluation on the stem side in the THA after the thighbone abduction osteotomy
渡邉弘之1, 赤崎幸二1, 相良孝昭1, 清家一郎2, 川谷洋右1, 竹村健一1, 畠邦晃1, 永田武大1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 443-444, 2013.

Japanese Article Medium-term results on the thighbone side in the Total Hip Arthroplasty after the thighbone abduction osteotomy
森谷光俊1, 内山勝文1, 福島健介1, 山本豪明1, 峯岸洋次郎1, 高相晶士1, 高平尚伸2, 糸満盛憲3
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 445-446, 2013.

Japanese Article The Total Hip Arthroplasty which faces each other after Schanz osteotomy
園畑素樹, 北島将, 河野俊介, 馬渡正明
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 447-448, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the Stem-first method in the Total Hip Arthroplasty by the front approach method
長束由里, 長谷川清一郎, 土屋正光
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 449-450, 2013.

Japanese Article Clinical results and problems of MIS-THA using Direct anterior approach for a short term
森田充浩, 山田治基, 中川雅人, 田中徹
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 451-452, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison - with THA - lateral decubitusposition Watson-Jones approach by the combination of Spongiosa metal type II cup and SL-Plus type stem that we conducted in Direct anterior approach
宗像裕太郎, 大鶴任彦, 森田裕司, 加藤義治
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 453-454, 2013.

Japanese Article After the operation of the cementless Total Hip Arthroplasty using the TAPERLOC Microplasty stem after the neighborhood bone density change - operation change - of one year
花之内健仁, 山本健吾, 安藤渉, 不動一誠, 大園健二
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 455-456, 2013.

Japanese Article Relations of the pressure distribution in a thighbone medullary cavity form and the total hip prosthesis stem neighborhood part
福島健介1, 酒井利奈2, 玄峰俊3, 中尾将輝3, 内山勝文1, 森谷光俊1, 山本豪明1, 馬渕清資2, 高平尚伸2, 高相晶士1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 457-458, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination using morphometry and the finite-element analysis bone about the effect that steady load gives to osseous tissue
伊藤大器1, 酒井利奈2, 内田健太郎3, 成瀬康治3, 中尾将輝1, 馬渕清資3
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 459-460, 2013.

Japanese Article It is an evaluation after the operation for the plan before operation of our hospital using the CT for taper wedge stem and fit and fill stem
木村晶理, 松原正明, 小川博之, 加瀬雅士, 植木博子, 佐藤敦子
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 461-462, 2013.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the plan before operation with the three-dimensional template in the THA
森脇健太, 岡野徹, 岸本勇二, 上村篤史, 豊島良太
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 463-464, 2013.

Japanese Article It is the reproducibility of the evaluation function after the total hip replacement technique using the plan software in front of the three-dimensional art
渡邉信1, 伊藤知之2, 高橋康人1, 田窪良太1, 堀米洋二1, 鈴木勇人1, 須田健1, 今井教雄1, 宮坂大1, 湊泉3, 遠藤直人1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 465-466, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination about the precision of the total hip prosthesis digital template which paid attention to an enlargement ratio
大嶋浩文1, 田中栄1, 伊藤英也1, 田中健之1, 田中滋之1, 高取吉雄2, 茂呂徹2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 467-468, 2013.

Japanese Article It is the effect on examination of the factor during the operation and clinical results before an operation to predict flexion contracture after the operation in the Total Knee Arthroplasty for the flexion contracture knee
朱寧進, 星野明穂, 池田浩夫, 吉村英哉, 高橋徹, 小松秀郎, 仲津留恵日, 尾辻正樹, 洪洋熹, 日山鐘浩
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 469-470, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the poor knee joint excursion case after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
藤井裕之, 東良和, 吉田研三, 土井一輝
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 471-472, 2013.

Japanese Article It is examined a measurement evaluation of Posterior Condylar Offset in TKA using the condyle law to precut and the flexural angle after the thighbone
福田秀明, 金山竜沢, 白土英明, 田巻達也, 老沼和弘, 三浦陽子, 上田祐輔, 吉居啓幸
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 473-474, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination - CR type for the instability backward after the Total Knee Arthroplasty, comparison of PS type TKA
東良和, 藤井裕之, 土井一輝
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 475-476, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison between CR-TKA and knee stability early after the operation in PS-TKA
木原伸介1, 村津裕嗣1, 桐月伸輔1, 松本知之2, 圓尾明弘1, 宮秀俊1, 黒田良祐2, 黒坂昌弘2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 477-478, 2013.

Japanese Article It is compared the results after the operation of a use of Scorpio NRG TKA CR type and the PS type
乾洋1, 武冨修治1, 中村謙介1, 眞田高起1, 増田裕也1, 中川匠2, 田中栄1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 479-480, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison between Fixed-PS and Mobile-PS in the same patients in the Total Knee Arthroplasty
福永健治, 中川滋, 岸村裕一, 高橋信太郎, 塩見俊行, 梅田直也, 西塔進
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 481-482, 2013.

Japanese Article We evaluate it after the thighbone component rotation setting positional operation by the condyle law to precut after the thighbone
上田祐輔, 金山竜沢, 老沼和弘, 三浦陽子, 田巻達也, 福田秀明, 白土英明
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 483-484, 2013.

Japanese Article The adjustment of the component gap in the Total Knee Arthroplasty: Examination of the method of adjustment by the mean data
金山竜沢, 白土英明, 老沼和弘, 三浦陽子, 東秀隆, 田巻達也, 福田秀明, 上田祐輔
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 485-486, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the TKA case using the Modified Gap Technique device (Kanayama type)
渡辺仁司1, 坂本雅昭1, 北原聡太1, 東秀隆2, 遠田泰平3
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 487-488, 2013.

Japanese Article The law that condyle precuts after the thighbone in the Total Knee Arthroplasty for the valgus deformity knee
山田邦雄1, 室秀紀1, 星野啓介1, 戸野祐二1, 多和田兼章1, 白井康裕1, 藤浪慎吾1, 安間三四郎1, 竹内聡志1, 山中真徳1, 今泉司1, 大塚隆信2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 489-490, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the gender gap about the thighbone condyle part form
真鍋尚至, 王寺享弘, 徳永真巳, 吉本栄治, 松田秀策, 碇博哉
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 491-492, 2013.

Japanese Article Gender gap is effect to give to flexure and an extension angle after the operation of TKA
川合準, 池田登, 小谷博信, 石坂直也, 大西祥博, 中村健次, 三河義弘
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 493-494, 2013.

Japanese Article After short-term results - operation of bilateral same day MIS-THA by MIS AL-Supine approach mainly on the walking speed measurement and an around the hip joint muscular strength evaluation -
金治有彦1, 山田治基2, 加賀谷斉3, 才藤栄一3, 船山敦1, 清水英徳1, 橘田祐樹1, 藤江厚廣1, 丹藤世身1, 戸山芳昭1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 495-496, 2013.

Japanese Article It is compared Stem alignment of Straight tapered stem in the side unfolding technique with the dorsal position anterioris unfolding technique after the lateral decubitusposition
藁科秀紀1, 北村伸二2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 497-498, 2013.

Japanese Article Small infestation Total Hip Arthroplasty without the line tendon cutting apart by the outside invasion before dorsal position
湯朝信博1, 北原洋2, 伊藤知之2, 岡部高弘1, 遠藤直人3
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 499-500, 2013.

Japanese Article It is the examination about the evaluation by the simple X-ray examination of cup anteversion after the total hip replacement
野村智洋, 内藤正俊, 中村好成, 井田敬大, 黒田大輔, 小林知弘, 萩尾友宣, 村岡邦秀, 坂本哲哉, 永野智子, 渡邊徳人
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 501-502, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison of front approach for the artificial head replacement of the femoral neck fracture and the backward approach
谷口祥一, 渡邊宣之, 相良学爾, 山上貴也, 小栗雄介, 高橋伸弥, 篠原司, 櫻井公也
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 503-504, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination about the dislocation of MIS-THA of Direct Anterior Approach
吉田宏, 上田誠司, 関口治, 水谷憲生, 古郡宏行, 小川亮
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 505-506, 2013.

Japanese Article Invention of the radiography in the plan before operation of the artificial head replacement by Direct anterior approach
豊田誠1, 藤井秀人1, 吉田晃1, 沼田仁彬1, 平野貴大2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 507-508, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the Direct Anterior Approach (DAA) total hip prosthesis surgery using the image intensifier
中村真二, 高澤宏太郎, 島貫景都
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 509-510, 2013.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the simple and easy legendary man with long legs differences and electric scalpel revision method at DAA-THA using the cord
林宏, 大塚稔, 新堀浩志, 有吉大, 田島佑輔, 高木健太郎, 江夏元揚
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 511-512, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the THA for elderly people 80 years or older
大木弘治1, 高木理彰1, 佐々木幹1, 高窪祐弥1, 小林真司2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 513-514, 2013.

Japanese Article Short-term results of the Total Hip Arthroplasty for elderly people 80 years or older
藤井淳一, 高田直樹
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 515-516, 2013.

Japanese Article Can the elderly people permit a legendary man with long legs change after the total hip replacement?
佐藤達也, 谷野弘昌, 山中康裕, 西田恭博, 伊藤浩
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 517-518, 2013.

Japanese Article After the femoral neck fracture technique with dementia mainly on a correlation of examination - HDS-R and FIM of the pre-back (life independence degree and home return)
中村幸男1, 上村智彦2, 本田哲三2, 多田秀穂1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 519-520, 2013.

Japanese Article One case that formed hematoma by anticoagulation after the THA, and caused deep part infection
篠原健介1, 藤原一夫2, 遠藤裕介3, 岡田芳樹1, 香川洋平1, 尾崎敏文1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 521-522, 2013.

Japanese Article A Case of Candida Hip Arthritis After Artificial Head Replacement
伊志嶺卓, 坂口亮人, 金谷裕司
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 523-524, 2013.

Japanese Article It is a use of the bottle culture for the primary causative organism identification of the infection after the artificial joint
永山盛隆, 渡辺美和, 小島政廣, 西川正修, 新垣晃
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 525-526, 2013.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent THA after the onset for tuberculosis of hip early
高木徹1, 藤井洋佑1, 三喜知明1, 門田弘明2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 527-528, 2013.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the artificial joint operation of patients with the atrial fibrillation
前野晋一1, 斉藤聖二1, 藤田順之1, 勝山詠理1, 木場健1, 石坂正大2, 圷真毅2, 高橋陽介2, 松村崇史3, 高橋恒存4, 大谷俊郎5, 増本項6, 川嶋章浩7
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 529-530, 2013.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the THA (total hip arthroplasty) for long-term patients on dialysis
坂本哲哉, 内藤正俊, 中村好成, 井田敬大, 黒田大輔, 小林知弘, 野村智洋, 萩尾友宣, 村岡邦秀, 永野智子, 渡邉徳人
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 531-532, 2013.

Japanese Article Three cases of the THA which went for patients with schizophrenia
原田悌志1, 宮崎展行1, 阿部唯一1, 谷口隆哉1, 峰巨1, 三宅悠介1, 曽根勝真弓1, 吉田宗人1, 綿貫匡則2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 533-534, 2013.

Japanese Article Pre-operative autologous blood donation in the total hip prosthesis reimplantation
永野智子, 内藤正俊, 中村好成, 井田敬大, 黒田大輔, 野村智洋, 小林知弘, 村岡邦秀, 坂本哲哉, 萩尾友宣, 渡邊徳人
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 535-536, 2013.

Japanese Article The change of the hemoglobin level of patients with bilateral single-stage total hip replacement given pre-operative autologous blood donation and the allogeneic blood rate of use
関泰輔, 長谷川幸治, 松岡篤史, 池内一磨, 石黒直樹
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 537-538, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the blood pressure fluctuation during the operation in the cement artificial head replacement
松下正矢, 岩瀬敏樹, 森田大悟
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 539-540, 2013.

Japanese Article Does hidden blood loss in the drain non-custody after the THA influence clinical results after the operation?
大倉俊昭, 川崎雅史, 落合聡史, 笠井健広, 藤林孝義
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 541-542, 2013.

Japanese Article Change of the temperature graph after the total hip replacement
加藤充孝, 大野義幸, 安良興, 青戸寿之, 清水孝志, 平川明弘
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 543-544, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination about the Total Hip Arthroplasty after the acetabulum fracture
佐々木幹, 高窪祐弥, 大木弘治, 高木理彰
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 545-546, 2013.

Japanese Article Elderly people's experience of the Total Hip Arthroplasty without the contracted osteotomy for the high rank dislocation-related coxarthropathy
石井研史, 小林雅文
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 547-548, 2013.

Japanese Article One case that produced femoral nerve palsy by the mass lesion which occurred in 7 years after a Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) operation using metal-on-highly cross-linked polyethylene bearing
片桐健太1, 神野哲也1, 麻生義則1, 古賀大介1, 小谷野岳1, 高田ちさと1, 森田定雄2, 宗田大1, 大川淳1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 549-550, 2013.

Japanese Article One case that caused the resolution after the bipolar type artificial head replacement
村上勝彦, 角南勝利
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 551-552, 2013.

Japanese Article One case of the rheumatoid arthritis that resulted in a thighbone stem bone fracture of the cement total hip prosthesis 33 years after after operation
水木伸一, 鎌田一億
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 553-554, 2013.

Japanese Article Short-term results of the artificial head replacement using Trilliance stem for the femoral neck fracture
山田祐太郎, 洲鎌亮, 楊裕健, 岡島良明, 羅建華, 大橋弘嗣
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 555-556, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison - with the MIS muscle sparing THA - artificial head replacement for the transposition type femoral neck fracture
赤石孝一, 片野博, 井上亮, 佐々木知行, 若井裕司, 植山和正
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 557-558, 2013.

Japanese Article Medium-term results of the artificial head replacement for the avascular necrosis femoral head symptom in our hospital
成嶋靖博, 一青勝雄
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 559-560, 2013.

Japanese Article Accuracy of the thighbone osteotomy using the IM flexible rod in TKA
安原良典, 庄司恭之, 長山隆一, 草開義治, 坂口公一, 佐藤秀峰
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 561-562, 2013.

Japanese Article When we cut a bone in Tower bridge guide which can identify thighbone front function axis more, and only an operation field does it, at the TKA enforcement, we compare the precision with the guide in the marrow
北尾淳, 松本寿夫, 森本剛司, 奥山典孝, 鈴木慶亮
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 563-564, 2013.

Japanese Article Evaluation - using examination - Image free navigation system of the setting maneuver precision of the tibia osteotomy guide in TKA out of the marrow
城戸秀彦, 加茂健太, 城戸聡, 園田和彦, 畑中敬之
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 565-566, 2013.

Japanese Article Improvement of balance after the Total Knee Arthroplasty and the walking ability
前野晋一1, 斉藤聖二1, 藤田順之1, 勝山詠理1, 木場健1, 石坂正大2, 圷真毅2, 高橋陽介2, 松村崇史3, 高橋恒存4, 大谷俊郎5, 増本項6
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 567-568, 2013.

Japanese Article About the effectiveness of UKA in bilateral simultaneous surgery
難波良文1, 河本豊広1, 梅原憲史1, 黒田崇之1, 三谷茂1, 香川洋平2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 569-570, 2013.

Japanese Article It is weighed results after the operation of bilateral simultaneous Total Knee Arthroplasty
前田ゆき, 柿本明博, 中村宣雄, 浜脇誠
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 571-572, 2013.

Japanese Article Is the SIRS not taking place after the TKA technique? Comparison between ... bilateral simultaneous cases and one side case ...
穂坂邦大, 斎藤修, 關雅之, 石井隆雄, 角野隆信, 鈴木元, 菊田晋祐, 及川昇, 藤巻裕久, 徳橋泰明
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 573-574, 2013.

Japanese Article Is a knee side extended position scan effective for X-rays evaluation before UKA technique?
和根崎禎大, 福島重宣, 富樫栄太, 鈴木朱美
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 575-576, 2013.

Japanese Article Patellofemoral joint replacement: Results short-term after the surgery adaptation and the operation
河野紀彦1, 金子卓男1, 松本秀男2, 大谷崇裕1, 望月雄大1, 羽田勝1, 砂川隆英1, 眞宅崇徳1, 吉田健太郎1, 松本太輔1, 新庄琢磨2, 池上博泰1, 武者芳朗1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 577-578, 2013.

Japanese Article Of surgery adaptation and the surgery for patients with rheumatoid arthritis of the person at elderly people, ultrahigh voltage electron microscope age, actually
大森敏規, 古松毅之, 宮澤慎一, 岡田幸正, 藤井政孝, 尾崎敏文
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 579-580, 2013.

Japanese Article Bone density of the proximal around the knee joint bone density measurement - thighbone for vicinity of the total knee prosthesis bone fracture predictions, it can be an index of the local bone density of the ipsilateral knee joint; or -
阿部里見1, 能地仁1, 類家拓也1, 小林浩1, 伊藤浩1, 柏葉綾子2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 581-582, 2013.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the retrograde intramedullary nail and rocking plate fixation for the thighbone supracondylar fracture after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
濱井敏1,2, 宮原寿明1, 糸川高史3, 江崎幸雄1, 平田剛1, 岩本幸英2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 583-584, 2013.

Japanese Article It is the examination about the patella fracture and matching after the TKA technique
羅建華, 岡島良明, 洲鎌亮, 楊裕健, 大橋弘嗣
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 585-586, 2013.

Japanese Article Patellar osteotomy - modified patellar nose system - to prevent a patella fracture after the TKA technique
岡島良明, 大橋弘嗣, 楊裕健, 洲鎌亮, 羅建華
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 587-588, 2013.

Japanese Article Bone fusion using Spider staple for the patellar ligament tibia nodule bone fracture after TKA
冨田文久, 春藤基之, 上金伸一, 大西信樹
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 589-590, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination for the calcaneal bone weakness bone fracture onset case after after the total knee prosthesis plastic surgery technique and the artificial knee single condyle replacement
上田大輔, 大水信幸, 山脇慎也, 八木知徳
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 591-592, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison - of effect - intravenous tranexamic acid for the bleeding after TKA and the intraarticular administration
福永健治, 中川滋, 高橋信太郎, 塩見俊行, 梅田直也, 西塔進
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 593-594, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison - intraarticular administration VS intravenous administration ... of the perioperative bleeding by the tranexamic acid medication method in the Total Knee Arthroplasty
中村卓1, 松浦正典1, 松井嘉男1, 黒田貴顯1, 香月憲一1, 糸数万紀2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 595-596, 2013.

Japanese Article Post-operative haemorrhage inhibitory effect of the drain non-custody in all Total Knee Arthroplasty
松下亮介, 村上祐司, 井上博幸, 延藤博朗, 西田幸司, 松原紀昌, 望月由
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 597-598, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison between comparison - Dermabond(R) and skin stapler - of the bleeding by the difference in Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) wound part stitch
原憲司, 江黒日出男, 黒田浩司
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 599-600, 2013.

Japanese Article Is there the difference in hemoglobin level decrease in a difference of the hemostasis operation time in the cement Total Knee Arthroplasty?
増田義久1, 光長栄治1, 寺井智也1, 濱本雄一郎1, 白岡格2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 601-602, 2013.

Japanese Article An example of bilateral Total Knee Arthroplasty for the hemophilia-related knee joint anthropathy
石川紘司, 助崎文雄, 豊島洋一, 秋山幸平, 鈴木達也, 稲垣克記
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 603-604, 2013.

Japanese Article One patient who went TKA for an ankylosis knee of the rheumatoid arthritis
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 605-606, 2013.

Japanese Article One patient who went TKA for extensive knock-knee after HTO
安藤喜一郎, 波頭経俊, 小川崇, 山本敦, 河野宗平, 山本尚洋, 中北吉厚
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 607-608, 2013.

Japanese Article Two patients who received Total Knee Arthroplasty for the inside type gonarthrosis with the recurvatum
上原健1, 杉田健彦1, 佐々木啓1, 宮武尚央1, 前田郁雄1, 本間哲夫1, 高橋敦2, 柏葉光宏2, 藤澤博一2, 上村雅之2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 609-610, 2013.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent Total Knee Arthroplasty for the gonarthrosis who had the constancy patella dislocation
青木浩平, 山中誠, 楠瀬浩一
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 611-612, 2013.

Japanese Article We experience the enforcement of Hinged Type TKA for the comminuted fracture in thighbone condyle
檜谷興, 松下具敬, 青木大輔, 廣岡邦彦, 甲斐信生
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 613-614, 2013.

Japanese Article Total Knee Arthroplasty after the tibial plateau fracture
松田秀策, 王寺享弘, 徳永真巳
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 615-616, 2013.

Japanese Article One patient whom ligamentum cruciatum posterius reinforcement performed CR type TKA in postoperatively
根木宏, 藤本英作, 笹重善朗, 益田泰次, 久留隆史, 柏木健児, 佐々木浩文, 當天賢子, 井上亜美子, 澤幹也, 大田悠貴, 永田義紀
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 617-618, 2013.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the patellar ligament tear after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
早川和恵1, 伊達秀樹1, 辻村俊造1, 木村昌芳1, 野尻翔1, 中島由加里1, 木村稚佳子1, 山田治基1, 中川研二2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 619-620, 2013.

Japanese Article Possibility ... of "the evaluation of the slack" after TKA by new video diagnosis - tomosynthesis of the tomosynthesis
遠藤精太郎1, 吉田千春1, 平畑忍1, 水村耕治1, 杉本和隆2, 坂本雅光2, 三井正博2, 佐和田桂一2, 西野正洋2, 西法正2, 葛西章3
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 621-622, 2013.

Japanese Article Relationship between change in lower extremity circumference after THA and X-ray lower extremity width
松岡峰造1, 花之内健仁2, 山本健吾2, 安藤渉2, 不動一誠2, 大園健二2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 623-624, 2013.

Japanese Article After the Total Knee Arthroplasty about the effectiveness of the joint range of motion exercise using the ceraband in patients
長谷川恭一1, 中村睦美1, 木勢千代子1, 海老原洋平1, 山形沙穂1, 森田真純1, 野村将彦2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 625-626, 2013.

Japanese Article Importance - of examination - super early joint excursion of the knee flexure angle after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
藤井千博1, 森諭史2, 二宮太志2, 岡田史郎1, 菅沼江里加1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 627-628, 2013.

Japanese Article Evaluation after navigation Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) using the lower limbs weighting meter
藤林孝義1, 川崎雅史1, 笠井健広1, 大倉俊昭1, 落合聡史1, 佐伯総太1, 竹本東希2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 629-630, 2013.

Japanese Article It is examined the early effect after the operation of the Total Knee Arthroplasty for the locomotorium instability symptom due to gonarthrosis
桐月伸輔1, 村津裕嗣1, 木原伸介1, 松本知之2, 圓尾明弘1, 宮秀俊1, 黒田良祐2, 黒坂昌弘2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 631-632, 2013.

Japanese Article It is degree of corpulence and the body function in patients after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
中村睦美1, 木勢千代子1, 海老原洋平1, 山形沙穂1, 森田真純1, 長谷川恭一1, 野村将彦2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 633-634, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the hospitalization in the Total Knee Arthroplasty clinical path
菅沼江里加1, 森諭史2, 二宮太志2, 藤井千博1, 岡田史郎1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 635-636, 2013.

Japanese Article Revision THA for the tardive recurrent dislocation after the THA accompanied with the pelvic retroversion progress
石坂直也, 池田登, 川合準, 吉田昇平, 中村健次, 三河義弘
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 637-638, 2013.

Japanese Article One case of RA which suffered from dislocation treatment after the THA re-substitution
文浩光, 横山良樹, 渡嘉敷卓也
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 639-640, 2013.

Japanese Article It is one patient with the de-change of the grit for dislocation hip prosthesis
堀田拓, 穴澤卯圭, 新井健, 青山龍馬, 山根淳一, 二宮研, 加藤敦史, 大久保寿樹, 白石建
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 641-642, 2013.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment for standing position total hip prosthesis front subluxation associated with pelvic retroversion
濱路博, 田翔太
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 643-644, 2013.

Japanese Article Experience of the THA for the severe pelvic retroversion case
三宅由晃1,2, 遠藤裕介3, 河本豊広4, 黒田崇之4, 尾崎敏文2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 645-646, 2013.

Japanese Article Short-term results of new total hip prosthesis - Dolphin Hip -
小堀眞1, 神里晋1, 吉田正弘1, 野村和重1, 栗田和宏1, 冨永亨1, 鈴木祥浩1, 古舘武士1, 藤井貴之1, 川口誠司1, 田中達也1, 奥津弥一郎1, 尾藤博信1, 小堀かおり2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 647-648, 2013.

Japanese Article Short ... medium-term results of the Reverse Hybrid total hip prosthesis: Comparison with all cement fixation type total hip prosthesis
丸山正昭1, 若林真司2, 天正恵治3
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 649-650, 2013.

Japanese Article Use experience of the AHFIX acetabular roof component
小宅雄一郎1,2, 松丸直人1, 葉梨裕幸1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 651-652, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of 2 cases that suspected ARMD after Metal-on-Metal THA using the large diameter grit, and was given reimplantation
手島昌之, 渋谷高明, 高嶋和磨, 川上秀雄, 夏梅隆至, 大澤傑
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 653-654, 2013.

Japanese Article Example that produced osteolysis after the metal on metal THA technique using the large diameter grit early
林成樹1, 藤岡幹浩2, 齊藤正純1, 池上徹1, 齋木大器1, 上島圭一郎1, 久保俊一1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 655-656, 2013.

Japanese Article It is the results until seven years after the operation of the surface substituted type total hip prosthesis
河村春生, 渡邊保彦
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 657-658, 2013.

Japanese Article Medium-term results of the Trident ceramic on ceramic total hip prosthesis
平澤直之1, 松原正明2, 木村晶理2, 佐藤敦子2, 小川博之2, 加瀬雅士2, 植木博子2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 659-660, 2013.

Japanese Article One case that produced a metallosis-like change after the reimplantation performed for the damage of the ABS cup
高砂智哉, 後東知宏, 油形公則, 江川洋史, 安井夏生
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 661-662, 2013.

Japanese Article One case of the ceramic liner damage in the THA
大橋禎史, 神田裕康, 佐藤智太郎
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 663-664, 2013.

Japanese Article It is examined the treatment result for the thighbone stem neighborhood bone fracture after the operation
木戸健介, 福井康人, 近藤寛美, 小池宏典, 大東昌史, 竹島稔, 松木正史, 立入久和, 八田陽一郎, 山崎隆仁, 奥田良樹, 日下部虎夫
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 665-666, 2013.

Japanese Article It is experienced the femur fracture after the Total Hip Arthroplasty using Tapered Wedge type Short Stem
田巻達也, 老沼和弘, 金山竜沢, 三浦陽子, 白土英明
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 667-668, 2013.

Japanese Article Analysis - of the use of analysis - eighth report metal impacter group of the hammer ring sound at cementless thighbone stem insertion by Sound Wave Analysis
古市格1, 大山純一2, 遠藤ミゲル雅崇2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 669-670, 2013.

Japanese Article A trial head is hesitation one case that we did containing in a backward soft tissue in Total Hip Arthroplasty in dorsal position front approach
宮本理1, 高田尚1, 伊志嶺卓2, 坂口亮人2, 関矢仁3
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 671-672, 2013.

Japanese Article One case of tibia proximal part insufficiency fracture which occurred after the Total Hip Arthroplasty
友田良太, 森本政司, 竹上謙次, 川喜田英司, 牧野祥典, 海野宏至
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 673-674, 2013.

Japanese Article Gluteus medius muscle motion in the seat rank
高山正伸1, 二木亮1, 陳維嘉2, 長嶺隆二2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 675-676, 2013.

Japanese Article The factor which has an influence on the walking speed after the Total Hip Arthroplasty
二木亮1, 高山正伸1, 陳維嘉2, 近藤桂史2, 長嶺隆二2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 677-678, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of NAS-J-Hip before operation of the Osteoarthritis of the hip patients who reached the THA
渡邊宣之1, 井口普敬2, 相良学爾1, 山上貴也1, 谷口祥一1, 高橋伸弥1, 小栗雄介1, 篠原司1, 櫻井公也1, 岡本秀喜3, 大塚隆信3
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 679-680, 2013.

Japanese Article A difference and similarity with evaluation - The Japanese Orthopaedic Association lesion about hip joint evaluation questionnaire of the Total Hip Arthroplasty case using the patients with gonarthrosis usability test standard
渡辺保彦, 河村春生
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 681-682, 2013.

Japanese Article Analysis - in cadaver study using role - tensor of the short rotator muscle giving it to a hip joint function
松下功1, 伊藤芳章2, 元村拓1, 木村友厚1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 683-684, 2013.

Japanese Article Association between piriformis muscle preservation and proximal thighbone form at use of straight stem
伊藤芳章1, 松下功2, 木村友厚2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 685-686, 2013.

Japanese Article Use experience of the exercise evoked response monitoring during the operation in the total hip replacement
松井佑梨世, 長谷川正裕, 宮本憲, 若林弘樹, 須藤啓広
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 687-688, 2013.

Japanese Article About the run of the sciatic nerve by the MRI after the THA technique before sciatic nerve palsy and operation
鈴木康司, 河内貞臣
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 689-690, 2013.

Japanese Article Effect to give to a legendary man with long legs difference after the operation of imageless navigation system in the Total Hip Arthroplasty
洲鎌亮, 大橋弘嗣, 楊裕健, 岡島良明, 羅建華
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 691-692, 2013.

Japanese Article The effect that a tibia component setting position gives in an image of tibia side resorption of bone of the Total Knee Arthroplasty
徳永真巳, 王寺享弘, 吉本栄治, 松田秀策
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 693-694, 2013.

Japanese Article Change of the bone density around the component after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
澁木崇史, 助崎文雄, 豊島洋一, 鈴木達矢, 永井隆士, 稲垣克記
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 695-696, 2013.

Japanese Article Effect on thighbone front osteotomy side of the thighbone side alignment in the Total Knee Arthroplasty
井上悟史, 栗山新一, 百名克文, 玉置康之, 田中康之, 川井康嗣, 打越顯, 別當沙織, 馬谷直樹, 丸山征爾, 中村賢司, 古川剛, 岩井輝修
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 697-698, 2013.

Japanese Article Separate each joint in mobile bearing type UKA; gap kinematics in the power
鈴木貴士1, 龍啓之助1, 鈴木麗1, 山田知裕1, 藤巻裕久2, 長岡正宏1, 斎藤修2, 徳橋泰明2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 699-700, 2013.

Japanese Article It is clinical results of the Total Knee Arthroplasty after the operation running out of high rank tibia bone
中村順之, 秋月章, 堀内博志, 瀧澤勉, 山崎郁哉, 松永大吾, 望月正孝, 原一生, 小藤田能之, 豊田剛
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 701-702, 2013.

Japanese Article Comparison ... in both knees which a form state is similar to after the operation of HTO and UKA for the knee OA in results and the preoperation of satisfaction - equivalence patients
真柴賛, 千頭憲一郎, 森正樹, 岩田憲, 高田成基, 山本哲司
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 703-704, 2013.

Japanese Article Tramadol/acetaminophen combination tablets for the Total Knee Arthroplasty postoperative pain
川村澄人1, 亀田敏明1, 光武遼1, 畑山明広1, 川村大介2, 川村五郎2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 705-706, 2013.

Japanese Article It is examined the usefulness of the use of buprenorphine tape in the early stage rehabilitation pain control after the total knee prosthesis surgery
浜田洋志, 宮原真
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 707-708, 2013.

Japanese Article Chronic pain due to the UKA postoperative Hunter canal syndrome
児玉隆夫, 小川祐人, 佐々木敏江, 小原由紀彦, 辻収彦, 下沢寛
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 709-710, 2013.

Japanese Article One case of the saphenous nerve infrapatellar branch disorder after TKA
尾島朋宏, 勝尾信一, 砂山千明, 水野勝則, 山門浩太郎, 岡山忠樹, 木谷聡, 山本崇史, 林正岳
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 711-712, 2013.

Japanese Article Experience of the arthroscopic surgery for anterior knee pain after TKA
茂山幸雄, 杉生和久, 門田康孝, 楢崎慎二, 山名圭哉, 臼井正明
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 713-714, 2013.

Japanese Article A case of impingement caused by the infrapatellar fat pad after total knee arthroplasty
北本和督1, 栗巣野誠1, 服部大哉2, 赤尾真知子1, 本庄宏司1, 佐藤啓二1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 715-716, 2013.

Japanese Article Example examination: Problems around the surgery that we learned from the TKA obstinateness case which presented atypical CRPS symptom
本間毅1, 涌井元博2, 塚田幸行2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 717-718, 2013.

Japanese Article The acute popliteal artery atresia that occurred after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
小島政廣, 新垣晃, 西川正修, 渡辺美和, 工藤啓久, 永山盛隆
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 719-720, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of acute arterial obstruction that TKA in our center merged postoperatively
吉田昇平, 小谷博信, 池田登, 川合準, 三河義弘
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 721-722, 2013.

Japanese Article It is one patient of the hemarthrosis after the total knee prosthesis technique which we performed an angiography and embolization in
谷口浩人, 伊藤匡史, 加藤義治
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 723-724, 2013.

Japanese Article One case that underwent arthroscope lower hemostasis technique for the iterative hemarthrosis that occurred after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
河田学1, 乾洋1, 中村謙介1, 武冨修治1, 眞田高起1, 増田裕也1, 中川匠2, 田中栄1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 725-726, 2013.

Japanese Article The actual situation of the allergy to metal in the Total Hip Arthroplasty case
行實公昭1, 神宮司誠也1, 河野勤1, 平本貴義1, 椋本祥子2, 糸満盛憲1
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 727-728, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the allergy to metal in the total knee prosthesis patients
川上泰広, 小谷博信, 池田登, 川合準, 三原一志, 石坂直也, 大西祥博, 吉田昇平, 中村健次, 長谷川泰隆, 三河義弘
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 729-730, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the osteotomy approach having V-shaped olecranon for the artificial elbow joint replacement
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 731-732, 2013.

Japanese Article Experience and problem for the artificial ankle joint replacement in our hospital
豊島洋一, 助崎文雄, 王興栄, 渋木崇史, 鈴木達矢, 石川紘司, 秋山幸平, 松永朗裕, 並木脩, 稲垣克記
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 733-734, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination of the artificial ankle joint replacement in our hospital
岩澤智宏1, 川岸利光1, 中原慶亮1, 中野恵介1, 近江洋嗣1, 高倉義典2
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 735-736, 2013.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent artificial ankle joint replacement for the ankle disorder that it was thought that it was caused by infection-related joint pain
高窪祐弥, 佐々木幹, 大木弘治, 長沼靖, 梁秀蘭, 小林真司, 高木理彰
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 737-738, 2013.

Japanese Article The artificial head replacement for the Seebauer 2B rotator cuff tear arthropathy does not function by the additional measures of the soft tissue
Journal of Japanese Society for Replacement Arthroplasty 43: 739-740, 2013.