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The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology
Volume 52, Issue / 2014
English Article Japanese Article
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Greetings Introduction 大花昇 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 1-1, 2014. |
Examination for the 46th Fukushima medicine association and 2014 Fukushima medical technologist society regular general meeting greetings 大戸高広 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 2-2, 2014. |
"The condition of a patient grasp of the Sino-Japanese traditional medicine and the clinical application" 三潴忠道 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 10-11, 2014. |
1. 2 cases that presented PLEDs by electroencephalogram 八巻翔子, 近藤好恵, 渡辺由恵, 佐藤美樹, 品田佳位, 米倉めぐみ, 渡辺美津江, 大内武夫, 小竹美佐江, 風間由美, 田村清子, 松本幸男 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 18-18, 2014. |
2. Usefulness of auditory steady reaction (ASSR) in the functional deafness 堀越由紀子, 元木ゆみ, 遠藤由美子, 山本詩子, 佐藤ゆかり, 堀越裕子, 羽田良子, 目黒サキ子, 大花昇, 志村浩己 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 19-19, 2014. |
3. 1 case that CPAP appropriate pressure increased by an opening remarkably 兼田享子, 黒崎幸子, 高田佳奈, 菊地歩, 矢吹恭子, 黒田奈央子, 鈴木千晶, 保田智香, 田尻三千代, 櫻井尚子, 山寺幸雄 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 20-20, 2014. |
4. The operational situation of the ambulatory ECG 鈴木沙織1), 大森歩1), 瀧澤宏子1), 小島原研司1), 平野常邦1), 北條洋1),2) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 21-21, 2014. |
5. One case of the 2:1 AV block induced by exercise testing 引地美由紀, 高久田美江, 小板橋好江, 相原理恵子, 齋藤満儀, 黒崎幸子, 山寺幸雄 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 22-22, 2014. |
6. A case of acute myocardial infarction with perforation at the base of the inferior septum 高橋英紀, 本名拓哉, 小林祥子, 齋藤麻依子, 星勇喜, 佐藤雅彦, 矢木健雄, 斎藤市弘 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 23-23, 2014. |
7. An effect and problems of the examination of physiology system introduction in our hospital 松本英明, 三浦留美, 鈴木玉枝, 大木清, 廣木恵美 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 24-24, 2014. |
8. Introduction of all automatic urine pooled analysis device (AU-4050) in our hospital and the effect 志賀永一1), 渡部和也1), 平野常邦1), 北條洋1,2) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 25-25, 2014. |
9. One case that the atypical cells detection in cerebral fluid led to a diagnosis 小林美和子, 安藤知恵, 小原真理, 大竹浩一, 宮森由美子, 佐藤修, 高田直樹, 斎藤市弘 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 26-26, 2014. |
10. One case of the sigmoid vesical fistula inferred by the urine appearance and urinary sediment 佐藤康弘, 加羽澤慧, 相田惠美子, 小関正弘 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 27-27, 2014. |
11. The error factor of the platelet count and the correspondence 安藤菜緒美, 服部祐太, 見付祐子, 中村美雪, 五十嵐典子, 白石満 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 28-28, 2014. |
12. About the error factor of the platelet count and the possibility of correspondence - large platelet - 丹治友姫, 山崎優美, 丹野大樹, 渡辺洋子, 伊藤真弘, 菅野喜久子, 斎藤洋子, 田中京子, 大花昇, 志村浩己 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 29-29, 2014. |
13. About a count report of the Iwaki Branch questionary survey about the platelet count 山田由美子, 佐川多孝 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 30-30, 2014. |
14. An example of pernicious anemia that we experienced in our hospital 浪岡貴人1), 工藤麻寿実1), 宇佐見歩唯1), 斉藤弓恵1), 藤東千香子1), 小関正弘1), 石橋敏幸2) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 31-31, 2014. |
15. One case of the castleman's disease with the IgG4 high level 小原真理, 安藤知恵, 小林美和子, 大竹浩一, 宮森由美子, 佐藤修, 高田直樹, 齋藤市弘 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 32-32, 2014. |
16. The current situation of the examination of 2012 blood culture in the Fukushima medical college Hospital 岡崎綾奈, 今井美菜子, 本田睦子, 高野由喜子, 大橋一孝, 早川希威, 大花昇, 志村浩己 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 33-33, 2014. |
17. About Salmonella Paratyphi A detected in blood culture 中島実佳子, 阿部聡美, 鈴木恵美子, 宍戸宏子, 鈴木博子, 前田順子, 白石満 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 34-34, 2014. |
18. Salmonella spp. derived from intestinal tract Distribution chemosensitive of this 菊池重寿, 作山裕子, 大森志穂, 濱田邦彦, 郡美夫 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 35-35, 2014. |
19. About the change of the sensitivity rate of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, S. marcescens of our hospital judging from anti-VAIO gram 秋元誠, 坂本有子, 安部悠子, 渡部政一, 芳賀厚子, 高田直樹, 齋藤市弘 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 36-36, 2014. |
20. About the extrapulmonary tuberculosis case that we experienced in our hospital 松本康歳, 金子美千代, 高木賢司, 若松和代, 廣木恵美 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 37-37, 2014. |
21. It is ... from the operational situation in the examination - our hospital bacteria room of the usefulness of the procalcitonin 三浦真輝, 山口みどり, 安孫子久男 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 38-38, 2014. |
22. Resistant A. Examination of the surveillance culture that we conducted at baumannii outbreak 高木賢司1), 金子美千代1)2), 松本康歳1), 若松和代1), 廣木恵美1), 林靖子2), 中山晴夫2) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 39-39, 2014. |
23. About the inoculation situation of the HBV vaccine in our hospital staff 山崎恵, 佐川多孝, 菱川恭子, 山田由美子, 松崎恵実, 飯ヶ谷奈央子, 飯島敦史, 柴田昭浩 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 40-40, 2014. |
24. One case with suspected HTLV-I-related arthropathy 蛭田沙知, 関口路子, 樫村有紀, 田村智美, 本田めぐみ, 荒川英裕, 吉田幸雄, 紺野美奈子, 作間靖子, 田村功, 白石満 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 41-41, 2014. |
25. Basic examination of PIVKA-II using the LBA method 折笠ひろみ, 石幡哲也, 大関元子, 山本肇, 鈴木益代, 高田直樹, 斎藤市弘 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 42-42, 2014. |
26. Basic examination of the improved creatinine measurement reagent 半沢雄助, 菅野麻衣, 渡部聖子, 吉田詠子, 木村朋子, 羽根正子, 大矢みどり, 佐々木義和, 加藤裕子, 大花昇, 志村浩己 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 43-43, 2014. |
27. Comparison between 2 models in the immunosuppressive drug tacrolimus measurement 吉田詠子, 菅野麻衣, 半沢雄助, 渡部聖子, 木村朋子, 羽根正子, 大矢みどり, 佐々木義和, 加藤裕子, 大花昇, 志村浩己 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 44-44, 2014. |
28. The present situation of the ABC examination in our hospital medical examination center 菅波由美子, 坂本玲子, 柴田昭浩 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 45-45, 2014. |
29. Efforts of the albumin preparation management in our hospital 大知里京子, 神山龍之介, 星雅子, 橋本はるみ, 渡辺隆幸, 作間靖子, 白石満 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 46-46, 2014. |
30. An example of the malignant lymphoma regarded as testicular origin 二木照美1), 森合博一1), 松木浩子1), 小林英樹1), 佐藤友紀2), 喜屋武淳2), 野沢佳弘1) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 47-47, 2014. |
31. Subtype breast cancer, Two cases of biotype carcinoma mucoides typeB (hypercellular variant) 二瓶憲俊1), 甲賀洋光1), 小滝昇1), 佐藤欽一1), 遠藤枝利子, 山口佳子2) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 48-48, 2014. |
32. Efforts to the cytoscreener training in the Tsuboi Hospital 原田仁稔, 高田佳奈, 菅野寿也, 黒田和希, 佐藤陽子 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 49-49, 2014. |
33. Hold the laboratory study duties tour for high school students 高田直樹 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 50-50, 2014. |
34. About the current situation of the colonoscopic examination in our hospital 河村幸江1), 佐藤久美子1), 鈴木佳代1), 下山田浩美1), 馬場弘美1), 川尻洋子1), 山口順市1), 齊藤勝2) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 51-51, 2014. |
35. Inventory control - of efforts - laboratory tests association article of the laboratory technician in the ward 吉田憲治, 小林利美, 佐藤美千子, 森川由美, 齋藤麻衣子, 中田悠希, 氏家洋幸, 阿部麻木子, 酒井絢香, 鹿野智美, 根本浩 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 52-52, 2014. |
36. Attempt of the visit to Yamaga clinic examination room by the person of dock medical examination 宮田あき子, 石幡文子, 伊勢亀摂子, 斎藤市弘, 横澤忠夫 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 53-53, 2014. |
Win an each prize 那須野紀子, 前田順子, 小柴静子, 生田目万明, 伊藤真弘, 吉田詠子, 山崎一樹, 山本肇, 鈴木千晶, 土田正孝, 米倉めぐみ, 齋藤眞殊, 飯島敦史, 大平祐子, 山崎恵 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 52: 117-125, 2014. |