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The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology
Volume 54, Issue / 2016
English Article Japanese Article
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Greetings Introduction 山寺幸雄 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 1-1, 2016. |
Examination for the 48th Fukushima medicine association and 2016 Fukushima medical technologist society regular general meeting greetings 森菊夫 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 2-2, 2016. |
1. Examination about the factor of the inappropriate operation in ICD, CRT-D 遠藤詩乃, 高久田美江, 石川裕一, 西浦健太, 土田正孝, 武藤文彦, 齋藤満儀, 山寺幸雄 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 18-18, 2016. |
2. Comparison of the electrode position in the examination for front yard-induced muscle potential (VEMP) 早川莉沙1), 郡司麻奈美1), 熊谷麻子1), 半沢ゆみ1), 遠藤由美子1), 山本詩子1), 堀越裕子1), 佐久間信子1), 羽田良子1), 西條博之3), 大花昇1), 伊藤祐子1)2), 志村浩己1)2) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 19-19, 2016. |
3. Usefulness of the electroencephalogram in old first epilepsy 宍戸夕記, 小板橋好江, 保田智香, 相原理恵子, 黒崎幸子, 山寺幸雄 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 20-20, 2016. |
4. Reexamination and comparison in the CPAP treatment continuance rate 矢吹恭子, 黒崎幸子, 岸みゆき, 菊地歩, 田尻三千代, 鈴木千晶, 櫻井尚子, 兼田享子, 山寺幸雄 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 21-21, 2016. |
5. An example of the pancreas adenosquamous carcinoma which racked its brains about a diagnosis 猪狩歩1), 牧野淳平1), 佐々城瑞樹1), 羽田憲司1), 鈴木玉枝1), 松本英明1), 池谷伸一2), 浅野重之3) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 22-22, 2016. |
6. About usefulness of the renal artery sonography 五十嵐早希, 谷ヶ城弘雄, 小原加奈代, 田村優太, 大戸高広 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 23-23, 2016. |
7. 1 case that the strain method was useful for follow-up of the cardiac sarcoidosis 高田佳奈, 小室和子, 小松真司, 丹治麻衣子, 吉田靖子, 金内あかね, 山寺幸雄 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 24-24, 2016. |
8. We evaluate performance of analyzer USCANNER (E) for urinary existence formation in comparison with the existing law 遠藤武尊1), 河合裕美1), 岡崎恵美1), 鈴木律子1), 斎藤洋子1), 大花昇1), 伊藤祐子1)2), 志村浩己1)2) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 25-25, 2016. |
9. It is a performance evaluation of analyzer USCANNER (E) and a comparison with UF1000i for urinary existence formation 佐藤悟, 森菊夫, 風間正明, 柳内智哉, 雨宮きよ子, 藤田沙耶花, 橋本真希, 水竹健斗, 坂本裕士, 廣木惠美 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 26-26, 2016. |
10. [experience analyzer USCANNER (E) introduction for urinary existence formation] 鈴木稔, 作間靖子, 大知里京子, 藁谷結花, 松本幸男 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 27-27, 2016. |
11. Comparison with automatic computation using multi-item automatic blood corpuscle analyzer XE-5000 in the cerebral fluid cell count and the visual law 近藤宏徳, 森菊夫, 風間正明, 柳内智哉, 雨宮きよ子, 藤田沙耶花, 橋本悟, 水竹健斗, 坂本裕士, 廣木惠美 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 28-28, 2016. |
12. Basic examination of faecal occult blood measuring assembly OC sensor PLEDIA 桑名幸治, 神田尚之, 平山善雄, 野口健一 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 29-29, 2016. |
13. An example of the benign mass found in gynecomastia 高住奈緒子1), 佐々木美穂1), 山本仁美1), 三國宰子1), 高木尚広1), 土井孝志2) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 30-30, 2016. |
14. One case of the full duct carcinoma 品田佳位, 渡辺由恵, 米倉めぐみ, 佐藤美樹, 渡辺美津江, 小竹美佐江, 風間由美, 田村清子, 松本幸男 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 31-31, 2016. |
15. One case of the synchronism bilaterality breast cancer that racked its brains about a diagnosis 郷田順子, 野木典久, 芳賀恵美, 増田恭子, 柴田昭浩 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 32-32, 2016. |
16. About the thyroidal supersonic wave first examination trust inside the hospital system 吉田明身, 松本弘毅, 青天目勇二, 野口佳正 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 33-33, 2016. |
17. An example of the BJP - lambda type multiple myeloma 前田崇憲1), 藤東千香子1), 原大1), 原田佳代2), 甲斐龍幸2), 志賀隆2), 木村秀夫2) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 34-34, 2016. |
18. One case of the thalassaemia beta 中村拓磨1, 坂内沙耶佳1, 服部祐太1, 安藤菜緒美1, 見付祐子1, 中村美雪1, 五十嵐典子1, 白石満1, 糸永宇慧2, 生井良幸2 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 35-35, 2016. |
19. 1 case of malaria that we experienced in our hospital 志賀永一, 渡部文彦, 芳賀徹, 平野常邦 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 36-36, 2016. |
20. 1 case of splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL) which we experienced in our hospital 渡邉友里耶, 鈴木久仁子, 藤田沙耶花, 管野麻美, 高木悠輔, 廣木恵美 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 37-37, 2016. |
21. One case of the drug-related hypersensitivity syndrome that showed atypical lymphocytes and an eosinophilic increase 佐藤康子1), 嶋田有里1), 渡辺洋子1), 伊藤真弘1), 菅野喜久子1), 斎藤洋子1), 大花昇1), 伊藤祐子1)3), 大橋威信2), 平岩朋子2), 山本俊幸2), 志村浩己1)3) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 38-38, 2016. |
22. One case of the expectant mothers who showed a large number of vacuolation to neutrophils of the feature of peripheral blood 松下志保1), 佐藤朋子1), 角田淳子1), 鈴木弘子1), 斎藤武郎1), 吉田孝雄, 阿部利明, 坂本且一2), 佐久間弘子3) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 39-39, 2016. |
23. About an example different in specimen collecting and the correspondence 佐藤栄美1), 嶋田有里1), 須賀淳子1), 佐藤康子1), 渡部聖子1), 渡辺洋子1), 伊藤真弘1), 菅野喜久子1), 斎藤洋子1), 大花昇1), 伊藤祐子1)2), 志村浩己1)2) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 40-40, 2016. |
24. About the activity of the Aizu Branch standard range communalization examination committee 山本肇1,2, 阿部浩子1,3, 荒井由美子1,4, 五十嵐章雄1,5, 宍戸幹夫1,6, 武石宣子1,7, 橋本修也1,8, 増渕典子1,9 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 41-41, 2016. |
25. One case of the epithelial myoepithelial carcinoma which occurred in parotid gland 吉村果歩1), 山崎一樹1), 池田藍1), 小松香織1), 小野早苗1), 蛭田道子1), 渡辺順1), 森菊夫1), 廣木恵美1), 浅野重之2) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 42-42, 2016. |
26. One case of appendix tumor 野地響子1), 加井丈治1), 佐々木由美子1), 井村徹也2) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 43-43, 2016. |
27. One case of the appendix goblet cell carcinoid 長澤千鶴1), 西浦舞子1), 鈴木郁恵1), 遠藤輝美1), 宍戸ひろ美1), 村上今日子1), 佐々木理恵子1), 小田島肇2) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 44-44, 2016. |
28. About the introduction effect of the rapid test OSNA method in the metastasis to breast cancer lymph node technique 橋本希美, 千葉成美, 緑川勝彦, 緑川真一 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 45-45, 2016. |
29. Examination for the companion diagnosis of PD-L1 佐藤崇, 佐川美穂, 小島原美智恵, 平野常邦, 北條洋 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 46-46, 2016. |
30. Efforts at getting out pathology limit in our hospital 高橋暦, 増田恭子, 青木小百合, 佐藤聡子, 野木典久 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 47-47, 2016. |
31. Efforts of the medical technologist in our hospital diabetes support team 菱川恭子, 大平敦子, 飯ヶ谷奈央子 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 48-48, 2016. |
32. Efforts to the examination situation of influenza in our hospital and information communalization of outbreak 二本柳洋志, 山本肇, 石幡哲也, 折笠ひろみ, 関本正泰, 高田直樹, 齋藤市弘 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 49-49, 2016. |
33. An example of the fetal erythroblastosis by the blood type incompatibility between mother children 石井佳代子, 根本円, 神山龍之介, 星雅子, 大澤裕美, 橋本はるみ, 渡辺隆幸, 白石満 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 50-50, 2016. |
34. Efforts and problem to the blood products disposal blood reduction in our hospital 村上啓子, 望月翼, 馬場現一, 渡辺徳秀, 松本弘毅, 吉野静恵, 青天目勇二 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 51-51, 2016. |
35. The current situation of the posttransfusion hyperferremia in the blood internal medicine of our hospital 鈴木久仁子, 藤田沙耶花, 管野麻美, 渡邉友里耶, 高木悠輔, 廣木惠美 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 52-52, 2016. |
36. Examination of the examination of blood culture in our hospital for the past 5 years 高木賢司, 松本康歳, 蛭田留里子, 廣木恵美 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 53-53, 2016. |
37. 1 case of the disseminated Mycobacterium avium infection 阿部聡美, 中島実佳子, 宍戸宏子, 鈴木博子, 白石満 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 54-54, 2016. |
38. The current situation of the examination of Mycobacterium in Fukushima Medical University Hospital 高野由喜子1), 岡崎綾奈1), 今井美菜子1), 丹野大樹1), 本田睦子1), 大橋一孝1), 大花昇1), 伊藤祐子1)2), 志村浩己1)2) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 55-55, 2016. |
39. Effect of the practice support by the urea breath test inspection equipment POC one introduction 富樫亮太, 秋元誠, 山本肇, 小林美和子, 渡部巧, 芳賀厚子, 高田直樹, 齋藤市弘 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 56-56, 2016. |
40. About a sanitization rate of the endoscopic views and helicobacter pylori in our hospital 高林千代子1), 佐藤久美子1), 河村幸江1), 鈴木佳代1), 下山田浩美1), 齋藤勝2) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 57-57, 2016. |
41. Questionary survey about the medical technologist demand in Fukushima 佐々木義和, 三浦里織, 松田美津子, 柴田昭浩, 齋藤市弘, 山寺幸雄 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 58-58, 2016. |
42. 1 case that showed a reversal to measurements of CK and the CK-MB 高野寿史1), 山本仁美2), 三國宰子2), 石川弘己1), 高木尚広2) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 59-59, 2016. |
43. Basic examination between 2 models of the PIVKA-II measurement reagent 庄司龍弥1), 宮原涼馬1), 滝さゆり1), 中山麻衣1), 半沢雄助1), 小林美香1), 木村朋子1), 吉田詠子1), 佐々木義和1), 大花昇1), 伊藤祐子1)2), 志村浩己1)2) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 60-60, 2016. |
44. Examination about eGFR in our hospital 滝内壮志, 馬場弘美, 志賀信洋, 網谷英樹, 山口順市 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 61-61, 2016. |
45. H-FABP quick quantitative usefulness in acute myocardial infarction 水竹健斗, 森菊夫, 柳内智哉, 雨宮きよ子, 藤田沙耶花, 橋本悟, 橋本真希, 近藤宏徳, 坂本裕士, 廣木恵美 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 62-62, 2016. |
46. One case with suspected congenital syphilis 本田めぐみ, 渡邉智美, 会田日出夫, 蛭田沙知, 吉田幸雄, 紺野美奈子, 白石満 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 63-63, 2016. |
47. Stable examination by the specimen preservation condition of the PSA (prostate-specific antigen) 今野貴徳, 浪岡貴人, 相田惠美子, 小関正弘 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 64-64, 2016. |
48. Basic examination of the HBs antigen measurement by all active immunity measuring assembly HISCL-800 山本美乃里, 宮田あき子, 齋藤市弘 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 65-65, 2016. |
49. Clinical usefulness of NT-proBNP in the medical examination 網谷英樹, 志賀信洋, 馬場弘美, 滝内壮志, 山口順市 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 66-66, 2016. |
Win an each prize 武藤文彦1), 武藤和也2), 平野常邦3), 山口順市4), 岡本慶子5), 堀越由紀子6), 相原理恵子7), 佐藤尚子, 田村清子8), 二瓶憲俊9), 松本康歳10), 引地美由紀11), 高橋暦12), 蛭田萌13), 鈴木文明14) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 123-129, 2016. |
Regarding the activities of the Aizu Branch Reference Range Sharing Review Committee 山本肇1,2, 阿部浩子1,3, 荒井由美子1,4, 五十嵐章雄1,5, 宍戸幹夫1,6, 武石宣子1,7, 橋本修也1,8, 増渕典子1,9 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 130-135, 2016. |
Medical Corporation Onoda Internal Medicine Clinic 佐々木美鈴 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 137-137, 2016. |
Atami, Ota Hospital clinical Banking Inspection Department, pathological department attached to the Ota synthesis hospital 松本幸男 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 54: 138-139, 2016. |