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The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology

Volume 55, Issue / 2017
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Greetings Introduction
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 1-1, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination for the 49th Fukushima medicine association and 2017 Fukushima medical technologist society regular general meeting greetings
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 2-2, 2017.

Japanese Article "The turning point of 40 years, we think about panic values now"
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 10-10, 2017.

Japanese Article "Echographic advice ... abdominal region -"
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 11-11, 2017.

Japanese Article 1. Electroencephalogram in the legal declare of brain death, an examination for ABR and future problem
堀越裕子1), 早川莉沙1), 遠藤由美子1), 佐久間信子1), 羽田良子1), 大花昇1), 伊藤祐子2), 志村浩己2)
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 18-18, 2017.

Japanese Article 2. About a tendency of the overmasking in the bone conduction audiometry
牧野淳平, 筥崎俊矢, 兼本歩, 佐々城瑞樹, 羽田憲司, 国井洋美, 高萩施津子, 松本英明
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 19-19, 2017.

Japanese Article 3. One case of the retroperitoneal malignant lymphoma
宗像優花, 渡辺美津江, 品田佳位, 佐藤美樹, 米倉めぐみ, 風間由美, 田村清子, 松本幸男
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 20-20, 2017.

Japanese Article 4. Two cases of the hydrops processus vermiformis that sonography was useful for a diagnosis
鈴木千晶, 松田美津子, 渡部さゆり, 武藤文彦, 黒崎幸子, 山寺幸雄
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 21-21, 2017.

Japanese Article 5. About the usefulness of the abdominal aortic aneurysm evaluation at the heart sonography
酒井絢香, 丹野麻木子, 氏家洋幸, 中田悠希, 佐藤美千子, 峯徹次
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 22-22, 2017.

Japanese Article 6. One case of the renal carcinoma detected by echocardiography accidentally
国井洋美, 高萩施津子, 筥崎俊矢, 羽田憲司, 鈴木玉枝, 大西人実, 松本英明
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 23-23, 2017.

Japanese Article 7. One case of the tacrolimus-related induced cardiomyopathy after the bone marrow transplantation
高田佳奈, 小室和子, 小松真司, 丹治麻衣子, 吉田靖子, 相原理恵子, 金内あかね, 山寺幸雄
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 24-24, 2017.

Japanese Article 8. One case of the pacemaker patients who were able to evaluate improvement of the chronotropic imperfection in CPX
相原理恵子, 高久田美江, 遠藤詩乃, 引地美由紀, 小板橋好江, 齋藤満儀, 山寺幸雄
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 25-25, 2017.

Japanese Article 9. One case of the diffuse large B-cell lymphoma which occurred with a chief complaint of neurologic symptoms
只野光彦1), 嶋田有里1), 渡辺洋子1), 菅野喜久子1), 大花昇1), 木村哲2), 池添隆之2), 志村浩己3)
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 26-26, 2017.

Japanese Article 10. An example of the B-cell prolymphocytic leukemia
鈴木沙織, 渡部文彦, 志賀永一, 永島愛, 芳賀徹, 渡部和也, 阿部浩子, 平野常邦
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 27-27, 2017.

Japanese Article 11. One case of Early T-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma
渡部文彦, 永島愛, 鈴木沙織, 志賀永一, 芳賀徹, 佐藤崇, 渡部和也, 阿部浩子
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 28-28, 2017.

Japanese Article 12. The morphologic characteristic of micromegakaryocytes appearing to a peripheral smear and the usefulness
永島愛, 鈴木沙織, 志賀永一, 渡部文彦, 芳賀徹, 佐藤崇, 渡部和也, 阿部浩子
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 29-29, 2017.

Japanese Article 13. 1 case of the acute mixed leukemia (B/myeloid)
志賀永一, 永島愛, 鈴木沙織, 渡部文彦, 芳賀徹, 渡部和也, 阿部浩子, 平野常邦
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 30-30, 2017.

Japanese Article 14. Usefulness of the juvenile platelet ratio in the ITP
高木悠輔, 鈴木久仁子, 風間正明, 渡邉友里耶, 加藤ななみ, 森菊夫
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 31-31, 2017.

Japanese Article 15. One case of the acquired haemophilia A that a cross mixing test was useful
佐藤康子1), 渡辺洋子1), 菅野喜久子1), 大花昇1), 伊藤祐子2), 大河原浩3), 池添隆之3), 志村浩己2)
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 32-32, 2017.

Japanese Article 16. Introduce correspondence - CP-3000 of the coagulation study at the duty on a day; and -
見付祐子, 座間槙, 中村拓磨, 坂内沙耶佳, 服部祐太, 五十嵐典子, 中村美雪, 白石満
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 33-33, 2017.

Japanese Article 17. Comparison of the MRSA selection media using the enzyme substrate
工藤純, 菊池重寿, 野口健一
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 34-34, 2017.

Japanese Article 18. Evaluation of the pregnant woman GBS screening test using the new GBS enrichment medium
丹野大樹1), 庄司龍弥1), 今井美菜子1), 本田睦子1), 高野由喜子1), 大橋一孝1), 大花昇1), 志村浩己2)
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 35-35, 2017.

Japanese Article 19. Efforts from experience of the invasive meningococcal infection to in-hospital manual preparation
鈴木博子, 中島実佳子, 阿部聡美, 宍戸宏子, 白石満
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 36-36, 2017.

Japanese Article 20. Take an examination of bacteria in an in-hospital examination from an outside order
松本江里子1), 佐久間美穂1), 前田順子1), 遠藤昌弘1), 遠藤隆1), 箭内克喜2)
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 37-37, 2017.

Japanese Article 21. Possibility of the influenza prediction using the time-series analysis technique of outbreak
石幡哲也, 齋川健志, 友野愛花, 関本正泰, 二本柳洋志, 山本肇, 高田直樹, 齋藤市弘
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 38-38, 2017.

Japanese Article 22. One case of the neonatal anaemia that needed differentiation of premature separation of placenta and FMT
武士俣こずえ, 平山貴博, 本田徹, 加藤芳浩
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 39-39, 2017.

Japanese Article 23. One case with suspected delayed hemolytic blood transfusion reaction by antiJka
大澤裕美, 根本円, 神山龍之介, 星雅子, 橋本はるみ, 石井佳代子, 渡辺隆幸, 白石満
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 40-40, 2017.

Japanese Article 24. About the detection situation of the irregularity antibody in our hospital for the past 4 years and the correspondence
宮村奈美子, 齋藤弓恵, 宇佐見歩唯, 工藤麻寿実, 浪岡貴人, 今野貴徳
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 41-41, 2017.

Japanese Article 25. Efforts to albumin preparation management unification
木田陽子, 大平祐子, 福士慶子
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 42-42, 2017.

Japanese Article 26. 1 case that showed a central nerve recurrence by examination of cerebrospinal fluid after acute lymphoid leukemia treatment
新村裕子1), 河合裕美1), 鈴木律子1), 菅野喜久子1), 大花昇1), 佐野秀樹2), 菊田敦2), 志村浩己3)
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 43-43, 2017.

Japanese Article 27. Basic examination of NESCAUTO hemo Plus (T) using frequent use autoanalyzer Hitachi 7180
近藤優香, 今野淳子, 吉田雅子, 荒川英裕, 渡邉良二, 白石満
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 44-44, 2017.

Japanese Article 28. 1 case of the Strongyloides stercoralis infection that we experienced in our hospital
蓮沼拓冶1), 長塩美穂1), 中澤公美1), 佐藤美幸1), 鈴木弘子1), 斎藤武郎1), 坂本圭司2), 渡辺直彦3)
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 45-45, 2017.

Japanese Article 29. The prealbumin which is nourishment assessment protein and usefulness of the retinol-binding protein inside the hospital measurement
岡崎恵美1), 宮原涼馬1), 滝さゆり1), 半沢雄助1), 吉田詠子1), 佐々木義和1), 大花昇1), 志村浩己2)
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 46-46, 2017.

Japanese Article 30. The measurement introduction of the serum bicarbonate
大内清行, 紺野芳男
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 47-47, 2017.

Japanese Article 31. Usefulness of the high sensitive troponin I measurement in the acute coronary syndrome
二本柳洋志, 齋川健志, 友野愛花, 関本正泰, 石幡哲也, 山本肇, 高田直樹, 齋藤市弘
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 48-48, 2017.

Japanese Article 32. An example of panic values patients with hypothermia that we reported
渡部和也, 阿部浩子, 平野常邦
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 49-49, 2017.

Japanese Article 33. Comparison - with basic examination - conventional drawing blood pipe of the next-generation drawing blood pipe
熱田真悟, 樫村有紀, 渡邉智美, 本田めぐみ, 蛭田沙知, 紺野美奈子, 田村功, 白石満
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 50-50, 2017.

Japanese Article 34. About the companion diagnosis in the malignant lymphoma examination - of - CD30, PD-L1
佐藤崇1), 佐川美穂1), 小島原美智恵1), 平野常邦1), 北條洋2)
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 51-51, 2017.

Japanese Article 35. Invention of the anchorage for the purpose of the stainability improvement of the breast cancer HER2DISH method
山口千里1), 引地初奈1), 佐藤聡美1), 一條あゆみ1), 喜古雄一郎2), 橋本優子2)
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 52-52, 2017.

Japanese Article 36. One case of pulmonary isolated Langerhans' cell histiocytosis that developed in smoking minor boys
小島原美智恵1), 佐川美穂1), 佐藤崇1), 平野常邦1), 北條洋2)
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 53-53, 2017.

Japanese Article 37. One case of the parotid gland tumor which resulted in metastases to lung
鈴木郁恵1), 西浦舞子2), 長澤千鶴2), 遠藤輝美2), 宍戸ひろ美2), 村上今日子2), 佐々木理恵子2), 小田島肇3)
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 54-54, 2017.

Japanese Article 38. An example of AML detected in the stamp smear of the fort mass
松木浩子1), 森合博一1), 二木照美1), 小林英樹1), 野沢佳弘1), 三田正行2)
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 55-55, 2017.

Japanese Article 39. Seven adenomatous goitre which needed differentiation with follicular abscess or the carcinoma papilliferum
二瓶憲俊, 桂澤安奈, 甲賀洋光, 小滝昇, 佐藤欽一, 遠藤枝利子, 山口佳子
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 56-56, 2017.

Japanese Article 40. Efforts to the lung cancer examination cytodiagnostic sputum in the Koriyama-shi district
佐藤陽子, 高田佳奈, 原田仁稔
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 57-57, 2017.

Japanese Article 41. Conduct the laboratory study duties experience business "laboratory seminar" for junior high students
星修平, 高田直樹, 斎藤市弘
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 58-58, 2017.

Japanese Article 42. It is efforts of becoming it drawing blood pipe, sampling container error decrease in our hospital
大内愛子, 八巻久美子, 斉藤けさ子, 木船香, 橋本和江
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 59-59, 2017.

Japanese Article Win an each prize
大花昇1), 斎藤洋子2), 冨塚秀文3), 白石満4), 渡部巧5), 蛭田留里子6), 菅野奈美7), 丹野大樹8), 原田仁稔9), 松木浩子10), 田尻三千代11), 石幡哲也, 菊池重寿12), 小原加奈代13), 水竹健斗14), 引地美由紀15), 黒田和希16), 風間由美17)
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 119-127, 2017.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the differential diagnosis by separation frequency and the colony form of Haemophilus influenzae type b in various clinical material
菊池重寿, 郡美夫, 小松めぐみ, 作山裕子, 大宮泰子, 永瀬けい子, 大塚正之, 横山浩, 濱田邦彦
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 128-131, 2017.

Japanese Article Minamisoma City general hospital
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 132-132, 2017.

Japanese Article Thought of a requiem and thanks of the earthquake disaster sixth year
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 55: 133-133, 2017.