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The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology

Volume 57, Issue / 2019
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Greetings Introduction
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 1-1, 2019.

Japanese Article Examination for the 51st Fukushima medicine association and 2019 Fukushima medical technologist society regular general meeting greetings
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 2-2, 2019.

Japanese Article "Efforts of quality and the precision management of the laboratory study"
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 12-12, 2019.

Japanese Article 1. 1 case that HbA1c made the false low level by autoimmune haemolytic anaemias
渡辺夏希, 吉成優香, 今野淳子, 鈴木恵美子, 荒川英裕, 吉田雅子, 白石満
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 18-18, 2019.

Japanese Article 2. A case and the consideration which showed a significant high ferritin level
中丸栞, 渡部和也, 新井田瑛穂, 阿部浩子
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 19-19, 2019.

Japanese Article 3. Example that serum magnesium became the abnormally false high level by the crystallization that occurred in an analyzer
今川香, 柳内智哉, 杉本幸智代, 八木澤遼, 宇佐美千穂, 大西人実, 森菊夫
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 20-20, 2019.

Japanese Article 4. Comparison of the cystatin C measurement reagent 3 reagent
齋川健志, 友野愛花, 二本柳洋志, 石幡哲也, 齋藤市弘, 山本肇, 高田直樹
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 21-21, 2019.

Japanese Article 5. Examination of the usefulness of the Small dense LDL cholesterol measurement reagent
友野愛花, 齋川健志, 二本柳洋志, 石幡哲也, 斎藤市弘, 山本肇, 高田直樹
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 22-22, 2019.

Japanese Article 6. Gestational diabetes to evaluate from a sugar-related examination in early pregnancy
荒川拓也, 水竹健斗, 橋本悟, 坂本裕士, 猪狩孝輔, 柳内智哉
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 23-23, 2019.

Japanese Article 7. Experience one case of the taeniasis
鈴木恵美子, 渡辺夏希, 吉成優香, 今野淳子, 荒川英裕, 吉田雅子, 白石満
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 24-24, 2019.

Japanese Article 8. 2 cases of the amoebic dysentery that we experienced in our hospital
大橋直人, 佐藤康子, 河合裕美, 鈴木律子, 大矢みどり, 羽田良子, 山寺幸雄, 志村浩己
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 25-25, 2019.

Japanese Article 9. One patient whom false gallstones appeared by ceftriaxone administration, and cholecystitis developed in secondarily
岸みゆき1), 渡部さゆり1), 渡邊千晶1), 慶徳克美1), 武藤文彦1), 黒崎幸子1), 松本幸男1), 山寺幸雄2)
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 26-26, 2019.

Japanese Article 10. One case of the congenital biliary dilatation that abdominal ultrasonography was useful
早川莉沙, 幕田倫子, 石橋伸治, 松田美津子, 山寺幸雄, 志村浩己
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 27-27, 2019.

Japanese Article 11. Examination of the splenomegaly evaluation in the chronic liver disease using the portal vein speed
笠井崇志, 狩野智葉, 牧野淳平, 兼本歩, 佐々城瑞樹, 羽田憲司, 三浦留美, 松本英明
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 28-28, 2019.

Japanese Article 12. One case of gallbladder large cells neuroendocrine system cancer detected by a clinical survey accidentally
阿部拓也, 加井丈治, 紺野芳男
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 29-29, 2019.

Japanese Article 13. 2 cases of the heart amyloidosis which we were able to diagnose with an examination for echocardiogram
須藤詩乃1), 小室和子1), 高田佳奈1), 丹治麻衣子1), 金内あかね1), 黒崎幸子1), 松本幸男1), 山寺幸雄2)
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 30-30, 2019.

Japanese Article 14. Example that accepted a gastric cancer postoperative metastatic cardiac tumor
折内香菜, 高萩施津子, 牧野淳平, 筥崎俊矢, 佐々城瑞樹, 羽田憲司, 国井洋美, 松本英明
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 31-31, 2019.

Japanese Article 15. 1 case that a psychogenic non-epileptic seizure was seen in during electroencephalogram
北島明子, 品田佳位, 米倉めぐみ, 佐藤美樹, 渡辺美津江, 田村清子, 風間由美, 作間靖子
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 32-32, 2019.

Japanese Article 16. The smoking cessation foreign current situation in our hospital
渡部瑠理, 瀧澤宏子, 卯月美江, 阿部浩子
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 33-33, 2019.

Japanese Article 17. 1 case that showed the white blood cell which englobed a platelet in peripheral blood
座間槙, 鈴木莉可, 中村拓磨, 坂内沙耶佳, 服部祐太, 中村美雪, 五十嵐典子, 白石満
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 34-34, 2019.

Japanese Article 18. 1 case of the acute promyelocytic leukemia that there were no abnormal cells in to peripheral blood with acute subdural hematoma
遠藤武尊1), 只野光彦1), 伊藤真弘1), 渡辺洋子1), 菅野喜久子1), 山寺幸雄1), 池添隆之2), 志村浩己1)
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 35-35, 2019.

Japanese Article 19. 1 case that peripheral blood had lymphoid cells and took as plasma cell leukemia (PCL)
星野由希, 渡部文彦, 鈴木沙織, 芳賀徹, 渡部和也, 阿部浩子, 北條洋
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 36-36, 2019.

Japanese Article 20. 1 case of the ATLL which not clear cells appeared in marrow smear, and racked its brains about distinction
鈴木沙織, 渡部文彦, 星野由希, 芳賀徹, 佐藤崇, 渡部和也, 阿部浩子, 北條洋
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 37-37, 2019.

Japanese Article 21. One case with suspected Acute undifferentiated leukemia
渡部文彦, 鈴木沙織, 星野由希, 芳賀徹, 佐藤崇, 渡部和也, 阿部浩子, 北條洋
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 38-38, 2019.

Japanese Article 22. Induction of translocation of chromosome t (11, 14) to iPS cells derived from normal B lymphocyte by the genome editing
菅井美咲, 津山尚宏, 阿部悠, 柳亜希, 坂井晃
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 39-39, 2019.

Japanese Article 23. 1 case that resulted in hyperkalemia during the autotransfusion during the operation
新井田瑛穂, 渡部和也, 渡部文彦, 鈴木沙織, 阿部浩子
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 40-40, 2019.

Japanese Article 24. 1 case that detected antiMi in the pregnant woman
伊藤龍成1), 大内崇弘1), 松下志保1), 角田淳子1), 佐久間志津枝2), 滝澤貴叙1), 斎藤武郎1), 安齋憲3)
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 41-41, 2019.

Japanese Article 25. A case of D-- with front and back mismatch in ABO blood type
阿部柊, 白谷泰祐, 神山龍之介, 星雅子, 橋本はるみ, 石井佳代子, 渡辺隆幸, 白石満
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 42-42, 2019.

Japanese Article 26. 1 case of Arcanobacterium haemolyticum detected in the wound part of the diabetic gangrene
根本円, 阿部聡美, 宍戸宏子, 鈴木博子, 白石満
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 43-43, 2019.

Japanese Article 27. It is G. by the report from the examination room 1 case that infective endocarditis by adiacens was understood
佐藤湧, 大内綾乃, 前田順子, 遠藤昌弘, 遠藤隆
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 44-44, 2019.

Japanese Article 28. An example of the fungous arthritis detected triggered by a pathology tissue diagnosis
青木愛子, 雨宮きよ子, 松本康歳, 高木賢司, 渡邉郁弥, 森菊夫
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 45-45, 2019.

Japanese Article 29. Basic examination of the choice isolation medium mCCDA clear HT agar of Campylobacter
菊池重寿, 小松めぐみ, 大宮泰子, 作山裕子, 野口健一
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 46-46, 2019.

Japanese Article 30. One case of testicular adenomatoid tumor
瀬田安奈, 近藤晴香, 高宮良輔, 鈴木裕美, 三浦可奈子, 平本瑞佳, 水野誠, 柳沼礼子
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 47-47, 2019.

Japanese Article 31. Clinicopathologic examination of five Castleman disease
松木浩子, 二木照美, 小林英樹, 野沢佳弘
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 48-48, 2019.

Japanese Article 32. An artifact and examination of the measures that resulted from our hospital at 10% neutral buffered formalin introduction
森合博一, 加羽澤慧, 山田奈津美, 庄司千枝子, 根本和恵, 吉川誠一, 小野伸高
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 49-49, 2019.

Japanese Article 33. Comparison - with sealing cytogram - neuroendocrine tumor each subtype of the atypical carotenoid
高田佳奈, 齋藤菜緒, 大和田真希, 佐藤あゆみ, 佐藤陽子, 原田仁稔
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 50-50, 2019.

Japanese Article 34. One case of the corpus uteri carcinoma sarcoma with the differentiation to neuroendocrine system
近藤宏徳, 山崎一樹, 小野早苗, 小松香織, 渡邉藍, 吉村果歩, 浅野重之
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 51-51, 2019.

Japanese Article 35. Efforts to KYT in our hospital pathological department
村上今日子, 西浦舞子, 長澤千鶴, 鈴木郁恵, 遠藤輝美, 宍戸ひろ美, 増子洋子, 佐々木理恵子
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 52-52, 2019.

Japanese Article 36. Response to revised medical law in our hospital laboratory tests section
渡部和也1), 中丸栞1), 星野由希1), 新井田瑛穂1), 鈴木沙織1), 渡部文彦1), 阿部浩子1), 山下史哲2)
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 53-53, 2019.

Japanese Article 37. Efforts of the examination room for the new hospital opening of a Diet session
志賀永一, 結城智子
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 54-54, 2019.

Japanese Article 38. Precision management of the microorganism test in the Fukushima Medical University Hospital Banking Inspection Department
高野由喜子, 大橋一孝, 山寺幸雄, 志村浩己
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 55-55, 2019.

Japanese Article 39. About the correspondence accompanied with the measles mass outbreak in the south area of the prefecture
山田裕輔, 穂積美香子, 高木尚広
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 56-56, 2019.

Japanese Article 40. Efforts ... which submits a report to case - quickness of the multiple hepatitis A that occurred at the same time
渡邉智美, 佐藤照, 黒鳥優, 紺野美奈子, 西牧有紀, 本田めぐみ, 蛭田沙知, 田村功, 白石満
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 57-57, 2019.

Japanese Article 41. Relation to SMBG instruction in our hospital
横山美佳, 松下志保, 角田淳子, 佐藤康善, 星淳子, 滝澤貴叙, 斎藤武郎
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 58-58, 2019.

Japanese Article 42. Role of the medical technologist in the endoscopic team approach in medical care
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 59-59, 2019.

Japanese Article 43. About report - contents and questionnaire results of "examinations and health exhibition" IN fukushima of the whole country of 4 years ever -
原田仁稔, 滝澤貴叙, 小林利美, 塚本厚, 阿部浩子
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 60-60, 2019.

Japanese Article Win an each prize
安田広康, 田村功, 齋藤市弘, 馬籠英之, 加藤裕一, 黒田和希, 佐藤陽子, 小松真司, 丹治麻衣子, 佐藤崇, 飯ヶ谷奈央子, 千田満志, 宍戸夕記, 須藤詩乃, 渡部文彦, 星勇喜
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 118-126, 2019.

Japanese Article The medical corporation corporation tea plantation society Soma center Hospital
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 127-127, 2019.

Japanese Article Does a flower bottle know?
The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 57: 128-128, 2019.