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The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology
Volume 59, Issue / 2021
English Article Japanese Article
- Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.
Greetings Introduction 山寺幸雄 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 1-1, 2021. |
Examination for the 52nd Fukushima medicine association greetings 野木典久 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 2-2, 2021. |
"Crisis management and the infection measures of the new coronavirus infection" 福島県臨床検査技師会 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 13-13, 2021. |
It is the efforts of hospital infection measures mainly on the PCR testing about efforts for "new coronavirus COVID-19" in our hospital 滝澤貴叙 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 13-13, 2021. |
Infection measures of the examination of menstruation in Covid-19 高久田美江 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 14-14, 2021. |
Correspondence and problem - of examination of new coronavirus infection - clinical laboratory 大橋一孝 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 14-14, 2021. |
Examination of the early thrombosis diagnosis using the soluble fibrin monomer complex in the Total Knee Arthroplasty 平井直人1), 荒井由美子2), 佐々木裕美子2), 板垣ひろみ2), 小林修一2), 菊地忠志3) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 15-15, 2021. |
Consideration ... of the chemosensitivity measurement procedure to judge comparison inspection - CRE of the imipenem MIC for carbapenemase non-production CRE by the difference in assay more exactly 原田莉衣1), 丹野大樹2), 高野由喜子2), 大橋一孝2) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 16-16, 2021. |
About the relation of the medical technologist in arrhythmia treatment 土田正孝1), 高久田美江1), 本多敦美1), 須藤詩乃1), 小松真司1), 西浦健太1), 黒崎幸子1), 山寺幸雄2) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 17-17, 2021. |
Examination of the hepatic blood flow using the SMI for our hospital medical examination users 野木典久, 芳賀恵美, 郷田順子, 柴田昭浩 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 18-18, 2021. |
1. Basic study of coagulation measurement reagents "Revohem PT" and "Revohem AT" 鈴木優佳, 高木佳那, 渡邉友里耶, 橋本悟, 高木悠輔, 渡邉佳那子, 鈴木久仁子, 森菊夫 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 24-24, 2021. |
2. About the manufacture method of the peripheral smear which influenced the diagnosis of the maturity T/NK-cell neoplasm 半沢雄助1), 佐藤康子1), 渡辺洋子1), 菅野喜久子1), 山寺幸雄1), 木村哲2), 池添隆之2), 風間順一郎1) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 25-25, 2021. |
3. One case of the duodenal follicular lymphoma which showed marrow permeation 只野光彦1), 遠藤武尊1), 嶋田有里1), 渡辺洋子1), 菅野喜久子1), 山寺幸雄1), 坂井晃2), 風間順一郎1) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 26-26, 2021. |
4. An example of the mixed phenotypic acute leukemia (T/myeloid) that racked its brains about a diagnosis 中丸栞, 鈴木沙織, 佐久間信子, 渡部和也, 阿部浩子, 角田三郎 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 27-27, 2021. |
5. D dimer false high level case discovered with the error information of the measuring machine 星修平, 五十嵐彩, 飯塚諒, 折笠ひろみ, 大竹浩一, 石幡文子, 高田直樹 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 28-28, 2021. |
6. About the irregular antibody detection situation after the enzyme method abbreviation in our hospital 大友颯生, 阿部柊, 白谷泰祐, 星雅子, 石井佳代子, 橋本はるみ, 渡辺隆幸, 白石満 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 29-29, 2021. |
7. The use situation after the albumin preparation transfusion room uniform management and future problem 高木悠輔, 鈴木久仁子, 藤田沙耶花, 高木佳那, 橋本悟, 渡邉友里耶, 鈴木優佳, 渡邉佳那子 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 30-30, 2021. |
8. An example of the prostate cancer which presented an intravesical projecting image 三國友香, 渡辺美津江, 佐藤美樹, 品田佳位, 小竹美佐江, 田村清子, 風間由美, 田村功 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 31-31, 2021. |
9. An example of the pancreatic disease that we treated surgically 丹野幹太, 杉本直美, 坂本希, 大平祐子 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 32-32, 2021. |
10. Two cases of the dwarfish kidney basalioma which racked its brains about differentiation with the renovascular myolipoma in the abdominal ultrasonography 松尾卓1), 渡部さゆり1), 西浦健太1), 田尻三千代1), 渡邊千晶1), 慶徳克美1), 黒崎幸子1), 山寺幸雄2) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 33-33, 2021. |
11. About the usefulness of the expiration nitric oxide concentration comparison - with - lung ventilation disorder classification and the respiratory tract reversibility study 渡部瑠理, 古川潤, 瀧澤宏子, 卯月美江, 阿部浩子 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 34-34, 2021. |
12. Examination of the factor that CAVI becomes the underestimate in the patients with obesity 鈴木崇斗1), 松田美津子1), 佐藤ゆかり1), 堀越由紀子1), 山寺幸雄1), 志村浩己2) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 35-35, 2021. |
13. The current situation of the examination of simple sleep apnoea in our hospital 古川潤, 瀧澤宏子, 卯月美江, 渡部瑠璃, 阿部浩子 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 36-36, 2021. |
14. One patient who was able to utilize SPP as preoperative evaluation of the brachial artery false lump ligature 丹野美咲, 古川裕美, 岩田智久, 水竹健斗, 佐藤千香, 牧野淳平, 佐々城瑞樹, 鈴木玉枝 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 37-37, 2021. |
15. One case that caused a subclavian steal phenomenon by VA construction 小川斗夢1), 松田美津子1), 石橋伸治1), 山寺幸雄1), 志村浩己2) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 38-38, 2021. |
16. Example that a come-from-behind phenomenon was seen in to CK and CK-MB measurements having old myocardial infarction 奥川奈月, 渡部和也, 阿部浩子, 角田三郎 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 39-39, 2021. |
17. About improvement in usefulness of the estimated daily salt intake 飯島敦史, 増田恵, 菱川恭子, 山田由美子, 坂本玲子, 飯ヶ谷奈央子, 佐川多孝 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 40-40, 2021. |
18. Modi operandi accompanied with the basic examination of the ALP - IFCC standardization-response reagent and the reagent change 金谷美穂, 柳内智哉, 杉本幸智代, 藤田沙耶花, 坂本裕士, 猪狩孝輔, 宇佐美千穂, 森菊夫 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 41-41, 2021. |
19. Basic performance evaluation of the IFCC standardization-response reagent in the ALP activity measurement 三浦光, 大杉祐就, 櫻田大輔, 五島慎也, 鈴木友紀, 野口健一 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 42-42, 2021. |
20. Operation and the effect for the ISO15189 acquisition in the biochemical test section 坂本裕士, 杉本幸智代, 藤田沙耶花, 松本朋子, 八木澤遼, 荒川拓也, 柳内智哉, 松本英明 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 43-43, 2021. |
21. A cause of the poor precision management data which occurred with an autoanalyzer and the consideration 関本正泰, 佐藤愛実, 齋川健志, 二本柳洋志, 彌勒清可, 石幡哲也, 山本肇, 高田直樹 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 44-44, 2021. |
22. Change - of the operation for internal quality control operational - ISO15189 acquisition in the biochemical test section 杉本幸智代, 藤田沙耶花, 大森奈津紀, 坂本裕士, 猪狩孝輔, 宇佐美千穂, 金谷美穂, 柳内智哉 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 45-45, 2021. |
23. Introduction operation and the prospects of the TSH harmonization in our hospital 渡部和也, 奥川奈月, 中丸栞, 鈴木沙織, 佐久間信子, 阿部浩子, 角田三郎 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 46-46, 2021. |
24. An example of the mediastinum teratoma that resulted in a malignant change 長澤千鶴, 西浦舞子, 鈴木郁恵, 遠藤輝美, 宍戸ひろ美, 増子洋子, 村上今日子, 佐々木理恵子 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 47-47, 2021. |
25. Two cases of the non-epithelium system malignant tumor found in large intestine 佐藤崇1), 佐川美穂1), 小島原美智恵1), 阿部浩子1), 村松萌2), 小林靖之2), 山田匠希2), 北條洋1) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 48-48, 2021. |
26. One case of the diffuse large-cell B-cell lymphoma which racked its brains about a diagnosis 渡邉藍, 山崎一樹, 小野早苗, 小松香織, 近藤宏徳, 吉村果歩, 浅野重之 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 49-49, 2021. |
27. Efforts - cytodiagnosis of urine of our hospital at urinary atypical cells onset and cooperation - of the urinary sediment 小林英樹, 大勝奈菜, 尾形信輔, 平野響子, 黒田和希, 紺野芳男 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 50-50, 2021. |
28. 1 case of the Type I diabetes mellitus that an egg shape fat pad had 渡部もも, 渡邊晃子, 今野貴徳, 佐藤康弘, 相田惠美子, 藤野博子 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 51-51, 2021. |
29. N. which was detected in synovial fluid About farcinica 佐藤湧, 増子七海, 宇野彩花, 沼田歩美, 伊藤中堯, 前田順子, 遠藤隆 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 52-52, 2021. |
30. One case of the intravascular indwelling catheter-related bacteremia 伊東佑麻子, 松本康歳, 高木賢司, 渡邉郁弥, 青木愛子, 森菊夫 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 53-53, 2021. |
31. Use experience of the pretreatment kit for the mass spectrography in the examination of nontuberculous Mycobacterium identification 今井美菜子, 庄司龍弥, 坂本有子, 丹野大樹, 本田睦子, 高野由喜子, 大橋一孝, 山寺幸雄 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 54-54, 2021. |
32. Comparison between nucleic acid detecting method and examination for antigen fixed-quantity evaluation in the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) detection 五島慎也, 菊池重寿, 尾形亜紀子, 鈴木友紀, 野口健一 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 55-55, 2021. |
33. An automatic dilution measurement logic of the feed-forward which we introduced with apparatus update and the effect 石幡哲也, 佐藤愛実, 齋川健志, 彌勒清可, 関本正泰, 二本柳洋志, 山本肇, 高田直樹 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 56-56, 2021. |
34. Under the influence of seasonal variation - natural disaster of HbA1c in our hospital and new coronavirus - 越後実奈子, 齋藤由枝, 飯田疾風 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 57-57, 2021. |
35. Efforts to the urgent correspondence that assumed fatal arrhythmia development 柳田栞奈1), 高久田美江1), 本多敦美1), 保田智香1), 小板橋好江1), 黒崎幸子1), 山寺幸雄2) The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 58-58, 2021. |
36. Examination of efforts - influenza - to the sampling by the medical technologist in our hospital 望月翼, 松本弘毅, 渡邉徳秀, 村上啓子, 馬場現一, 菅野洋輔, 青天目勇二 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 59-59, 2021. |
37. The operation of the diabetes data management system in our center and the effect 八木澤遼, 橋本悟, 水竹健斗, 高木悠輔, 荒川拓也, 岩田智久, 柳内智哉, 大西人実 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 60-60, 2021. |
38. Efforts of the vascular access evaluation by the sonography in our hospital 瀧澤宏子, 渡部瑠璃, 古川潤, 卯月美江, 阿部浩子 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 61-61, 2021. |
39. Look back on the relation -2 year to the bronchoscope by the laboratory technician in our hospital; and - 高林千代子, 馬場弘美, 小島里美, 山縣俊介 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 62-62, 2021. |
Win an each prize 小関正弘, 遠藤健, 馬場弘美, 河合裕美, 二木照美, 高田佳奈, 松下志保, 卯月美江, 橋本悟, 高橋美咲, 宇佐美千穂, 丹野美咲 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 92-98, 2021. |
Japanese Red Cross Society Fukushima Red Cross Hospital 小林利美 The Fukushima Journal of Medical Technology 59: 99-99, 2021. |