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Hip Joint
Volume 40, Issue / 2014
English Article Japanese Article
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Problematical points of pathological staging system of osteoarthritis of the hip joint established by Japanese orthopaedic association 加畑多文, 土屋弘行 Hip Joint 40: 1-3, 2014. |
From the tendency of a definition of the thighbone acetabulum impingement (femoroacetabular impingement) and the article of standard - these days of the diagnosis - 福島健介1), 内山勝文1), 森谷光俊1), 山本豪明1), 峯岸洋次郎1), 高相晶士1), 高平尚伸2), 糸満盛憲3) Hip Joint 40: 4-8, 2014. |
Prospective study - using both incidence of head of femur, knee bone necrosis - crotches of the living renal transplantation 270 case, both knees MRI 大鶴任彦, 加藤義治, 森田裕司, 宗像裕太郎 Hip Joint 40: 9-13, 2014. |
Examination of the grit crush injury progress inhibitory effect of teriparatide in the idiopathic necrosis of femoral head symptom 新井隆太1), 高橋大介1), 入江徹1), 浅野毅1), 岩崎倫政1), 井上正弘2), 紺野拓也2), 眞島任史3) Hip Joint 40: 14-17, 2014. |
More than long-term surgery results -5 year of the acetabulum fracture examination - of the course case 佐藤徹1), 塩田直史1), 鉄永智紀1), 松田和実2), 野田知之3) Hip Joint 40: 18-24, 2014. |
Treatment of the elderly people acetabulum fracture 白濱正博, 志波直人 Hip Joint 40: 25-30, 2014. |
Attempt of the hip dislocation prevention, the automated multiphasic health testing and services change of infants 北川由佳1), 吉田恵子2), 泉山貴美子2), 本田惠3) Hip Joint 40: 31-35, 2014. |
As compared with diachronic change - JOA score of JHEQ (The Japanese Orthopaedic Association lesion about hip joint evaluation questionnaire) after the total hip replacement preoperation operation - 坂越大悟1), 澤口毅1), 臼田喜美子2), 水落治江2) Hip Joint 40: 36-40, 2014. |
After the acetabulum turn osteotomy comparison between evaluation - JOA score and JHEQ in patients and satisfaction investigation - 兼氏歩1), 市堰徹1), 福井清数1), 高橋詠二1), 松本忠美1), 比江島欣慎2) Hip Joint 40: 41-43, 2014. |
Comparison between The Japanese Orthopaedic Association hip joint usability test standard and usability test by the Japanese lesion about hip joint evaluation questionnaire for 195 joints after the one side Total Hip Arthroplasty 徳永邦彦1), 伊藤琴江2), 高橋麻紀2), 中山敏也2), 金子雄太2), 渡辺研二3) Hip Joint 40: 44-48, 2014. |
Analysis of reliability and the validity of lesion about hip joint evaluation questionnaire (JHEQ) 関泰輔, 長谷川幸治 Hip Joint 40: 49-52, 2014. |
Attempt of the abductor invasive reduction in outside approach periacetabular osteotomy 中島康晴1), 大石正信1), 秋山美緒1), 山本卓明1), 本村悟朗1), 濱井敏1), 福士純一1), 岩本幸英1), 河野一郎2) Hip Joint 40: 53-59, 2014. |
Effect of the hip orthosis in the patients with steoarthritis of the hip 馬庭壯吉1), 門脇俊2), 真田英明2), 内尾祐司2) Hip Joint 40: 60-62, 2014. |
Advanced stage, conservative therapy for the terminal coxarthropathy 50 years or younger 三谷茂1), 黒田崇之1), 梅原憲史1), 古市州郎1), 河本豊広1), 難波良文1), 藤原一夫2) Hip Joint 40: 63-69, 2014. |
About new physical therapy - poverty extortion (jig ring) for the Osteoarthritis of the hip - 広松聖夫, 井上明生, 木下斎 Hip Joint 40: 70-78, 2014. |
About effect - ADL, quality of life, walking ability of the S-shaped harness for the WISH type hip joint in the Osteoarthritis of the hip - 佐藤貴久1), 小林敏彦1), 割田敏朗2), 喜多川孝欽2), 高岸憲二2), 内田訓3) Hip Joint 40: 79-85, 2014. |
Form properties of DDH and the acetabular labrum in the acetabular labrum injury 星野裕信, 小山博史, 古橋弘基, 松山幸弘 Hip Joint 40: 86-89, 2014. |
Short-term results of the total hip prosthesis reimplantation using the cementless cup 齊藤正純, 上島圭一郎, 藤岡幹浩, 石田雅史, 西久保芳樹, 林成樹, 池上徹, 久保俊一 Hip Joint 40: 90-93, 2014. |
The thighbone side reimplantation by Cementless long stem 河野俊介, 北島将, 園畑素樹, 馬渡正明 Hip Joint 40: 94-97, 2014. |
Metal-on-metal hip resurfacing through Ganz approach 長谷川正裕, 宮崎晋一, 宮本憲, 若林弘樹, 須藤啓広 Hip Joint 40: 98-102, 2014. |
Muscle atrophy of patients with lesion about hip joint using the 3D-CT image, denaturing evaluation 高尾正樹1), 坂井孝司1), 吉川秀樹1), 西井孝2), 菅野伸彦2) Hip Joint 40: 103-106, 2014. |
Invention of RAO by the screw fixation of the rotary spicule and the use of beta TCP to a gap 川手健次1), 宗本充2), 上羽智之2), 田中康仁2), 河原郁生3), 玉井克弥4), 内原好信5), 竹村和生6) Hip Joint 40: 107-109, 2014. |
Invention of RAO which put osteotomy of ERAO and conventional RAO together 久木田隆1), 深澤雅則2), 和田元2), 名越智3) Hip Joint 40: 110-115, 2014. |
Acetabulum movement technique and the acetabulum turn osteotomy that I undergo 中村正則1), 伊藤亮太1), 前田昭彦1), 逸見範幸1), 吉川泰司2), 助崎文雄2), 宮岡英世2), 澤田貴捻3) Hip Joint 40: 116-120, 2014. |
Allogenic bone grafting combination acetabulum movement operation for the severe acetabular dysplasia case 18 years or younger 園畑素樹, 北島将, 河野俊介, 馬渡正明 Hip Joint 40: 121-123, 2014. |
Invention of the acetabulum turn osteotomy 種子田斎, 池田寛, 渡邊伯夫, 中山太郎 Hip Joint 40: 124-128, 2014. |
Does the piriformis muscle contribute to the stability of the hip joint? - Evaluation - using the tensor during the operation 松下功1), 元村拓1), 伊藤芳章2) Hip Joint 40: 129-131, 2014. |
Pelvic labile examination of the one side high rank dislocation crotch case using the three-dimensional movement analysis 田中里紀1), 北島将1), 江頭秀一1), 秋山隆行1), 塚本正紹1), 上野雅也1), 河野俊介1), 園畑素樹1), 馬渡正明1), 堀川悦夫2) Hip Joint 40: 132-136, 2014. |
Chiari osteotomy of pelvis postoperative pelvic inclination and clinical results 今井浩, 白石善孝, 平岡千寛, 鎌田知美, 竹葉淳, 間島直彦, 三浦裕正 Hip Joint 40: 137-141, 2014. |
After the operation of the Chiari osteotomy of pelvis about results and relations with the grit cyst diameter 木下斎1), 井上明生1), 境野昌範1), 諌山輝刀1), 広松聖夫2) Hip Joint 40: 142-147, 2014. |
Treatment using Surgical dislocation of the hip 紺野拓也1), 井上正弘1), 菅野大己1), 増田武志1), 高橋大介2), 岩崎倫政2) Hip Joint 40: 148-150, 2014. |
Pubes handling of curvature form acetabulum osteotomy (CPO) 永山盛隆, 渡辺美和, 工藤啓久 Hip Joint 40: 151-156, 2014. |
Experience of the eccentric acetabulum turn osteotomy using OrthoMap 3D Navigation system 鎌田知美, 今井浩, 竹葉淳, 間島直彦, 三浦裕正 Hip Joint 40: 157-161, 2014. |
Change of the acetabulum coating rate by the computer simulation of the acetabulum turn osteotomy 星野裕信, 小山博史, 古橋弘基, 松山幸弘 Hip Joint 40: 162-165, 2014. |
Is the delayed phase cartilage contrasting MRI useful for a judgment of the surgery adaptation of the acetabulum turn osteotomy? 大山正瑞, 馬場一慈, 後藤昌子, 北純 Hip Joint 40: 166-169, 2014. |
Grit by Curved periacetabular osteotomy-centered change 渡邊要1), 宮坂大1), 渡邉信1), 須田健1), 遠藤直人1), 伊藤知之2), 湊泉3) Hip Joint 40: 170-173, 2014. |
Technical education of the eccentric acetabulum turn osteotomy 天野貴文1), 関泰輔1), 池内一磨1), 竹上靖彦1), 長谷川幸治2) Hip Joint 40: 174-178, 2014. |
Gluteus medius muscle volume measurement of the Osteoarthritis of the hip patients using the CT image 百瀬たか子, 稲葉裕, 小林直実, 雪澤洋平, 池裕之, 宮前祐之, 久保田聡, 仲拓磨, 齋藤知行 Hip Joint 40: 179-182, 2014. |
Radiographic index p/a ratio of in front of acetabular roof, the retrotorsion and relations of the Sharp corner 小山博史, 星野裕信, 古橋弘基, 松山幸弘 Hip Joint 40: 183-186, 2014. |
Calculation of the cyst-positive rate in consideration of analysis and FAI where were in a hip joint form using the CT 三村朋大, 川崎拓, 松末吉隆 Hip Joint 40: 187-189, 2014. |
Comparison of the acetabular roof coating that we calculated using software 古橋弘基, 小山博史, 星野裕信, 松山幸弘 Hip Joint 40: 190-194, 2014. |
Two-dimensional three-dimensional evaluation in the acetabular dysplasia 捧陽介, 宮坂大, 渡辺信, 須田健, 遠藤直人 Hip Joint 40: 195-197, 2014. |
Difference - with staging - simple X-rays and MRI emission form scan of the Osteoarthritis of the hip 中山太郎1), 種子田斎1), 池田寛1), 渡邊伯夫1), 織田弘美2) Hip Joint 40: 198-201, 2014. |
Examination of the arthrodial cartilage injury in the acetabular dysplasia-related coxarthropathy 瀬尾哉, 内藤正俊, 中村好成, 小林知弘, 野村智洋, 坂本哲哉, 萩尾友宣, 村岡邦秀, 永野智子, 渡邉徳人, 蓑川創, 南川智彦 Hip Joint 40: 202-205, 2014. |
Comparison between simple slice CT image and stem antetorsio corner in the image of three-dimensional rebuilding CT 千葉武志, 藤井玄二, 中村泰裕 Hip Joint 40: 206-210, 2014. |
Using evaluation -3 dimensions template kinetic analysis software ZedHip of the form of the Japanese acetabuloplasty imperfection crotch and the bone-related impingement angle - 峯岸洋次郎1), 内山勝文1), 福島健介1), 山本豪明1), 森谷光俊1), 高相晶士1), 塗山正宏2), 高平尚伸3), 糸満盛憲4) Hip Joint 40: 211-215, 2014. |
Comparison of BMD by the initial fixed difference in cementless total hip prosthesis 谷口祥一, 蜂谷裕道, 村田英明, 渡邊裕規 Hip Joint 40: 216-219, 2014. |
Evaluation of the femoral calcar for total hip arthroplasty 渡邉信1), 田窪良太1), 須田健1), 宮坂大1), 遠藤直人1), 伊藤知之2), 湊泉3) Hip Joint 40: 220-225, 2014. |
Analysis of the femoral calcar in osteoarthritis hip 伊藤知之1), 北原洋1), 渡邉信2), 田窪良太2), 鈴木勇人2), 須田健2), 今井教雄2), 宮坂大2), 遠藤直人2), 堀米洋二3), 湊泉3) Hip Joint 40: 226-229, 2014. |
Is the agriculture considered as a cause of the Osteoarthritis of the hip? 北島将, 河野俊介, 園畑素樹, 馬渡正明 Hip Joint 40: 230-233, 2014. |
Bone metabolism and bone density in the female Osteoarthritis of the hip patients 宗本充1), 上羽智之1), 田中康仁1), 川手健次2) Hip Joint 40: 234-236, 2014. |
Histologic examination of the head of femur cartilage lower weakness bone fracture with pelvic retroversion 岩田憲, 高田成基, 堀江亮祐, 山本哲司 Hip Joint 40: 237-241, 2014. |
The epidemiology of the congenital hip dislocation patients and annual change 瀬川裕子1), 西須孝1), 柿崎潤1), 瀬川裕子2), 神野哲也2), 亀ヶ谷真琴3), 森田光明3) Hip Joint 40: 242-246, 2014. |
The recent infants hip joint examination that we conducted in our hospital 山中康裕1), 伊藤浩2), 谷野弘昌2), 佐藤達也2), 西田泰博2) Hip Joint 40: 247-250, 2014. |
It is results of the manipulative reduction after the traction for the congenital hip dislocation 重信隆史, 高橋和寛, 濱木隆成, 岩森洋 Hip Joint 40: 251-255, 2014. |
Evaluation - by the change - MRI emission form scan of the acetabular labrum after before acetabulum turn osteotomy, the operation 池田寛, 種子田斎, 渡邊伯夫, 中山太郎 Hip Joint 40: 256-260, 2014. |
We look at the mirror and evaluate diachronic cartilage using MRI T2 mapping in the lower hip joint lips suture case 大島誠吾 Hip Joint 40: 261-263, 2014. |
Look at the mirror in our hospital; short-term results of the lower hip joint lips segmental resection 重松正森 Hip Joint 40: 264-266, 2014. |
Look at the hip joint mirror which does not need joint capsule cutting apart; short-term results of the lower acetabular labrum stitch 金治有彦1), 叶内平1), 藤江厚廣1), 丹藤世身1), 西脇徹1), 戸山芳昭1), 前原一之2), 前原秀紀2), 大石央代2), 山田治基2) Hip Joint 40: 267-270, 2014. |
From a viewpoint of measurement - FAI of the healthy children hip joint simple radiographic appearance - 平良勝章, 根本菜穂 Hip Joint 40: 271-273, 2014. |
Compared study of between successful conservative treatment group and operated group in femoroacetabular impingement patients. 渡邊宣之, 和田郁雄 Hip Joint 40: 274-278, 2014. |
About a development factor of the Osteoarthritis of the hip after the DDH case Salter surgery after - operation more than 30 years in the course associated with the FAI views of the case - 柳本繁1), 手塚正樹1), 亀山真1), 中山新太郎1), 矢吹有里1), 小見山貴継1), 岡田英次朗1), 泉田浩之1), 坂巻豊教2), 泉田良一3), 戸山芳昭4) Hip Joint 40: 279-283, 2014. |
The factor which affects the acetabular labrum layer in a hip joint impingement case and the acetabular dysplasia case-formed dissociated disease severity 今井教雄, 迫田真輔, 古子剛, 畠山昌久, 宇都宮啓, 内田宗志 Hip Joint 40: 284-287, 2014. |
Examination of the femoroacetabular impingement incidence of complication of the acetabuloplasty imperfection crotch which we performed an acetabulum turn osteotomy in 神頭諒, 中山寛, 西尾祥史, 福西成男, 吉矢晋一 Hip Joint 40: 288-290, 2014. |
Examination of the acetabulum border bony formation in Coxa profunda and the acetabuloplasty imperfection 渡邊伯夫, 種子田斎, 池田寛, 中山太郎 Hip Joint 40: 291-293, 2014. |
CT morphological analysis of cystic lesions at the femoral neck 峯田和明, 後東知宏, 浜田大輔, 江川洋史, 西良浩一 Hip Joint 40: 294-297, 2014. |
Comparison between examination - femoroacetabular impingement case and normal hip joint case - of the thighbone bone genital ridge using the CT 小助川維摩1), 廣田亮介1), 加谷光規1), 佐々木幹人1), 山下敏彦1), 佐々木幹人2), 名越智2) Hip Joint 40: 298-300, 2014. |
Morphologic characteristic of Pistol grip deformity 村岡邦秀, 内藤正俊, 中村好成, 小林知弘, 野村智洋, 坂本哲哉, 萩尾友宣, 永野智子, 渡邊徳人 Hip Joint 40: 301-303, 2014. |
Clinical evaluations early after the THA technique using JHEQ 今西理恵子, 松下功, 元村拓 Hip Joint 40: 304-306, 2014. |
Relationship between the satisfaction after total hip arthroplasty and the postoperative activity including snow shoveling and weeding 木島泰明1), 山田晋1), 島田洋一1), 木島泰明2), 山田晋2), 小西奈津雄2), 久保田均2), 田澤浩2), 谷貴行2), 鈴木紀夫2), 加茂啓志2), 渡部亘2), 島田洋一2) Hip Joint 40: 307-310, 2014. |
The relationship between pain and activity of daily living after total hip arthroplasty 仲拓磨, 稲葉裕, 小林直実, 雪沢洋平, 高川修, 池裕之, 久保田聡, 阿多由梨加, 齋藤知行 Hip Joint 40: 311-314, 2014. |
Comparison - of the health-related quality of life evaluation - anterioris invasion and rear side invasion for the Total Hip Arthroplasty 角野隆信, 斎藤修 Hip Joint 40: 315-318, 2014. |
Making of the adductor evaluation score in the Osteoarthritis of the hip patients 清水禎則, 田中玲子 Hip Joint 40: 319-321, 2014. |
Comparison of JHEQ and JOA score after the Total Hip Arthroplasty 太田昌博, 高橋大介, 浅野毅, 辻本武尊, 岩崎倫政 Hip Joint 40: 322-325, 2014. |
Using treatment result evaluation - JHEQ and JOA score of the patients who underwent Total Hip Arthroplasty - 長谷川真之, 中村琢哉 Hip Joint 40: 326-329, 2014. |
Total Hip Arthroplasty by JHEQ, evaluation of the hip joint mirror hand technique 平松智裕1), 杉山肇1), 戸野塚久紘1), 比江島欣愼2), 羽山哲生3), 斉藤充3), 丸毛啓史3) Hip Joint 40: 330-333, 2014. |
Is The Japanese Orthopaedic Association lesion about hip joint evaluation questionnaire (JHEQ) for general inhabitants affected by the aging? 木島泰明1), 山田晋1), 島田洋一1), 木島泰明2), 山田晋2), 小西奈津雄2), 久保田均2), 田澤浩2), 谷貴行2), 鈴木紀夫2), 加茂啓志2), 渡部亘2), 島田洋一2) Hip Joint 40: 334-336, 2014. |
Lumbar vertebrae side spinal column muscle degeneration in the Osteoarthritis of the hip 藁科秀紀1), 北村伸二1), 長谷川幸治2) Hip Joint 40: 337-340, 2014. |
Investigation - by the patients with examination - waist lower limbs disease questionnaire of the conscious pain part of the sciatica 森本忠嗣, 塚本正紹, 園畑素樹, 馬渡正明 Hip Joint 40: 341-343, 2014. |
The efficacy of intravenous administration of tranexamic acid in rotational acetabular osteotomy. 前田純一郎, 穂積晃, 後藤久貴, 尾崎誠 Hip Joint 40: 344-347, 2014. |
About a post-operative haemorrhage reduction effect of the tranexamic acid administration in bilateral simultaneous Total Hip Arthroplasty 前田昭彦1), 中村正則1), 角南浩史2), 近藤宰司2) Hip Joint 40: 348-350, 2014. |
Is the hemostatic agent effective for MIS-THA ? 吉田宏 Hip Joint 40: 351-353, 2014. |
Safety about the deep vein thrombosis after the Total Hip Arthroplasty with the tranexamic acid administration 西原俊作 Hip Joint 40: 354-356, 2014. |
Evaluation of grit subchondral bone beam bone fracture and band pattern by the image of MRI sagittal section for the idiopathic necrosis of femoral head symptom 小林愛宙, 渥美敬, 玉置聡, 中西亮介, 渡邉実, 田邊智絵, 石川翼, 柁原俊久 Hip Joint 40: 357-361, 2014. |
Association between grit crush injury and proximal thighbone bone density in the avascular necrosis femoral head symptom 久保田聡, 稲葉裕, 小林直実, 雪澤洋平, 池裕之, 仲拓磨, 齋藤知行 Hip Joint 40: 362-365, 2014. |
About hip joint instability under the dynamic environment after the extensive backward turn osteotomy for the idiopathic necrosis of femoral head symptom 田邊智絵, 渥美敬, 玉置聡, 中西亮介, 渡邉実, 小林愛宙, 石川翼, 高島将, 柁原俊久 Hip Joint 40: 366-370, 2014. |
Investigation of bone marrow edema syndrome in our hospital 安藤渉, 山本健吾, 小山毅, 橋本佳周, 辻本貴志, 大園健二 Hip Joint 40: 371-373, 2014. |
Examination - from MRI for the necrotic level restoration early after head of femur backward turn osteotomy - operation for the adult extensive avascular necrosis femoral head 石川翼, 渥美敬, 玉置聡, 中西亮介, 渡辺実, 小林愛宙, 田邊智絵, 柁原俊久 Hip Joint 40: 374-377, 2014. |
Clinical results in the strange law that increased front and a backward turn for curvature varus osteotomy between the trochanter for the avascular necrosis femoral head symptom and radiographic examination 玉置聡, 渥美敬, 中西亮介, 渡邉実, 小林愛宙, 石川翼, 田邉智絵 Hip Joint 40: 378-381, 2014. |
It is results after the operation of the THA for the idiopathic necrosis of femoral head symptom 南川智彦, 内藤正俊, 中村好成, 小林知弘, 野村智洋, 萩尾友宣, 村岡邦秀, 坂本哲哉, 永野智子, 渡邊徳人, 蓑川創, 瀬尾哉 Hip Joint 40: 382-385, 2014. |
More than long-term results -20 year of the artificial head replacement for the idiopathic necrosis of femoral head symptom under 50 years old examination - of the course case 後藤久貴, 穂積晃, 木寺健一, 前田純一郎, 尾崎誠 Hip Joint 40: 386-389, 2014. |
Bone fracture type evaluation of the bilateral thighbone trochanter part bone fracture by 3D-CT 越智龍弥, 中野哲雄 Hip Joint 40: 390-393, 2014. |
About examination radiographic after the operation of Gamma 3 nail for the thighbone trochanter part bone fracture 大江啓介, 櫻井敦志 Hip Joint 40: 394-398, 2014. |
It is results after the operation of the unstable type thighbone trochanter part bone fracture 赤坂嘉之 Hip Joint 40: 399-404, 2014. |
It is a fatal case and the risk factor after the proximal thighbone bone fracture technique for less than six months 竹橋広倫1), 西野衆文1), 三島初2), 山崎正志2) Hip Joint 40: 405-408, 2014. |
Experience of the use of teriparatide acetate in proximal thighbone bone fracture treatment 高橋晃, 松原正明, 野木圭介, 木村晶理, 長束由里, 加瀬雅士, 植木博子, 竹村昌敏 Hip Joint 40: 409-411, 2014. |
The current situation and problem of the proximal thighbone bone fracture regional alliances pass 東栄治1), 松島年宏2), 城戸研二2) Hip Joint 40: 412-416, 2014. |
Influence of acetabular dysplasia for luxation after femoral head replacement 奥村朋央, 藤田裕, 原弘明, 野中崇大, 小出真里奈, 宮崎博子 Hip Joint 40: 417-420, 2014. |
Comparison of the initial solidity in the femoral neck fracture of the colorless stem and colored races stem 小河賢司, 古市格, 古畑友基 Hip Joint 40: 421-424, 2014. |
Use experience of the calcar replacement type stem for the proximal thighbone bone fracture special case 高木徹, 三喜知明 Hip Joint 40: 425-429, 2014. |
Examination of the initial solidity of Tri-lock bone preservation stem for the femoral neck fracture of elderly people 大倉俊昭, 川崎雅史, 落合聡史, 藤林孝義 Hip Joint 40: 430-433, 2014. |
Total Hip Arthroplasty by the front approach method for the case poor after the proximal thighbone bone fracture technique 吉居啓幸, 老沼和弘, 李向鋒, 田巻達也, 上西蔵人, 三浦陽子, 東秀隆, 白土英明 Hip Joint 40: 434-437, 2014. |
Comparison - with treatment result - side approach of the artificial head replacement by DAA in our hospital 平井奉博, 岩本克也 Hip Joint 40: 438-441, 2014. |
Comparison - with artificial head replacement - rear approach for the femoral neck fracture by Direct anterior approach 中村卓, 武井聰, 大木毅 Hip Joint 40: 442-444, 2014. |
Three cases that produced pseudarthrosis after the γ-nail enforcement for a thighbone trochanter part bone fracture, and underwent THA 武田勇樹, 船山敦, 福田慎介, 野本聡 Hip Joint 40: 445-447, 2014. |
It is examined the underachievement case after the operation in the unstable type thighbone trochanter part bone fracture 伊藤重治1), 佐々木幹2), 高木理彰2) Hip Joint 40: 448-451, 2014. |
Examination of the proximal thighbone bone fracture surgery case with the delirium 秋元博之, 黒瀬理恵 Hip Joint 40: 452-456, 2014. |
Examination of proximal thighbone bone fracture postoperative complications in our hospital 木戸健介, 福井康人, 大東昌史, 山崎隆仁, 日下部虎夫 Hip Joint 40: 457-459, 2014. |
About an initial diagnosis diagnosis of the inapparent shame ischium fracture 鈴木康司, 河内貞臣 Hip Joint 40: 460-462, 2014. |
Histories of treatment of the traumatic hip joint posterior fracture-dislocation in our hospital 三崎智範 Hip Joint 40: 463-465, 2014. |
Examination of the elderly people unstable type pelvis ring injury case for the past 10 years 高窪祐弥1), 佐々木幹1), 大木弘治1), 平山朋幸1), 赤羽武1), 和根崎禎大1), 高木理彰1), 玉木康信2), 川路博之2), 石井政次2), 小林真司3) Hip Joint 40: 466-468, 2014. |
Can the on admission D- dimer level predict the perioperative DVT onset of patients with proximal thighbone bone fracture? 中谷卓史, 西野衆文, 三島初, 山崎正志 Hip Joint 40: 469-472, 2014. |
Proximal thighbone bone fracture postoperatively about protective efficacy and safety of the venous thromboembolism with fondaparinux or the edoxaban administration 山口敏郎1), 長谷川正裕2), 須藤啓広2) Hip Joint 40: 473-476, 2014. |
Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis after warfarin and fondaparinux or the total hip prosthesis with the enoxaparin 中村精吾, 堀淳司 Hip Joint 40: 477-480, 2014. |
Experience of the Total Hip Arthroplasty by direct anterior approach for the femoral neck fracture 藤井秀人 Hip Joint 40: 481-483, 2014. |
Examination - of 100 learning curve - early days of DAA-THA 田巻達也, 三浦陽子, 吉居啓幸, 李向鋒, 上西蔵人, 老沼和弘, 白土英明 Hip Joint 40: 484-486, 2014. |
Treatment result of the THA using direct anterior approach in our hospital 福井康人, 木戸健介, 大東昌史, 山崎隆仁, 日下部虎夫 Hip Joint 40: 487-491, 2014. |
Usefulness of the stem-first method in the Total Hip Arthroplasty by dorsal position front approach method (DAA) 長谷川清一郎, 土屋正光, 小川博之 Hip Joint 40: 492-496, 2014. |
We evaluate the muscular tissue with the CT image after the THA technique by three approach one week later 長谷川隆司1), 和田大志1), 西野衆文1), 吉沢知宏1), 三島初1), 相野谷武士2) Hip Joint 40: 497-500, 2014. |
Total Hip Arthroplasty - short-term results - by direct anterior approach using the lower limbs traction operating table 田中祐治, 金井宏幸 Hip Joint 40: 501-508, 2014. |
Muscular tissue CT image evaluation before and after the previous outside approach THA technique 和田大志1), 三島初1), 吉沢知宏1), 菅谷久1), 西野衆文1), 山崎正志1), 相野谷武士2) Hip Joint 40: 509-513, 2014. |
About the usefulness of the spider arm in the THA using DAA 楊裕健, 大橋弘嗣, 洲鎌亮, 岡島良明, 羅建華 Hip Joint 40: 514-517, 2014. |
Medium-term results of Mayo Conservative Hip Prosthesis 藤井二郎, 田中隆治 Hip Joint 40: 518-522, 2014. |
Results ten years of alumina - on - alumina cemented THA (ABS: alumina bearing surface system) made by KYOCERA or more 澤田典与司, 櫛谷昭一 Hip Joint 40: 523-526, 2014. |
Long-term results of the Total Hip Arthroplasty using the AML-plus type stem 大久保匡1), 吉原愛雄1), 河野友紀1), 巽政人1), 平野雅幹1), 根本孝一1), 城本雄一郎2) Hip Joint 40: 527-531, 2014. |
Long-term results after the cementless Metasul total hip arthroplasty using the APR Cup. 原口圭司, 小柳淳一朗, 津田晃佑 Hip Joint 40: 532-534, 2014. |
Short-term results of the artificial head replacement using Ovation hip stem 玉川省吾, 井上尚美, 渡嘉敷卓也, 三浦慎次郎 Hip Joint 40: 535-539, 2014. |
Initial solidity of bone preservation type stem J-Taper in the Total Hip Arthroplasty 中村琢哉, 長谷川真之 Hip Joint 40: 540-542, 2014. |
Total hip arthroplasty using J-Taper stem: a short term results 三浦陽子, 老沼和弘, 金山竜沢, 田巻達也, 白土英明 Hip Joint 40: 543-545, 2014. |
Short-term results of the THA using the Saint pillar TMZF stem 辻本貴志, 橋本佳周, 安藤渉, 小山毅, 山本健吾, 大園健二 Hip Joint 40: 546-548, 2014. |
Use experience of Accolade II for the medullary cavity narrowness case 加藤誠, 森田充浩, 田中徹, 大石央代, 長谷川正樹, 山田治基 Hip Joint 40: 549-552, 2014. |
Treatment result of the taper wedge type cementless total hip prosthesis 山崎聡 Hip Joint 40: 553-555, 2014. |
By the difference X ray studies, does it affect the clinical outcome in the direct anterior and posterior approach using a taper wedged stem ? 小林英生, 馬場智規, 本間康弘, 松本幹生, 湯浅崇仁, 金子和夫 Hip Joint 40: 556-558, 2014. |
Short-term results of wide stopping type cement loess stem (S-LOCK) in our hospital 河野勤, 神宮司誠也, 宮西圭太, 原俊彦, 糸満盛憲 Hip Joint 40: 559-563, 2014. |
Short-term outcome of the THA using the MaximLock stem 蓑川創, 内藤正俊, 中村好成, 小林知弘, 野村智洋, 村岡邦秀, 萩尾友宣, 坂本哲哉, 永野智子, 渡邊徳人, 南川智彦, 瀬尾哉 Hip Joint 40: 564-567, 2014. |
Clinical significance of the ROM simulation in consideration of bone-related impingement in the THA 山村在慶1), 中田活也2), 秋山慶輔2) Hip Joint 40: 568-570, 2014. |
Inspection of the joint range of motion expansion effect by the great diameter grit use in the Total Hip Arthroplasty 津田晃佑1), 原口圭司1), 小柳淳一朗1), 高橋信太郎2), 洲鎌亮3) Hip Joint 40: 571-573, 2014. |
After the articular head prosthesis recurrent dislocation - cause and measures - 難波良文1), 梅原憲史1), 黒田崇之1), 三谷茂1), 花川志郎2) Hip Joint 40: 574-579, 2014. |
Clinical results of total hip replacement using dual mobility cup system 藤田貴也 Hip Joint 40: 580-583, 2014. |
Change - by the use of guide wire before examination - operation of the implant setting corner in OCM approach 浅野毅, 高橋大介, 入江徹, 紺野拓也, 新井隆太, 眞島任史, 岩崎倫政 Hip Joint 40: 584-587, 2014. |
Clinical validation of new simple device indirect anterior total hip arthroplasty 森田裕司, 大鶴任彦, 宗像裕太郎, 冨永絢子, 竹林友美, 橘田綾奈, 加藤義治 Hip Joint 40: 588-591, 2014. |
Measurement of the total hip prosthesis cup directionality with the simple X-rays front image using the form matching software 藤井玄二, 中村泰裕, 千葉武志 Hip Joint 40: 592-598, 2014. |
Adaptation in our hospital of Exeter stem and short-term results 福西成男1), 西尾祥史1), 藤原勇輝1), 吉矢晋一1), 福井智一2) Hip Joint 40: 599-602, 2014. |
Including the comparison with the results - before type clinical at the middle of the cement fixation K-MAX HS-3 (smooth surface) titanium alloy stem - 田村治郎 Hip Joint 40: 603-606, 2014. |
Analysis of the factor for the stem anteversion after total hip arthroplasty 伊藤知之1), 北原洋1), 鈴木勇人2), 田窪良太2), 今井教雄2), 宮坂大2), 遠藤直人2), 堀米洋二3), 湊泉3) Hip Joint 40: 607-611, 2014. |
Initial fixed style - multicenter study - of thighbone medullary cavity shape and taper wedge type stem ANTHOLOGY(R) 後藤久貴1), 穂積晃1), 木寺健一1), 尾崎誠1), 和田大志2), 西野衆文2), 三島初2), 秋山慶輔3), 中田活也3) Hip Joint 40: 612-615, 2014. |
The effect that the difference in stem length gives to an antetorsio corner and the alignment of the stem 高田亮平, 神野哲也, 古賀大介, 瀬川裕子, 星野ちさと, 平尾昌之, 麻生義則, 森田定雄, 宗田大, 大川淳 Hip Joint 40: 616-619, 2014. |
Difference in stress when Mayor of Stem was short and inserted small tapered wedge stem of the spray range in the thighbone of the different shape 中村琢哉 Hip Joint 40: 620-623, 2014. |
After usefulness - of G-guide in the stem antetorsio corner during the operation examination - in side up Roach 藤原勇輝1), 井田敬大1), 紺野拓也1), 井上正弘1), 菅野大己1), 増田武志1), 西尾祥史2), 福西成男2), 吉矢晋一2) Hip Joint 40: 624-627, 2014. |
Examination of the effect of the adduction insertion of the thighbone implant in the cementless Total Hip Arthroplasty 河路秀巳, 小林俊之, 高橋謙治, 植松卓哉, 大場良輔, 宮本暖, 佐竹美彦, 星川直哉, 高井信朗 Hip Joint 40: 628-631, 2014. |
After the operation the precision (precision inspection using dual-MPR) of the quantity of elongation of leg evaluation with X-rays 小川博之, 長谷川清一郎, 土屋正光 Hip Joint 40: 632-633, 2014. |
About a quantity of elongation of leg in bilateral simultaneous Total Hip Arthroplasty 木村晶理, 松原正明, 野木圭介, 長束由里, 加瀬雅士, 高橋晃, 竹村昌敏 Hip Joint 40: 634-637, 2014. |
Relationship of pelvic inclination and pelvic incidence in the acetabular roof aplasia using the CT 後東知宏, 峯田和明, 江川洋史, 西良浩一 Hip Joint 40: 638-641, 2014. |
Reliability of the pelvic inclination index in the simple X-rays pelvis lateral projection 鈴木大輔1), 中村光志1), 小山博史2), 星野裕信2), 松山幸弘2) Hip Joint 40: 642-644, 2014. |
Measurement procedure of the hip joint flexure angle that is hard to contain compensation due to pelvic retroversion 加藤充孝, 京仁寿 Hip Joint 40: 645-647, 2014. |
Just after THA technique an unaffected side hip joint flexure angle under the anesthesia and a pelvic compensation angle 加藤充孝, 京仁寿 Hip Joint 40: 648-650, 2014. |
Comparison - by pelvic inclination, backbone sagittal section alignment and lumbar vertebrae sliding symptom - Crowe classification in the Osteoarthritis of the hip 古市州郎, 黒田崇之, 難波良文, 梅原憲史, 河本豊広, 三谷茂 Hip Joint 40: 651-655, 2014. |
Pelvic inclination in front of the art in the navigation THA case and clinical results 黒田泰生, 中原一郎, 三木秀宣 Hip Joint 40: 656-658, 2014. |
Examination - in the case that we used a change - Ilizarov wound external fixation device of the pelvic lateroversion before and after all artificial joint replacement for the dislocation-related coxarthropathy together and did not use shortening osteotomy for 安部聡弥, 大関覚, 竹本知裕, 安村建介, 金子智則, 小川真人 Hip Joint 40: 659-662, 2014. |
Change over time of decubitus, the standing position pelvic inclination of bilateral hypoplasia-related Osteoarthritis of the hip given Total Hip Arthroplasty by one side 藤井裕之, 東良和 Hip Joint 40: 663-665, 2014. |
It is pelvic inclination after the Total Hip Arthroplasty in the pelvic excessive anteversion case 黒田一成, 加畑多文, 前田亨, 楫野良知, 渡邉慎, 岩井信太郎, 藤田健司, 長谷川和宏, 井上大輔, 土屋弘行 Hip Joint 40: 666-668, 2014. |
Examination of the factor to give it to a pelvic inclination change for 5 years after the THA technique 濱畑智弘1), 松原正明1), 野木圭介1), 木村晶理1), 長束由里1), 加瀬雅士1), 高橋晃1), 竹村昌敏1), 小杉雅英2), 宮本哲2) Hip Joint 40: 669-671, 2014. |
Change over time of the functional cup setting corner accompanied with the change of the pelvic inclination in the THA 岡上裕介1), 川上照彦1), 阿漕孝治1), 福田剛一2) Hip Joint 40: 672-675, 2014. |
Short-term results of new bone preservation type person mechanic joint (CARP-H) 安原愼治1), 安永裕司2), 山崎琢磨3), 越智光夫3) Hip Joint 40: 676-679, 2014. |
Examination of the MRI image after the surface substituted type Total Hip Arthroplasty 岩井信太郎1), 加畑多文1), 前田亨1), 楫野良知1), 藤田健司1), 長谷川和宏1), 井上大輔1), 山本崇史1), 土屋弘行1), 岩井信太郎2), 前田亨3) Hip Joint 40: 680-683, 2014. |
Characteristic of the bone response around bone preservation type BiCONTACT stem 兵頭康次郎, 河村春生 Hip Joint 40: 684-686, 2014. |
Medium-term results of bone preservation type Total Hip Arthroplasty Mayo conservative femoral prosthesis for young people 渡邉実1), 渥美敬1), 玉置聡1), 中西亮介1), 小林愛宙1), 石川翼1), 田邊智絵1), 高島将1), 柁原俊久2) Hip Joint 40: 687-690, 2014. |
3 cases that was given THA for the long-term course case after Cup arthroplasty 樋口史典1), 福西成男1), 西尾祥史1), 吉矢晋一1), 福井智一2), 武田悠2), 藤原勇輝3), 岡久昇平4) Hip Joint 40: 691-694, 2014. |
Examination of the THA slide aspect re-substitution case by the hip joint front approach 東秀隆, 老沼和弘, 白土英明, 金山竜沢, 三浦陽子, 田巻達也, 吉居啓幸, 上西蔵人, 李向鋒 Hip Joint 40: 695-698, 2014. |
Total hip prosthesis reimplantation using Regenerex Acetabular Augment 兵頭晃, 吉井祥二 Hip Joint 40: 699-703, 2014. |
Clinical results of the acetabular roof side reimplantation with the cementless cup 梅原憲史, 三谷茂, 難波良文, 黒田崇之, 河本豊広, 古市州郎 Hip Joint 40: 704-707, 2014. |
The results of cementless cup in revision total hip arthroplasty 松矢浩暉1), 徳永裕彦1), 飯田寛和2) Hip Joint 40: 708-710, 2014. |
About a short-term treatment result of the Total Hip Arthroplasty using the KT plate 松浦正典, 黒田貴顯, 鈴鹿智章, 中村卓 Hip Joint 40: 711-715, 2014. |
Short medium-term results of the acetabulum reconstruction using the cross plate 御旅屋宏史1), 市村和徳1), 松下功2) Hip Joint 40: 716-719, 2014. |
Results of revision THA using KT plate 峰巨, 宮崎展行, 阿部唯一, 谷口隆哉, 三宅悠介, 曽根勝真弓, 吉田宗人 Hip Joint 40: 720-723, 2014. |
Incorporation of bulk allograft in total hip revision arthroplasty 川那辺圭一1), 黒田隆2), 秋山治彦2) Hip Joint 40: 724-727, 2014. |
Technique option on the total hip prosthesis reimplantation thighbone side 廣瀬士朗1), 大塚博巳1), 森島達観1), 渡邉一貴1), 佐藤啓二1), 田中歩2) Hip Joint 40: 728-731, 2014. |
Histories of treatment for thighbone stem neighborhood bone fracture Vancouver classification Type B 藤井洋佑1), 香川洋平1), 岡田芳樹1), 野田知之1), 尾崎敏文1), 藤原一夫2), 遠藤裕介3), 高木徹4) Hip Joint 40: 732-735, 2014. |
Treatment result for the thighbone stem neighborhood bone fracture 石井庄次1), 増田敏光1), 増澤通永1), 阿部恒介1), 松葉祐介1), 伴孝介1), 別府諸兄1), 富田隆太郎2) Hip Joint 40: 736-739, 2014. |
SSI development protective efficacy of the bone cement with antimicrobial in the artificial head replacement 森田大悟, 岩瀬敏樹, 松下正矢, 伊藤禎志 Hip Joint 40: 740-742, 2014. |
Two cases that needed operative treatment for infection after the Total Hip Arthroplasty in our hospital 清水孝典, 安藤渉, 辻本貴志, 橋本佳周, 小山毅, 山本健吾, 大園健二 Hip Joint 40: 743-745, 2014. |
Experience of cementless THA using MPC polymer coating PE liner. 佐藤智太郎 Hip Joint 40: 746-748, 2014. |
Treatment result of the Total Hip Arthroplasty using Modular type stem 田中隆治, 藤井二郎 Hip Joint 40: 749-753, 2014. |
Results short-term after the operation of the ceramic on ceramic Total Hip Arthroplasty using the changer bulldog neck 土井口祐一, 石井孝子 Hip Joint 40: 754-757, 2014. |
Attempt to improvement in precision of the Total Hip Arthroplasty using the home 3D printer 小川博之1), 長谷川清一郎1), 土屋正光1), 木村晶理2), 松原正明2), 野木圭介2), 加瀬雅士2), 長塚由理2) Hip Joint 40: 758-760, 2014. |
A stem antetorsio corner in the Total Hip Arthroplasty: Comparison with conventional 2D measurement and the measurement by the 3D template software 小山毅, 山本健吾, 安藤渉, 橋本佳周, 辻本貴志, 大園健二 Hip Joint 40: 761-764, 2014. |
Use experience of Tritanium 野木圭介1), 松原正明1), 木村晶理1), 加瀬雅士1), 長束由里1), 佐藤敦子1), 高橋晃2) Hip Joint 40: 765-766, 2014. |
Short-term results of the hemisphere cup with the Paula's made of tantalum 平澤直之 Hip Joint 40: 767-771, 2014. |
Bone stock augumentation technique with bulk bone graft in cementless THA 柁原俊久, 佐藤昌明, 石田崇, 丹羽陽治郎, 玉置聡, 蜂谷將史 Hip Joint 40: 772-777, 2014. |
Total hip prosthesis reimplantation for the ARMD onset by the poor fitting of Head-neck junction 森田充浩, 加藤誠, 田中徹, 山田治基 Hip Joint 40: 778-781, 2014. |
After the metal on metal THA technique the examination (other institutions combination, prospective comparative study) by bone diameter of head differences and ion concentration of two years 相原雅治1), 大園健二2), 安藤渉2), 白土英明3), 老沼和弘3), 渥美敬4), 玉置聡4), 稲葉裕5), 小林直実5), 徳永裕彦6) Hip Joint 40: 782-787, 2014. |
It is the comparison between soft tissue change and other slide aspects in the MRI after the metal on metal THA technique 渡邊裕規, 蜂谷裕道, 谷口祥一, 村田英明 Hip Joint 40: 788-791, 2014. |
Setting precision of patient specific surgical guide in the acetabulum turn osteotomy 坂井孝司1), 高尾正樹1), 西井孝2), 菅野伸彦2) Hip Joint 40: 792-794, 2014. |
Experience of the cup setting of the contracted osteotomy THA which used CT based navigation for the Crowe IV dislocation-related coxarthropathy 薮野亙平, 澤田典与司 Hip Joint 40: 795-797, 2014. |
Precision evaluation of stem side patient specific surgical instruments in the THA 中村祐敬1), 堀内忠一1), 杉山肇2) Hip Joint 40: 798-800, 2014. |
Comparison of the stem antetorsio corner rating system in the THA using CT-based navigation 小柳淳一朗, 原口圭司, 津田晃佑 Hip Joint 40: 801-804, 2014. |
Usefulness of stem first in the Total Hip Arthroplasty in consideration of Combined anteversion 太田裕彦1), 三ツ木直人1), 瀧直也1), 荒武正人1), 木村哲也1), 齋藤知行2) Hip Joint 40: 805-808, 2014. |
Basic consideration - eighth report - of sound wave analysis for the cementless stem 古市格1), 小河賢司1), 大山純一2) Hip Joint 40: 809-812, 2014. |
Examination about the cup setting precision using the smartphone application in the simulated bone 黒坂健二1), 福西成男1), 西尾祥史1), 吉矢晋一1), 福井智一2) Hip Joint 40: 813-815, 2014. |
Cup setting precision using the operation Tasuku Chushi device (Hip COMPASS(R)) in the dorsal position front approach 仲宗根哲, 山内貴敬, 堀苑英寛, 金谷文則 Hip Joint 40: 816-820, 2014. |
Usefulness and problems of the plan before operation using the three-dimensional template software in Zimmer APS natural hip system 井上大輔, 加畑多文, 前田亨, 楫野良知, 渡邉慎, 岩井信太郎, 黒田一成, 藤田健司, 長谷川和宏, 山本崇史, 土屋弘行 Hip Joint 40: 821-825, 2014. |
Examination of the effect of tramadol hydrochloride/acetaminophen combination tablets on Total Hip Arthroplasty perioperative pain 山内裕樹1), 恩河匠2), 福原大夢2) Hip Joint 40: 826-829, 2014. |
The efficacy of multimodal periarticular injection for THA 辻荘市, 黒田栄史 Hip Joint 40: 830-832, 2014. |
Change of the inflammatory marker after the Total Hip Arthroplasty 門脇俊1), 内尾祐司1), 馬庭壯吉2) Hip Joint 40: 833-836, 2014. |
Problems of the Total Hip Arthroplasty for the obesity case 内田理 Hip Joint 40: 837-842, 2014. |
Examination of the iliopsoas muscle impinge which occurred after the Total Hip Arthroplasty 加瀬雅士, 松原正明, 野木圭介, 木村晶理, 長束由里, 高橋晃 Hip Joint 40: 843-845, 2014. |
Examination of the factor involved in CRP of patients after the Total Hip Arthroplasty 大橋寛憲1), 青田恵郎1), 佐藤法義1), 紺野愼一1), 北野尚子2) Hip Joint 40: 846-849, 2014. |
Examination of the acetabulum osteotomy unsuccessfullness case 小松大悟1), 関泰輔1), 池内一磨1), 竹上靖彦1), 天野貴文1), 長谷川幸治2) Hip Joint 40: 850-853, 2014. |
Avoiding THA - surgery non-accomplishment for the hip joint altitude contractures case suffering from treatment; possess; - 青田恵郎1), 大橋寛憲1), 佐藤法義1), 紺野愼一1), 北野尚子2) Hip Joint 40: 854-859, 2014. |
Examination of the sugar level in the synovial fluid which we obtained than a hip joint during surgery 石井研史, 小林雅文 Hip Joint 40: 860-864, 2014. |
About a change of the thighbone rotation position before and after the THA 上村圭亮1), 西井孝1), 菅野伸彦1), 高尾正樹2), 坂井孝司2) Hip Joint 40: 865-867, 2014. |
Change of the urinary incontinence symptom of women before and after the Total Hip Arthroplasty 奥村敬子1), 田巻達也1), 秋田恵一1), 老沼和弘2), 白土英明2), 巴ひかる3) Hip Joint 40: 868-872, 2014. |
Outcome of primary total hip arthroplasty in patients over 80 years of age 三浦陽子, 老沼和弘, 金山竜沢, 田巻達也, 白土英明 Hip Joint 40: 873-876, 2014. |
Comparison between acetabular lip evaluation and arthroscope views during the operation before operation using T2 mapping 萩尾友宣, 内藤正俊, 中村好成, 小林知弘, 野村智洋, 村岡邦秀, 坂本哲哉, 永野智子, 渡辺徳人, 蓑川創, 瀬尾哉, 南川智彦 Hip Joint 40: 877-880, 2014. |
Examination of the acetabular labrum tear merger case in the acetabular dysplasia 渡邊徳人, 内藤正俊, 中村好成, 小林知弘, 野村智洋, 村岡邦秀, 坂本哲哉, 萩尾友宣, 蓑川創, 永野智子, 瀬尾哉, 南川智彦 Hip Joint 40: 881-884, 2014. |
Examination of the frequency of Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) 坂本哲哉, 内藤正俊, 中村好成, 小林知弘, 野村智洋, 萩尾友宣, 村岡邦秀, 永野智子, 蓑川創, 瀬尾一, 南川智彦 Hip Joint 40: 885-887, 2014. |
Four examination that accepted herniation pits in a thighbone neck 榎田信平1), 岸本勇二1), 上村篤史1), 永島英樹1), 岡野徹2) Hip Joint 40: 888-890, 2014. |
Clinical study of the total hip prosthesis setting guide peculiar to patients 伊藤英也1), 田中健之2), 大嶋浩文2), 田中滋之2), 高取吉雄3), 茂呂徹3) Hip Joint 40: 891-895, 2014. |
A use experience of the modified cup guide in the dorsal position front approach THA 宮本理1), 小島隆治1), 伊志嶺卓2), 坂口亮人2) Hip Joint 40: 896-898, 2014. |
One patient who received THA for a femur fracture complicated with an ankylosis hip joint in one stage 石井孝子, 土井口祐一 Hip Joint 40: 899-902, 2014. |
Medium-term results of the total hip prosthesis surgery that used multiple stems properly 奥田直樹, 松原正明, 佐藤敦子, 野木圭介, 木村晶理, 加瀬雅士, 長束由里, 竹村昌敏, 高橋晃 Hip Joint 40: 903-907, 2014. |
Radiographic temporal change of Super Secur Fit HA(R) 樋口善俊, 大澤郁介 Hip Joint 40: 908-910, 2014. |
Examination of 4 cases that led to total hip prosthesis reimplantation after Bateman UPF II artificial head replacement 松葉祐介, 石井庄次, 増田敏光, 増澤通永, 阿部恒介, 伴孝介, 別府諸兄 Hip Joint 40: 911-915, 2014. |
Two patients who underwent Total Hip Arthroplasty for the Osteoarthritis of the hip associated with multiple bony outgrowths 三宅由晃1), 壺内貢1), 依光正則1), 木曽洋平1), 三宅孝昌1), 篠田潤子2) Hip Joint 40: 916-919, 2014. |
One case that looked at the mirror for a snapping hip with FAI, and separated an acetabular labrum suture and iliotibial band below 中山寛, 吉矢晋一 Hip Joint 40: 920-922, 2014. |
One patient who underwent arthroscopic surgery for coxalgia after RAO 遠藤裕介1), 岡田芳樹2), 香川洋平2), 尾崎敏文2), 藤原一夫3) Hip Joint 40: 923-926, 2014. |
Comparison between venous thromboembolism prophylaxis effect and bleeding - with examination - fondaparinux, bias pilin by the use of edoxaban after the acetabulum turn osteotomy 永野智子, 内藤正俊, 中村好成, 野村智洋, 小林知弘, 村岡邦秀, 坂本哲哉, 萩尾友宣, 渡邊徳人, 蓑川創, 南川智彦, 瀬尾哉 Hip Joint 40: 927-929, 2014. |
Examination of the acetabulum turn osteotomy case that we followed up more than ten years 渡邉弘之, 川谷洋右, 相良孝昭, 赤崎幸二 Hip Joint 40: 930-934, 2014. |
It is separated the sacroiliac joint after the Chiari pelvic osteotomy 黒田崇之, 三谷茂, 難波良文, 梅原憲史, 河本豊広, 古市州郎 Hip Joint 40: 935-938, 2014. |
Examination of the short external rotator preservation by the THA using Anterolateral-supine approach 赤石孝一1), 片野博1), 井上亮1), 大石裕誉2) Hip Joint 40: 939-941, 2014. |
Short external rotator preservation rate of the Total Hip Arthroplasty by MIS AL-supine approach 赤石孝一, 片野博, 井上亮 Hip Joint 40: 942-944, 2014. |
Short external rotator preservation in the outside approach small infestation Total Hip Arthroplasty before dorsal position and relations with the rehabilitation achievement degree 北原洋1), 伊藤知之1), 遠藤直人2), 宮坂大2) Hip Joint 40: 945-948, 2014. |
Proposal - of window (Gluteus-Piriformis-Window) between positional examination - gluteus - piriformis muscle which the direct anterior approach thighbone elevation retractor using the cadaver hangs over 林宏, 白川展之, 金子奏一郎 Hip Joint 40: 949-953, 2014. |
Thighbone bloodstream evaluation after the vitamin E administration for the rabbit steroid-related osteonecrosis model 池上徹, 上島圭一郎, 齊藤正純, 藤岡幹浩, 林成樹, 石田雅史, 栗林正明, 久保俊一 Hip Joint 40: 954-957, 2014. |
One case that produced the course of rapid destruction type coxarthropathy (RDC) after the femoral artery stenting 嶋谷彰芳, 祷史明, 吉田拓, 後藤一平 Hip Joint 40: 958-960, 2014. |
Perforation of the intestinal tract with thigh abscess - three cases report - 佐藤法義1), 青田恵郎1), 大橋寛憲1), 紺野愼一1), 北野尚子2) Hip Joint 40: 961-964, 2014. |
Tuberculous bursitis of the greater trochanter after total hip arthroplasty; a case report 西村立也 Hip Joint 40: 965-968, 2014. |
One patient who had a diagnosis of pseudogout after the articular head prosthesis implantation in the femoral neck fracture 脇阪敦彦 Hip Joint 40: 969-973, 2014. |
Reactive arthritis following intravesical BCG therapy which developed in the hip joint with idiopathic osteonecrosis of femoral head: A case report. 平野雅幹1), 吉原愛雄1), 大久保匡1), 巽政人1), 河野友紀1), 根本孝一1), 城本雄一郎2) Hip Joint 40: 974-978, 2014. |
Comparison of the perioperative solidification fibrinolytic system change of the THA by the difference in stem shape 平尾昌之, 神野哲也, 古賀大介, 宮武和正, 高田亮平, 麻生義則, 瀬川裕子, 森田定雄, 宗田大, 大川淳 Hip Joint 40: 979-983, 2014. |
Effect - that the external rotation in X-ray usefulness - pelvis during the operation in the side-lying THA gives in a cup appearance angular aperture 川合準, 池田登, 吉田昇平, 中村健次, 三河義弘 Hip Joint 40: 984-988, 2014. |
Use experience of the exercise evoked response (MEP) monitoring during the operation in the Total Hip Arthroplasty 田畑知法, 加来信広, 原克利, 津村弘 Hip Joint 40: 989-992, 2014. |
A case that the extensive ilium loss department after the own bone sampling underwent extraction grit transplant in the THA 寺元秀文 Hip Joint 40: 993-995, 2014. |
Examination of the local hypothermia effect after the Total Hip Arthroplasty 岩切健太郎1), 小林章郎1), 高岡邦夫1), 竹内雄一2), 木村祐介2) Hip Joint 40: 996-999, 2014. |
Examination of the multiple drug cocktail therapy for the THA 東良和, 藤井裕之 Hip Joint 40: 1000-1003, 2014. |
Brain MRI findings of patients scheduled for total hip arthroplasty 重村知徳1), 岸田俊二2), 中村順一2) Hip Joint 40: 1004-1008, 2014. |
Examination of the usefulness of the early operation for the proximal thighbone bone fracture 太田一威, 佐々木聡 Hip Joint 40: 1009-1011, 2014. |
Evaluation of the thighbone stem setting using the alignment guide 藤中太郎, 内田尚哉, 竹内弘毅, 草野寛 Hip Joint 40: 1012-1014, 2014. |
Two patients who presented with an ipsilateral thighbone neck, a trochanter part bone fracture 武田悠1), 福井智一1), 藤原勇輝1), 横山和典1), 真鍋貴重1), 福西成男2), 吉矢晋一2) Hip Joint 40: 1015-1018, 2014. |
Histories of treatment of the femoral neck fracture with a history of the acute intermittent porphyria 豊野修二1), 川路博之1), 石井政次1), 玉木康信1), 佐々木幹2), 高窪祐弥2), 平山朋幸2), 高木理彰2) Hip Joint 40: 1019-1021, 2014. |
A case of the femoral neck fracture that occurred after the thighbone trochanter part bone fracture fixation 竹林友美, 森田裕司, 宗像裕太郎, 大鶴任彦, 加藤義治 Hip Joint 40: 1022-1025, 2014. |
One patient who underwent reimplantation for recurrent dislocation after the THA technique using Dual Mobility Hip System 齊藤貴志, 八倉巻徹 Hip Joint 40: 1026-1028, 2014. |
Attention is necessary for withdrawal of Elite Plus stem of the flange type 後藤公志, 古屋佑樹 Hip Joint 40: 1029-1031, 2014. |
A case which produced an ureteric injury after the bone fusion for the hip joint posterior fracture-dislocation, and needed urinary tract reconstruction 大倉俊昭, 川崎雅史, 落合聡史, 藤林孝義 Hip Joint 40: 1032-1035, 2014. |
Two cases that underwent thighbone varus osteotomy for the hip joint instability symptom that occurred after the traumatic hip dislocation bone fracture with the head of femur bone fracture 宮本周一1), 岸田俊二1), 中村順一1), 萩原茂生1), 大前隆則1), 飯田哲2), 品田良之2), 鈴木千穂2), 原田義忠3) Hip Joint 40: 1036-1041, 2014. |
One case that produced superior gluteal artery bleeding on day 12 after the THA technique for the thrombocytopenia patients 村上将一, 祷史明, 吉田拓, 嶋谷彰芳 Hip Joint 40: 1042-1045, 2014. |
One patient who acetabular roof component did migration in a pelvis after the Total Hip Arthroplasty, and detected massive bleeding than external iliac artery false aneurysm 松本幹生1), 馬場智規1), 本間康弘1), 小林英生1), 湯浅崇仁1), 小川晴規1), 金子和夫1), 前澤克彦2) Hip Joint 40: 1046-1048, 2014. |
One case that produced iliopsoas muscle hematoma after the Total Hip Arthroplasty 奥村朋央, 藤田裕, 原弘明, 野中崇大, 小出真里奈, 宮崎博子 Hip Joint 40: 1049-1051, 2014. |
Improvement of the evaluation method for the change of pelvic sagittal inclination angle using plain radiographs 濱路博 Hip Joint 40: 1052-1057, 2014. |
Case research of acute osteoarthritis of hip after posterior lumbar interbody fusion. 石田崇, 柁原俊久, 佐藤昌明, 蜂谷將史 Hip Joint 40: 1058-1061, 2014. |
A case which performed the acetabulum turn osteotomy that used a thighbone osteotomy together for Perthes disease'-like transformation of precipitants unknown 亀山直美1), 浅海浩二1), 安藤健夫1), 三谷茂2) Hip Joint 40: 1062-1066, 2014. |
It is a vital prognosis after the surgery of patients with proximal male thighbone bone fracture 重村知徳1), 岸田俊二2), 中村順一2) Hip Joint 40: 1067-1070, 2014. |
Examination of the deep vein thrombosis after the artificial head replacement in the femoral neck fracture 望月猛 Hip Joint 40: 1071-1073, 2014. |
The current situation and problem of the proximal thighbone bone fracture regional alliances pass in eastern Owari 渡邉一貴1), 森島達観1), 廣瀬士朗1), 佐藤啓二1), 花林昭裕2), 櫻井公也3) Hip Joint 40: 1074-1076, 2014. |
Urinary incontinence due to THA through the posterolateral approach has been improved by opposite side THA through the direct lateral approach. 諸橋達1), 大林治1), 最上敦彦1), 神田章男1), 岩瀬秀明2), 金子和夫3), 馬場智規3) Hip Joint 40: 1077-1080, 2014. |
A case which repeated dislocation after the total hip prosthesis reimplantation for hip joint hyperexternal rotation rank 小山博史, 星野裕信, 古橋弘基, 松山幸弘 Hip Joint 40: 1081-1084, 2014. |