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Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science
Volume 1, Issue / 2022
English Article Japanese Article
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Foreword 槻木恵一 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 2022. |
Discovery of the new function of saliva, salivary gland and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) 猿田樹理 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 1-4, 2022. |
To advance IgA research 山本裕子 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 5-5, 2022. |
Activity introduction as the dietician at the dental clinic 岩橋亞希 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 6-6, 2022. |
About possibility of the presence of the structure preventing an invasion to the body of SARS-CoV-2 with the salivary protein 松原三佐子1,2), 吉里勝利2) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 7-7, 2022. |
All - people fix their eyes on a dental health examination for a saliva care foreign basic concept and the construction of the authorized system (a tentative name: a clinical practice laboratory test for saliva instruction dentist); and - 槻木恵一 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 20-20, 2022. |
Health science of the whole body to think about from salivary secretion 斎藤一郎 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 21-21, 2022. |
Periodontal disease to have an influence on the whole body, clinical consideration - about the association with prophylactic importance - dietary habits, meal nourishment 三辺正人 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 22-22, 2022. |
The effect that a food factor gives to intestinal tract and salivary gland: The bowels control the IgA level out of saliva 山本裕子 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 23-23, 2022. |
At a dental clinic the oral cavity all of the r syllabary series caries, nutrition education, actually 鵜池香織 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 23-23, 2022. |
Examination of cancer using saliva 杉本昌弘 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 24-24, 2022. |
We find oral cancer using saliva 石川恵生 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 24-24, 2022. |
Development of the self-health care sensor which is easily usable to a body kindly 長峯邦明 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 24-24, 2022. |
From the laboratory test for saliva of the oral cavity to a whole body 青山典生 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 25-25, 2022. |
We recite the saliva study in the nursing domain! 日本唾液ケア研究会 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 26-26, 2022. |
It is ... from evaluation - remote, the difference in method by the meeting by saliva by the musical therapy effect of the day service participant of the corona evil 佐藤光栄1), 杉本昌弘2) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 26-26, 2022. |
Investigation of running of the quantity of saliva oxytocin of ten expectant mothers and the subjective feeling 鷲尾弘枝 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 26-27, 2022. |
Oxidation potential of basic study - saliva of the effect with the salivary gland massage and change - of the oral wet strength 吉川千鶴子 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 27-27, 2022. |
We determine a cure-all oral immune practice antibody naturally 日本唾液ケア研究会 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 28-28, 2022. |
Relations of SIgA out of game participation time and saliva in the handball player 曽根良太 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 28-28, 2022. |
Examination - using identification - protein microarrays of the pathogenic germ which saliva IgA connects 羽室浩爾, 斎藤宏, 斎藤高雄, 甲田哲之 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 28-29, 2022. |
Promotion of secretion of saliva by lactic acid bacterium ONRICb0240 and the saliva ingredient 羽室浩爾, 甲田哲之 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 29-29, 2022. |
Ratio of antinew coronavirus IgA antibody of salivae in the Japanese that new coronavirus does not have the infection history 山本哲郎1,2), 槻木恵一3), 齋藤次郎4), 丹治公典5), 白石有希5), 加藤紀明1), 長岡功6), 山口英世7) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 30-30, 2022. |
Change comparison between instruction - early age mouse and old age mouse - of the saliva excretory type IgA antibody with the hinokitiol nasal administration 片岡宏介 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 30-31, 2022. |
Examination of the effect that short chain fatty acid oral intake gives at the IgA-secreting speed out of rat saliva 山本裕子1), 高橋徹2), 猿田樹理3), 坂口和歌子4), 両角俊哉5), 東雅啓6), 槻木恵一4) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 31-31, 2022. |
The oral cavity function decreases in the persons whom recognition of the taste decreases, too 矢田朋美, 青山典生 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 32-32, 2022. |
Penetration of the mouth care in the cancer nursing 佐伯香織 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 32-32, 2022. |
About a characteristic of the approach to dry mouth in the mouth care standard according to the condition of a patient 宮崎留美子 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 33-33, 2022. |
Fact-finding of the oral cavity function using OHAT-J in subjects of the language hearing therapy of our hospital 朝倉悦子1), 来代直美1), 山崎遥香2), 高橋悦子2) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 33-33, 2022. |
The barley young leave end promotes saliva IgA secretion 森川琢海1), 山本裕子2), 槻木恵一2) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 34-34, 2022. |
Effect on index and physical condition maintenance by the acetic acid bacteria Gluconacetobacter hansenii GK-1 intake of immunity 大江眞理子1), 山下そよぐ1), 清野慧至1), 梶山大地1), 奥山洋平1), 松岡亮輔1), 槻木恵一2) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 34-34, 2022. |
Inspection of the effect that cricket food gives to a salivary gland function 平田愛佳1,2), 佐藤匠2), 増田尚輝3), 姚陳娟4), 向井理恵2), 渡邉崇人3,5), 三戸太郎3,5), 赤松徹也2) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 35-35, 2022. |
Association with oral candidiasis and saliva 星憲幸1,2), 足立拓也2), 川西範繋2), 市ヶ谷成美2), 杉本昌弘3), 木本克彦2) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 36-36, 2022. |
Search of the biomarker out of saliva enabling arteriosclerotic early detection 三好伸典1), 川本章代1), 濱田吉宏1), 本田義知2), 二宮雄一3), 志水秀郎4), 高橋一也1) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 36-36, 2022. |
Comparison of the intraoral metabolic pool profile of stimulation saliva, resting saliva and the mouth rinsing anaphora liquid 丸山由貴, 川俣亮介, 市場有子, 堤康太, 木村光夫, 柿澤恭史 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 37-37, 2022. |
Associated - with the quantity of examination - salivary secretion of the cerebral cortex activation by the near-infrared light mouth intracavitary radiation 坂口和歌子1), 猿田樹理2), 槻木恵一1) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 37-37, 2022. |
Establishment of the SARS-CoV-2 quickness diagnostic method that assumed a very small amount of saliva a specimen 戸田 (徳山) 麗子1), 寺田知加1), 井出信次1), 竹部祐生亮1), 堀内俊克2), 雨宮剛志2), 福岡愛理2), 濱田良樹3), 里村一人1) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 38-38, 2022. |
Inhibitory action for the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) infection association factor of the toothpaste ingredient 岩本拓1), 牧野莉帆1), 柚鳥眞里1), 堤康太1), 辻一徳2), 森下聡1), 栗田啓1), 山本幸司1), 山本幸夫1), 槻木恵一3) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 38-38, 2022. |
We elucidate structure preventing an invasion to the body of SARS-CoV-2 with the salivary protein 松原三佐子1,2), 吉里勝利2) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 39-39, 2022. |
The effect that the addition quantity of water of salivary secretion and the meal gives to blood sugar after a meal 高橋徹1), 山本裕子2), 徳永美希1), 安川然太1) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 1: 40-40, 2022. |