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Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science
Volume 2, Issue / 2023
English Article Japanese Article
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Foreword 山本裕子 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 2023. |
Efforts of the standardization of the laboratory test for saliva 杉本昌弘1,2) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 1-7, 2023. |
About the construction of the healthcare worker authorization system specialized in - laboratory test for saliva for securing of quality of the laboratory test for saliva - 槻木恵一 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 8-8, 2023. |
People die from their mouths, but they are reborn from their mouths - Saliva is the fountain of life - 中澤桂一郎 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 9-12, 2023. |
We are now accepting opinions on "universal dental checkups" - Dental checkups, are you in favor or against them? - (Report) 日本唾液ケア研究会 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 13-14, 2023. |
Use of high-definition stereoscopic display in salivary gland anatomy education 板宮朋基 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 15-16, 2023. |
The theme of the Japanese saliva care workshop slogan "health longevity with cocktail saliva of the magic" of the "health enhancement of people by the construction of saliva study, laboratory test for saliva studies" second academic meeting 槻木恵一 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 24-24, 2023. |
The success or failure of the saliva control determines the quality of life in the final stage of the life 菊谷武 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 29-29, 2023. |
All the nations are approaches for the dental health examination 新宅正成 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 30-30, 2023. |
Of the group dental health examination utilizing the periodontal disease risk characterization which assumed significance and saliva of the periodontal disease examination in the dental health examination a specimen as for all the nations, actually 山本龍生 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 31-31, 2023. |
The current situation and a problem of the laboratory test for saliva and the future view 猿田樹理 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 32-32, 2023. |
Future prediction of the latest information and the laboratory test for saliva market of the metabolic loam study 杉本昌弘 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 33-33, 2023. |
Relation with saliva by the daily life clinical practice 半澤栄一 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 34-34, 2023. |
Oral risk management by the daily life clinical practice 齋藤満壽乃 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 34-34, 2023. |
The systemic disease that a medical practitioner has, approach from men Tal to oral management 武尾絵見子 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 35-35, 2023. |
About the use of the denture adhesive in the at-home dental practice 西村公一 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 35-35, 2023. |
Application to a mouse saliva excretory type IgA antibody humanized antibody aiming at the periodontal disease infection prophylaxis 吉松英樹1), 小柳圭代2), 小野圭昭2,3), 三宅達郎1,3), 片岡宏介3,4) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 36-36, 2023. |
The effect that a rice flour intake gives in rat gut flora and the IgA level out of saliva 山本裕子1), 高橋徹2), 両角俊哉3), 猿田樹理4), 坂口和歌子4), 清水智子4), 東雅啓5), 窪田展久4), 河田亮4), 槻木恵一4) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 36-36, 2023. |
Effect to give a quantity of IgA out of saliva which an intake of the yogurt crosses to an incidence risk to cold syndrome and human coronavirus 横尾岳大1), 唐舒宜1), 中村真梨枝1), 牧野聖也1), 狩野宏1), 北條研一1), 山本裕子2), 槻木恵一3) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 37-37, 2023. |
Change of the IgA-secreting speed out of human saliva by the fructo-oligosaccharide intake 堰圭介1), 曽我俊博1), 山本裕子2), 槻木恵一3) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 37-37, 2023. |
Salivary SARS-CoV-2 by the oral hygiene improvement and influenza viral infections inhibitory effect 岩本拓1), 久保裕亮1), 戸部聖一1), 堤康太1), 栗田啓1), 槻木恵一2) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 38-38, 2023. |
Difference in tendency - by the stratification by characteristic - salivary secretion speed of the saliva S-IgA concentrations in the athlete 田邊元, 上野俊明 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 38-38, 2023. |
Examination of the rating system of the excretory type immunoglobulin A out of high-precision and simple and easy saliva 曽根良太1), 玉井伸典2) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 39-39, 2023. |
The IgA measurement in saliva using the GLEIA simple sensor 広瀬美和子, 秋山優, 皆川宏貴, 濱田枝里, 今泉佑菜, 大室義希, 藤田智子, 白鳥行大, 堀井克紀 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 39-39, 2023. |
Improvement effect of oral cavity, bowel related conditions by by Augier meat (lactic acid bacterium EF-2001 supplement) 三邉正人1), 三邉正樹2), 上野紗璃2), 河野通良3), 野村武史2) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 40-40, 2023. |
Circadian rhythm of the saliva lactate dehydrogenase activity and thermostable 小根田洋史1), 山本龍生2) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 40-40, 2023. |
Study on screening of patients with mild and moderate periodontal disease by the metabolite out of saliva 枝松薫1), 石川恵生2), 杉本昌弘3), 飯野光喜2) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 41-41, 2023. |
Association between hepatocytes cancer and periodontal pathogenic microorganism derived from non-alcoholic fatty liver flame 両角俊哉1,2), 琢磨遼2), 山本裕子3), 松井嵩昌2), 三邉正人4), 小牧基浩2) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 41-41, 2023. |
Utilization of the laboratory test for saliva by the prophylactic practice system using Prophylaxis (American style prophylactic practice) going in our hospital (orthodontic clinic clinic) and necessary reason 坂本紗有見 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 42-42, 2023. |
Clinical utilization of the saliva sampling in our hospital 新田成人, 澁谷千枝子, 岩橋亜希, 篠原有柚美 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 42-42, 2023. |
Five cases of the desquamation mouth associated with lauryl sodium sulfate (SLS) 北村公1), 神部芳則1,2), 大橋豪1) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 43-43, 2023. |
About an oral cavity function drop and bad breath 小林正和 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 43-43, 2023. |
Summary of laboratory test for saliva (SMT) results in our hospital 宮崎由香 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 43-43, 2023. |
Possibility of the salivary secretion promotion effect by the acupuncture needle surgical operation 城明妙1), 金英泰2) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 44-44, 2023. |
Association between mucin and dry mouth symptom out of saliva in elderly people 高橋美月1), 向坊太郎1), 久保田潤平2), 多田葉子2), 唐木純一2), 正木千尋1), 近藤祐介1), 細川隆司1) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 44-44, 2023. |
The effect that hydrogen water drinking gives to salivary oxidation potential 西村純一, 古川麻子, 寺岡文雄 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 45-45, 2023. |
Inspection of the reference gene which expression is not influenced by for the blood vessel aging in all human salivae 三好伸典1), 川本章代1), 二宮雄一2), 仲川雅人4), 濱田吉宏1), 志水秀郎3), 本田義知4), 高橋一也1) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 45-45, 2023. |
Establishment of the SARS-CoV-2 quickness diagnostic method with the mobile type qPCR device which assumed a mouthwash a specimen 戸田(徳山)麗子1), 寺田知加1), 堀内俊克2), 雨宮剛志2), 福岡愛理2), 竹部祐生亮1), 小川隆3), 藤井誠子4), 喜久田利弘4), 里村一人1) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 46-46, 2023. |
Effect of treatment prediction of the Sjogren's syndrome by the ultrasonograph imaging 高木幸則1), 角美佐1), 佐藤俊太朗2), 川上純3), 中村卓1) Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 46-46, 2023. |
Mouth care in periodontal disease and expectant mothers 山本裕子 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 47-47, 2023. |
How to make and statistical analysis of the disease of oral cavity questionnaire questionnaire 渕田慎也 Journal of the Japan Saliva Care Science 2: 47-47, 2023. |